Thoughts to her and her family...

It is so unfortunate that as many people have posted, this will at least forever taint Disney magic for her family. I really hope that she recovers, and my prayers are with her and her family.
It is, however, also unfortunate that the news stations are using this family's pain and suffering for ratings. Not unlike the St. Petersburg Times "Expose" on theme park safety about a month ago, the media as a whole is wholly unconcerned with this poor girl and her family, they already are jumping on the fact that theme parks aren't regulated by any state regulatory agencies. As if the state has people who are experts at this sort of thing. If there are any engineering experts for this, we tend to refer to them as "Imaginears" around the WDW Resort, and I'm sure most, if not all are employed with the theme parks, because really, where else would they be? The media picks on places like Disney, because to be truthful, Walt's idealism and his belief that the world didn't have to be so bad, and that there will always be happiness and magic at Disney, coupled with his drive to create somewhere that would live up to the most rigorous of his personal standards. When you set the bar that high, unfortunately people wait for you to miss the mark. It's also important to keep in mind, to be truly objective, that just because the condition is pre-existing, doesn't mean that the person knows about it. My grandfather had an aneurism in his neck, that probably had been there most of his life, that he was unaware of until he was getting cancer treatments and they found it. Unfotunately for him, it was too late, but I'm hoping that he'll help to keep a healing eye on this poor girl from where ever he may be.
Since we all know to expect this sort of negative frenzy, I agree that it would be wonderful if we were able to wish her well, and keep our thoughts with her and her family, because as Disney fans, we know what is really important about this whole situation.