Funny things CM's say during spiels...


New Member
Re: Re: One of my favorites!

Originally posted by JTinCT
Was it DELMAN!! i love him!!! he left after my CP though i think...

Do not know who it was - it was October of 1999. Whoever it was, boy was he a hoot! One of the best street performers at MGM!



Well-Known Member
"alright folks...thank you for flying with Disney transportation...I'd like to welcome you to Hawaii....but I can' welcome to DTD....I'd like to ask everyone to stay behind the yellow line and to those of you standing...please hold on till we come to a complete stop..."

We all looked at eachother and laughed...there was only like 10 of us on the bus...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneydudette
"alright folks...thank you for flying with Disney transportation...I'd like to welcome you to Hawaii....but I can' welcome to DTD....I'd like to ask everyone to stay behind the yellow line and to those of you standing...please hold on till we come to a complete stop..."

We all looked at eachother and laughed...there was only like 10 of us on the bus...

I was riding with one of our drivers once... "Please do not attempt to exit the bus, until the bus is is moving at the same speed as the sidewalk"


Active Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
I was riding with one of our drivers once... "Please do not attempt to exit the bus, until the bus is is moving at the same speed as the sidewalk"

i like that one. :sohappy: :lol:


Well-Known Member
'This statue on the left is of the ancient Indian goddes of jorneys, she is waving good bye to us a we venture in the junge. On the right is bob, he invented the churro.'

'Moving at 1mph, Innoventions is the fastest moving building at Disneyland. Imagine how much fun your friends would make fun if you tripped getting onto it.'

'These butterflies can grow anywhere from 12 inches to 1 foot.'

'Ahhh, yes. The real reason you came in was to sit on our new Imagination Institute chairs. Created out of the most comfortable foam, they fell like you are on a cork in the ocean bobing around, and around.'

'This is the backside of water kids! Don't try this at home or you might hit your head on the back of the kitchen sink.'


New Member
From the ever-funny Jungle Cruise:

"If, when you exit the boat, you find your shoes rapidly filling with water .. you have gotten out on the wrong side. Please step back in and try again"

"Gee, that was fun. I think I'll go again. And again. And again ..."


My favorite saying, is one that was partly a JC guy and partly my brother in-law, justin. While we were stopped to get off the boat there were some plants, and the JC guy was like, "My favorite part of the ride, where I get to show you some of my favorite plants." Justin said, "cannibis?". And after the JC guy was done with his spiel he was like "I heard that" Plus I was screwing with him the whole ride, which was a bit mean, but also funny.


Well-Known Member
My favorite was in the Haunted Mansion...guess we weren't moving fast enough "come on keep shoving the person in front of've been doing it all day!"

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
When we were in the stretch room in the HM, the same thing happened with the hanging body, and then the lights came on after that. We needed to wait a few seconds for the elevator ( stretch room to fully rech the bottom, but this time, it took a couple more seconds long. A girl in there said, "Sooo, are you going to let us out now?" The cast member who was supervising the stretch room said, "You are such impatient corpses."


New Member
My Spiels and Adlibs

One I heard on JC:
"...and, as you know, Disney recently decided that it wouldn't be appropriate for us to carry firearms on the Jungle Cruise...but the hippos don't know that! (points fingers like a gun at hippo) BANG! BANG! *gurgle*"

"Please, no eating, drinking, use of smoking materials, flash photography or video recording equipment inside the convention center. Violators of convention center policy, along with any Auburn University fans, will be fed to the monster."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the ALL POWERFUL HEIGHT STICK OF DOOM!!! (*ooh, ah!*) The following presentation will contain bright flashing lights, periods of total darkness, and loud noises which may not be suitable for some guests...therefore, anyone not meeting the minumum height requirement of 44" as measured by the ALL POWERFUL HEIGHT STICK OF DOOM!!! (*ooh, ah!*) will not be allowed to participate in the demonstration today. Also, please no eating, drinking, smoking, flash photography or video recording inside the convention center. If any of you should violate these convention center policies, then I shall smite thee mightily with the awesome power of the ALL POWERFUL HEIGHT STICK OF DOOM!!! (*ooh, ah!*)!

Entering Alien Encounter Chamber:
"Right this way, folks, please follow me to the Demonstration Chamber. As you enter, please remember to hand your signed liability forms over to the attendant inside...oh, wait, never mind."

"Right this way, lucky victim...I mean, volunteers, please follow me to the demonstration chamber..."

"At this time, you have the right to exit early if you so choose. Repeat, you do have the right to exit early. You also have the right to remain silent. The right to an attorney. The right to bear arms, but not the right to arm bears...the last thing we need is Liverlips walkin' around with a thirty-ought-six. And don't forget, folks, you gotta fight for your right to party."

"Please move all the way down to the end of your row. Do not stop early and do not skip seats...this can cause a problem with the Tesla Coils that can release an energy wave from the Spectrogramic Cropusculator that will turn each and every one of you into a substance not unlike orange marmalade. I'm just a poor college student folks...I can't afford to keep buying toothbrushes to clean this thing with."

In the Dark, During the Show:
"IT'S GOT MY LEG! AAAAAAGGAHGGHH!" (you'd be surprised how effective this is)

Exiting chamber:
"Thanks for joining us, ladies and gentlemen. We apologize for any inconvenience these...uh...technical difficulties might have caused. Please make sure you have all personal belongings. Any severed limbs found inside the chamber will become the property of the Tomorrowland Biomedical Research and Pet Food Canning Division. Thanks for joining us, and have a pleasant day."

Outside, During Hella Bad Thunderstorm:
"Well, uh, folks...we hope you're enjoying this little demonstration by our Walt Disney World Special Weather Effects Team. Sadly, we've had a bit of a communications problem and we didn't know that this demo was scheduled today, but, uh...we hope you're enjoying it nonetheless. As for the length of the demonstration *LOUD thunder clap*, I'll have to ask my manager."

GUEST: "Excuse me, sir, but what can you do about getting the rain to stop (COMPLETELY serious!)?"
ME: "Well, ma' you remember that big transparent dome you drove into this morning?"


On the way into Epcot, the security officer looked into a lady's purse & said to the other officer, "Hey look, this one's still got some money left! Get on in there & spend, young lady!" He was full of jokes! It was good, it kind of lightened up the security check.


Well-Known Member
We had tow security officers standing on Main Street at DL when the park opened. Everyone was walking, except one lady....

'Don't worry lady, no one else is in the park.'

They kept at it like the two from the Muppet Show.


New Member
On the tram from the parking lot:
Please remain seated while on the tram. If you stand you will fall, if you fall we will laugh, if we laugh you will cry, and then you will be the only one crying in the happiest place on earth.


New Member
One that comes to mind for me is from the parking lot trams.

As you board watch you head and step and if you can't do that watch your mouth its a family park.

I have no idea why but we still find that one humorous:lol:


Well-Known Member
Cant resist bring thread back from death.....

I heard this:

Welcome to the Hollywood Tower Hotel, You are very lucky we just installed these seat belts... If one does fail during your ride you may pick up your check on the way out of the park latter this evening.... Thank you... (oh and we are no responsible for you loosing your voice... Ursula is....


Well-Known Member
These are great!

My favorite is at the HM, we were in the line outside and as we got up to the door, the CM said (totally straight faced): "No more bodies at this time." and shut the door on us (with him inside). We all had a nice chuckle from that.


When I would drive the Monorail on the Epcot Beam and no one was up in front I would get really bored and then just start saying random Disney information over the intercom. Sometime I would come on and say "ladies and gentlemen we have reached or cruising speed at 40mph and 100ft from the ground. It is now safe to take off your seat belts and walk around the cabin. We are about 10 minutes from Epcot, the weather there is 70 degrees and sunshine. About 15% chance of rain. I will come back just before we are about to desend into the station thank you for riding the walt disney world monorail system"


Well-Known Member
magic kingdom at 10pm...2 railroad conductors up on the ledge watching over as many many people exit and a very few of us (me included) enter the park...they are saying bye,bye and then they see a few of us walking in and sound a resounding hi and keep going back and forth with incoming and outgoing until they cant keep up....

then all of the sudden you hear them start SCREAMING "When I say Mickey you say mouse" mickey...........(Crowd--> mouse)
THen, "WHen i say donald,you say duck"...."donald" (
then ,"When I say magic,you say kingdom.......magic" (

the 2 conductors had a huge crowd that they were blocking the area to get under the trainstation to get out...but it was pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
Guys this is hilarious!!!!! I loved Bamboo's one about Test Track Greeter to God!!! That is priceless!!!!!!!! And Tyler's spiels!!! Great job guys!!! Belle

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