Funniest thing you rember in Walt Disney World.


New Member
My one year old son provided big laughs for us on our trip last week.

1) He was screaming BOOM!!! everytime the fireworls exploded at Wishes. It got so entertaining, we had twenty people around us watching him instead of the fireworks.

2) He insisted Eeyore is a cow. Everytime poor Eeyore came around, he just kept screaming COW!!!

Maybe not too funny, but darn cute!!!

santa's surpriz

New Member
Along time ago me,my Brother and Dad convinced my Mom Space Mountain was a slow ride like IASM.

The whole time we were riding she was calling us all names that was well lets just say Un Disney like.

Why is it everytime I do attempt this there is some smarty pants little kid standing there to correct me. It spoils all the fun to see my mom's face on a thrill ride (and hear her words of course!)


Well-Known Member
My one year old son provided big laughs for us on our trip last week.

1) He was screaming BOOM!!! everytime the fireworls exploded at Wishes. It got so entertaining, we had twenty people around us watching him instead of the fireworks.

2) He insisted Eeyore is a cow. Everytime poor Eeyore came around, he just kept screaming COW!!!

Maybe not too funny, but darn cute!!!

He really does look like a cow actually....


Well-Known Member
I have a funny one (for me): my wife and I have ridden everything multiple times including dinosaur. Well, last summer we get off and look at the picture and her mouth is letting out the biggest scream and she looks like she is panicking. She said it scared the h**l out of her. This happened on every thrill-type ride no matter how many times we rode them that trip. Never saw someone be OK with every ride in the book at Six Flags, Cedar Point, etc. then get to Disney and be afraid of the rides.


Active Member
I have two that I can think of.

1) the first year we went we were walking over the bridge in front of splash mountain and my son was asking "Is that the ride we are going on?", of coarse we said "No". His face when we came down the hill was priceless, he still tells us about it.

2) My family still teases me about this one, but I got in an argument at MK (yes the happiest place on earth) with a cheerleader dad. He took a chair from our lunch table and when I said something he hollared at me that I had stollen his chair. I turned and in a loud voice, (but nicely) asked the table next to us if I could use a chair as someone had taken mine without asking. When I turned around he had quitely returned the chair to our table, he must have talked to his kids and found out that I didn't take his chair.


Well-Known Member
I have one that my sister and I still laugh about. I hope I tell it right. My mom, dad, sister and I were going on Primevil Whirl. We all got into the ride vehicle. My family are all pretty tall and big (not me I'm short, so unfair. I'm suing someone about it HA) Well, as the lap bar was coming down my mom still has her arms down. We are telling her to lift them up but she never did. She spent the whole ride flinging her body back and forth trying to get her arms out. We were all laughing so hard at her that we couldn't hear the colorful words she was saying. By the time we got done my body hurt so bad from laughing, we look over at my mom and my DD (her and DH didn't go on because she wasn't tall enough she was only 5 then) asked why grandma was green. My mom was actually green. So from then on we called it Primevil Hurl. :lol:

Cubs Brian

Active Member
My funniest moment came just last week. we were waiting for a bus and my 2 sons(8 and 4 yr olds) were play boxing, naturally my older son was getting the best of my younger son(see avatar) when out of the blue my younger son jammed his finger up his nose and loudly declared " OKAY YOUR'E IN TROUBLE NOW, IT'S BOOGIE TIME!".and started to chase older son with a HUGE booger on his finger! I don't understand why none of the women thought it was funny, but every guy there nearly wet themselves.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:


Active Member
My funniest moment came just last week. we were waiting for a bus and my 2 sons(8 and 4 yr olds) were play boxing, naturally my older son was getting the best of my younger son(see avatar) when out of the blue my younger son jammed his finger up his nose and loudly declared " OKAY YOUR'E IN TROUBLE NOW, IT'S BOOGIE TIME!".and started to chase older son with a HUGE booger on his finger! I don't understand why none of the women thought it was funny, but every guy there nearly wet themselves.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

OMG . . . I think I would have peed my pants laughing!!!


Well-Known Member
My daughter always says some of the funniest things. One day a few years ago we were waiting for the bus at Caribbean Beach, which seemed to be taking forever. Anyway, she started singing to the tune of Some Day my Prince Will Come, "Some day my bus will come, some day my bus will come, and I have the feeling it'll be, by time I'm 83". We all fell out laughing at her.:lol: We sing it every time we wait for a bus now.:D


Well-Known Member
My funniest moment came just last week. we were waiting for a bus and my 2 sons(8 and 4 yr olds) were play boxing, naturally my older son was getting the best of my younger son(see avatar) when out of the blue my younger son jammed his finger up his nose and loudly declared " OKAY YOUR'E IN TROUBLE NOW, IT'S BOOGIE TIME!".and started to chase older son with a HUGE booger on his finger! I don't understand why none of the women thought it was funny, but every guy there nearly wet themselves.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

:lol: That's pretty funny. I would have laughed.


Well-Known Member
My funniest moment came just last week. we were waiting for a bus and my 2 sons(8 and 4 yr olds) were play boxing, naturally my older son was getting the best of my younger son(see avatar) when out of the blue my younger son jammed his finger up his nose and loudly declared " OKAY YOUR'E IN TROUBLE NOW, IT'S BOOGIE TIME!".and started to chase older son with a HUGE booger on his finger! I don't understand why none of the women thought it was funny, but every guy there nearly wet themselves.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:

That is funny as hell. I swear it. I have 2 boys so I can totally relate. ROFLMAO :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Our winter '07 trip we were waiting patiently to be seated at Liberty Tree Tavern along with lots and lots of other guests. One group of ladies was sitting against the wall underneath where there is tables up above by a banister. She was busy digging in her purse when Goofy quietly eased up to the banister above her holding his finger to his mouth for everyone to ssshhhh while he sneaked up on her. He leaned out over this lady. It took a minute but she eventually looked up. When she did she screamed and flung herself off the bench onto the floor. Everyone was rolling laughing including her. Goofy hurried down and hugged her. LOL! It was great. Later in the meal she was seated a few tables over from us. Goofy snuck up behind her again. She turned around and he was right there. Of course she screamed again and jumped. It was too good. :ROFLOL:

We generally get the lines giggling for IASW when we sing my father-in-law's version of the chorus: Weeeee take Visa, Maaaaster-Card... :ROFLOL:


New Member
Back in maybe 2003, my grandma came with me, my mom, and my dad on a trip to Disney.... My mom hates rides that drop up and down, so she'd never been on ToT... well somehow I'd convinced my gma to get on it... and to my surprise, she got on it again!! (mind you she was like 76) when we got the 2nd time... my mom was like "well it can't be that bad if she rode it twice.."
well needless to say, when me and my mom got off the ride she said every unmagical word she could think of and never rode it again lol

chris chris

Active Member
i was at the resteraunt right in tommorow land right infront of indy speed way(wats it called, im like dory i forget things...wat were we talking about again)jk. any ways b4 wishes tinker bell flies thru the air right, well we were so close to her me and my sister noticed it was a guy with stuffed .:eek::ROFLOL: then the fire works came on and we hade to lean over the ege to watch them.:(


New Member
Original Poster
Yeah, um, not funny at all. If it was my little girl that was knocked down, and someone laughed..... :fork:

Aren't you 10 years old or something like that? Shouldn't you be outside playing? Or coloring? Or watching Playhouse Disney?
Ha,Ha,Ha. I'm 11 and I don't give a crap what you say. Why do you care if an 11 year old is on wdwmagic? A kid can share magic on the forums right?


New Member
good times

I think it was in 2000, I had just gotten a video camera and brought it to the world. Well while I was malking down main street a seagull flies into my head, adn I have it all on camera, including me saying, did you see that, a seagull just hit me!


New Member
My family and I were standing in front of Germany getting food with some friends when this guy walks past and says "Is this Russia?" It ended up being the joke of the day. :ROFLOL: :wave:


Not so much a funny for me, but my Auntie nearly wet herself and still tells me about it 13 years later...

We went to Florida for my 9th birthday and as I was the youngest of the group, I was doing all the meet and greets and generally being spoilt rotten. Anyway, I was pulling my Auntie Mel to a ride I wanted to go on, and turned to see what was taking her so long. When I turned back, I walked smack into the Beast (as in Beauty and the...) so hard that he knocked me over backwards and frightened me that badly that I just burst into tears.:cry:

Maybe that explains why I'm not keen on a meet and greet with him now I'm older...:confused:

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