Funniest thing ever seen at WDW????


Active Member
During my trip to Epcot for new years 2000 I went to use the restroom just before Illuminations,there was a bit of a line for the mens and a huge line for the womens restroom well anyhow as I was coming out 3 fairly intoxicated girls that looked to probably be right at 21 cut all the guys waiting and walked right into the mens stalls,as I was walking away I heard a whole bunch of guys cheering and laughing :lookaroun:zipit::ROFLOL:

Whoo!!! :slurp:

I kid, I kid.


Well-Known Member
We were on the bus the other day going past the Yaught and Beach Club and some guys said in all seriousness "That's the Grand Floridian" :veryconfu

Tickled me just a little bit


Ok, well maybe more weird than funny but still worth sharing:

During my college program I was a cast member at World of Disney at Downtown Disney Marketplace. The store is huge as you all know, and very very crowded, especially in the evening. I had a family at my counter and I was merchantaining them... when I got to their total, which was fairly steep, the man went to get his extra cash out. Instead of reaching for his wallet or bag or purse of some kind... he proceeded to unbuckle his belt, unzip his shorts, and reveal a lime green speedo type thong thing, and reach inside and pull out a wad of cash.

He handed me his cash (slightly soggy I still remember), and I, of course, was horrified, but I couldn't really react or laugh or anything, because I'm sure that would have been embarassing to them... so I held it together until after I had finished with them.

Let's just say that was one of the most humorous experiences I had while working at good ole' World of Disney. (There are more stories, ha)


Working at Aloha Isle a man came up to the counter and asked "Is this where we get one of them Dole Whups?"

Of course I provided excellent guest service, then excused myself to the back where I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.


Ok, well maybe more weird than funny but still worth sharing:

During my college program I was a cast member at World of Disney at Downtown Disney Marketplace. The store is huge as you all know, and very very crowded, especially in the evening. I had a family at my counter and I was merchantaining them... when I got to their total, which was fairly steep, the man went to get his extra cash out. Instead of reaching for his wallet or bag or purse of some kind... he proceeded to unbuckle his belt, unzip his shorts, and reveal a lime green speedo type thong thing, and reach inside and pull out a wad of cash.

He handed me his cash (slightly soggy I still remember), and I, of course, was horrified, but I couldn't really react or laugh or anything, because I'm sure that would have been embarassing to them... so I held it together until after I had finished with them.

Let's just say that was one of the most humorous experiences I had while working at good ole' World of Disney. (There are more stories, ha)

Hmmm, I'm gonna look at the change I get at WDW verrrry differently, from now on! :eek:
More stories, you say? Bring 'em on! :sohappy:


New Member
My mom came into our hotel room and all of a sudden freaks out b/c her bank card is missing. She starts crying and fliping out,
mean while my dad and I are searching for it when she turns to say.
"It's in my pocket"

The parade was finished and we were processing back to the main hub.
My mom says to me
"cool how ariel and such knew it was your birthday"
When we all over hear this women in a boston accent say
"what is she rainman or something?"
I have no idea if it was directed towards us but it was hilarious.


New Member
this is kinda funny i guess...but it also made me mad a little bit

i worked parking at DAK and one day when i was speiling, a woman asked me "how to i get to disney world?" so i said "guess what youre at disney world"



New Member
This. Taken at MGM



Premium Member
I don't quite know what to say about that picture. I guess she doesn't have to have her bags checked upon entrance to the park since she has extra cubby holes for her stuff! :ROFLOL:


o yuck! i've seen many women who shouldn't be wearing halters braless.

so a really story that happened to me last week at work. So I'm walking down main street to get to the cart I'm suppose to be working. This lady stops me and asks me where The Disney Store is. I sorta pause hoping she'll realize her error and she doesn't say anything. I point her to the emporium and say they have the most magic kingdom merchandise in the park. I really wanted to tell her that she was in Disney so technically every store is a Disney Store. When I told my coordinator this he said "I hope you responded Flordia Mall."


Account Suspended
Ok, well maybe more weird than funny but still worth sharing:

During my college program I was a cast member at World of Disney at Downtown Disney Marketplace. The store is huge as you all know, and very very crowded, especially in the evening. I had a family at my counter and I was merchantaining them... when I got to their total, which was fairly steep, the man went to get his extra cash out. Instead of reaching for his wallet or bag or purse of some kind... he proceeded to unbuckle his belt, unzip his shorts, and reveal a lime green speedo type thong thing, and reach inside and pull out a wad of cash.

He handed me his cash (slightly soggy I still remember), and I, of course, was horrified, but I couldn't really react or laugh or anything, because I'm sure that would have been embarassing to them... so I held it together until after I had finished with them.

Let's just say that was one of the most humorous experiences I had while working at good ole' World of Disney. (There are more stories, ha)

If theres more we want to hear them :)


Active Member
has anyone ever noticed that the music on splash sounds like the critters are singing "come along show us your balls?" isnt that satisfactual? cracks me up every time! keep and ear out :slurp:


Active Member
lol ive just ruined the song for everyone, but if you get a chance to listen to it youll see what i mean. youll never hear it the same way again. :king:


Active Member
Ok, well maybe more weird than funny but still worth sharing:

During my college program I was a cast member at World of Disney at Downtown Disney Marketplace. The store is huge as you all know, and very very crowded, especially in the evening. I had a family at my counter and I was merchantaining them... when I got to their total, which was fairly steep, the man went to get his extra cash out. Instead of reaching for his wallet or bag or purse of some kind... he proceeded to unbuckle his belt, unzip his shorts, and reveal a lime green speedo type thong thing, and reach inside and pull out a wad of cash.

He handed me his cash (slightly soggy I still remember), and I, of course, was horrified, but I couldn't really react or laugh or anything, because I'm sure that would have been embarassing to them... so I held it together until after I had finished with them.

Let's just say that was one of the most humorous experiences I had while working at good ole' World of Disney. (There are more stories, ha)

The seventh grade boy in me almost came out when I read this one. So many funny (and probably inappropriate) comments ran through my mind. It's probably a good thing that I sent the 7th grader back to his room! :D

I always enjoy these threads. How abou a few more?


New Member
Last year my gf and I were trying out test track for the first time and seeing a massive line we decided to do the single riders' line. My gf is pretty sassy and she was put in the car ahead of me beside a gent who was roughly 55-60. She said hello and he says 'I hope you're not a screamer' and without thinking she says ' only on rides!'


Search for "Borat Speedo" on Google Images, 'cause that's the only thing I'm picturing in my head right now. :lol:

Ha, you have the right idea.

PintoColvig: Exactly. The 7th grader in me had to hold it together during that.

Here's another story, and again, more weird that funny, but...

I was at the counter in Wonderland (now the BBB) and a woman and a child came up to me with concern on her face. She walked up to the counter and set her bag down on the counter. I was going to try to help, and she told me that her child had gotten sick all over himself from eating too much candy. I was going to go get the boy a new shirt (for free) to wear to avoid being embarassed, and I was going to put the stuff she bought into a new bag for her. (This happened a lot) As I reached into her bag to move the contents, she yells NO, but it was too late, and I realized, not only had the child gotten sick on himself, his shirt, and the outside of the bag.... but the majority of it was inside the bag. She told me what products were in there, I arranged to have clean versions put in a new bag for her, and I went back, wash my hands like crazy, and went home sick for the rest of the day. It was gross, but I had to have a sense of humor about it.

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