When will I see the Sailboat... Bonus points if you know where this is from
Anyway, here are a couple of quickies from yours truly:
This wasn't so funny when it happened. It was more of a panic-fueled nightmare of screaming at the bus driver, but afterwards it was pretty hysterical. It was early January and pretty chilly. It was very chilly, apparently, for a small child of about 5-7 years old who was bundled up in a giant, puffy winter coat. His family had entered the bus via the (not an entrance) handicap exit. The bus driver didn't see them boarding at the last minute, I suppose, so he closed the door - on the little kid. Everyone was yelling at the bus driver to open the door, which he did, and everything was fine. A few seconds after that, though, you couldn't get the picture out of your mind of this little kid, bisected by bus doors, trapped in this giant puffy coat, and flailing his arms to try and grab hold of something. It was pretty funny...but again, only after he wasn't horribly maimed.
I took my then girlfriend (and later wife) to WDW after we'd been dating a short while. I already had a trip planned with my godson and his dad, so she tagged along. We were staying on the cheap then, at All-Star Movies. We'd just arrived and checked in, and we're bringing the bags from the car up to our room when she sees the giant Woody and Buzz statues. She screams out, "That's the biggest Woody I've ever seen!" to which I corrected, "Uh, second biggest, honey."
Ok, one more. This was many, many years ago when my family and I went on a WDW vacation with another family. They brought along a family member who was from somewhere deep in the backwoods of some country town, but she was a sweet lady. She was just elderly and very confused much of the time. Anyway, we were leaving the Magic Kingdom one night, and saw that the ferry was almost done boarding so we all hoofed it as fast as we could, considering. Of course, they held the boat for us and we all got onboard. We watched from the stern as the boat moved away from the MK dock. Suddenly, the aforementioned confused elderly lady grew terribly agitated and upset with all of us. When asked what was wrong, she threw up her hands in disgust, pointed to the shrinking dock and yelled out, "Well, yonder's the boat if we had just stayed on it!"
Oh, and everyone I know who has ever been on Splash Mountain has thought the same thing about the lyric mentioned earlier.