Funniest thing ever seen at WDW????


Active Member
Oh yes one more thing

I was standing in line for Thunder Mountain and the kid in front of me was freaking out. His mom said you liked its a small world .. the kid said yes. She said its just like that.. and Turned around and grinned at me... :lol: Because I guess she saw the look on my face...


Active Member
I was standing in line for Thunder Mountain and the kid in front of me was freaking out. His mom said you liked its a small world .. the kid said yes. She said its just like that.. and Turned around and grinned at me... :lol: Because I guess she saw the look on my face...

I told my dd that Dinosaur was like a cross between POTC and Small World but with Dinosaurs. It took me 2 years to get her back on it and I think she might still need thearpy. :lookaroun


New Member
Ok here is my contribution to the thread. Picture It ... MGM Studios... 1994... Shortly after the Tower of Terror opened. A friend of mine decided to try it out... Keep in mind this is the first and last time I rode this ride. They sit us next to these cute girls (we are 16 at the time) So we get to the drop and I kept my eyes closed the whole time. We get off of the ride and my friend says that was awesome but my arm hurts... we looked down and the girl apparently grabbed his arm and squeezed for dear life.

Okay- first, you have to ride TOT again- one time just won't do! Cuase you don't know when it's coming! After that. it's fun!

Now as to funny tales... I rode one time and was in line and waiting and rode with a lady and her young son- maybe 6 or so? He was voicing reservations all the way, nothing too bad, but clearly a bit uneasy about the upcoming experience. Mom was not particularly sympathetic, basically telling him it would be fine...

As we exited after the ride, I was right behind them as they made their way out through the store and the little boy wa an absolute wreck- crying in the horrendous terror that only a child can voice, and as they neared the exit, he suddenly stopped, looked up at Mom and with great intent said, "Can we do it again?"




New Member
I have some to share.

In 2005, my then 5 yr old niece decided she was ready ro try some new rides. She rode Star Tours and loved it. Then we talked her into trying BTMRR. Told her it was like ST but on a train. She watched the ride for a few moments and decided to try. But she had to sit with her uncle. So we get on and the 1st hill, clickity-clacking, she turns to her uncle and asks, "Are there bumps on this ride?". Sitting behind them, my mom and I tell her no as did my husband. So the train goes over the top and you can hear a little scream. Mom and I are laughing so hard, our checks hurt. So the train pulls to a stop and we all get off. We get outside and my niece is crying. So her mom hugs her and asks what's wrong. She turns and points to my husband and says,"Uncle Gabe lied, there were too bumps!". She did ride it again 2 days later - twice.

Last year when we went we convinced my mother, who hates heights and rides that go backwards, to just give Splash Mountain a chance. So the whole family gets on. Sister and Father-in-law in front, mom and I next, followed by hubby and niece. Now niece was scared and mom was terrified. So we get to the top of the hill, and mom has a death grip on the handle in front of her. We go down, I got soaked the worst, and mom (still with death grip) says, and I quote, "I was afraid of THAT!?". Got her and niece on EE, both hated it. Neither would get on ToT.

Favorite story that we talk about alot happened at Disneyland in 2004. It was mom, sister, brother, his wife, hubby, 2 nieces (4 and 2) and 2 nephews (4 and 3 mos). My SiL had never been and so we thought we'd have a little fun with her. We decided to go on Splash Mtn and hubby tells her that there were no seat belts on the ride. She did not believe us, something about height and drop, not to clear on what she said. So we get in and sure enough, no seatbelts. The next day we went to Califonia adventure and decide to ride ToT. Now she's believing my hubby whenever he told her about a ride. So this time we tell her that there are no seatbelts on ToT, but they have straps for your feet. Had her going. Then we get to the front and my brother who was in on the joke managed to keep his wife's attention away from the doors until it's our turn. The doors open and there's the seats with belts. She laughed and said we got her good. In the end, she didn't like the ride. Not comfortable in dark.

Sorry for long post, hope the stories made you a smile. :lookaroun :lol: :wave:
in 2005, my family went with my mom's sister and her family. they have 2 younger kids, i think like 5 and 7 at the time. these kids were brave, or at least wanted to seem brave like the big kids, and demanded to go on every ride we went on despite our warnings to them. well, Peter, the 5yo, decides he wants to go on ToT. hes fine during the ride, and during the drops, he doesnt say a word, but i can feel him clutching my arm for dear life. after the ride is over, everyone in the car turns to him and asks him if he liked it. he doesnt say a word, just crosses his arms and shakes his head "no". for the rest of the trip we kept teasing him saying "hear comes the big drop!" even on the mexican boat ride! he even freaked out in the elevator at DisneyQuest because of when it starts talking and shaking and everything!

also on the Haunted Mansion, he kept shouting to his dad "is it real?! is it real?!" to know if he should be scared or not.


New Member
When will I see the Sailboat... Bonus points if you know where this is from

Anyway, here are a couple of quickies from yours truly:

This wasn't so funny when it happened. It was more of a panic-fueled nightmare of screaming at the bus driver, but afterwards it was pretty hysterical. It was early January and pretty chilly. It was very chilly, apparently, for a small child of about 5-7 years old who was bundled up in a giant, puffy winter coat. His family had entered the bus via the (not an entrance) handicap exit. The bus driver didn't see them boarding at the last minute, I suppose, so he closed the door - on the little kid. Everyone was yelling at the bus driver to open the door, which he did, and everything was fine. A few seconds after that, though, you couldn't get the picture out of your mind of this little kid, bisected by bus doors, trapped in this giant puffy coat, and flailing his arms to try and grab hold of something. It was pretty funny...but again, only after he wasn't horribly maimed.

I took my then girlfriend (and later wife) to WDW after we'd been dating a short while. I already had a trip planned with my godson and his dad, so she tagged along. We were staying on the cheap then, at All-Star Movies. We'd just arrived and checked in, and we're bringing the bags from the car up to our room when she sees the giant Woody and Buzz statues. She screams out, "That's the biggest Woody I've ever seen!" to which I corrected, "Uh, second biggest, honey."

Ok, one more. This was many, many years ago when my family and I went on a WDW vacation with another family. They brought along a family member who was from somewhere deep in the backwoods of some country town, but she was a sweet lady. She was just elderly and very confused much of the time. Anyway, we were leaving the Magic Kingdom one night, and saw that the ferry was almost done boarding so we all hoofed it as fast as we could, considering. Of course, they held the boat for us and we all got onboard. We watched from the stern as the boat moved away from the MK dock. Suddenly, the aforementioned confused elderly lady grew terribly agitated and upset with all of us. When asked what was wrong, she threw up her hands in disgust, pointed to the shrinking dock and yelled out, "Well, yonder's the boat if we had just stayed on it!"

Oh, and everyone I know who has ever been on Splash Mountain has thought the same thing about the lyric mentioned earlier.


Active Member
i would say the one story that sticks out (and almost not allowed into epcot) was july 2007. I tried walking through the security area since i had no bags and was stopped anyway. now this might have been because i might have looked like trouble with a basketball jersey and backwards hat and such but security decided to stop me because he saw a bulge in my waist that i guess looked like a gun. he then approached me and asked "is that your cell phone?", and i politely replied no sir im just happy to see you today :D. he didnt find it as funny as the rest of the people in line did and told me security isnt a joke and if i did something like that again i had to leave.. woops!!
They said it would happen

While working Spectro Magic (night pac) one night in Liberty Square, me and some fellow cast members got into this production of a Pirate from POTC taking an attractive HM maid as his "wench". Well apparently this did not sit well with a young 4 year old boy who had been chatting with this young lady. He, with a plastic extendo sowrd in hand, challenged the pirate to a sword fight. My good friend the pirate had been in entertainment for many years before coming to ad/lib attractions and improvised by running up to a mech cart and taking a sword. They began to duel, the pirate from POTC with the young boy. The buckaneer took a shot to the stomach and fell dramatically on his back. Well as he was laying there playing "dead" The young man wound up, as the crowd collectively held it's breath, and brought the extendo sword down on his face.... HARD. The crowd groaned, I in Jungle cruise costume collapsed to the ground in laughter, and the young HM maid had tears in her eyes from the cuteness of the whole scene. She hugged the little boy and i led the pirate off stage to get some ice.


New Member
i would say the one story that sticks out (and almost not allowed into epcot) was july 2007. I tried walking through the security area since i had no bags and was stopped anyway. now this might have been because i might have looked like trouble with a basketball jersey and backwards hat and such but security decided to stop me because he saw a bulge in my waist that i guess looked like a gun. he then approached me and asked "is that your cell phone?", and i politely replied no sir im just happy to see you today :D. he didnt find it as funny as the rest of the people in line did and told me security isnt a joke and if i did something like that again i had to leave.. woops!!

Thats sooo funny! Made my day!!


New Member
During my trip to Epcot for new years 2000 I went to use the restroom just before Illuminations,there was a bit of a line for the mens and a huge line for the womens restroom well anyhow as I was coming out 3 fairly intoxicated girls that looked to probably be right at 21 cut all the guys waiting and walked right into the mens stalls,as I was walking away I heard a whole bunch of guys cheering and laughing :lookaroun:zipit::ROFLOL:

Thats the FUNNIEST thing i have EVER heard, " Wonder what kind of Drinks those chicks had??:ROFLOL:":zipit::zipit:


Active Member
Okay- first, you have to ride TOT again- one time just won't do! Cuase you don't know when it's coming! After that. it's fun!

Now as to funny tales... I rode one time and was in line and waiting and rode with a lady and her young son- maybe 6 or so? He was voicing reservations all the way, nothing too bad, but clearly a bit uneasy about the upcoming experience. Mom was not particularly sympathetic, basically telling him it would be fine...

As we exited after the ride, I was right behind them as they made their way out through the store and the little boy wa an absolute wreck- crying in the horrendous terror that only a child can voice, and as they neared the exit, he suddenly stopped, looked up at Mom and with great intent said, "Can we do it again?"



Wish I could but I am unable to due to health concerns

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