funniest overheard parent comment


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What memorably funny comments have you overheard parents saying to their kids?

We all say stupid things sometimes, but the stress of trying too hard to have fun seems to percolate periodically at DW in particular. I've overheard some parents say some silly things to their kids at Disney. I'm talking about the kind of comments parents say when they're just not thinking things through, or when a better way of handling the situation seems apparent to an outsider, thus making for a humorous situation.
Two comments I've overheard that I thought were funny:

1) At about 10am in the MK: "If you don't stop that, we're going to leave right now!" - Yeah, sure you are. ( unless the family had AP's) The kid seemed to realize it was an empty threat. Why not offer the kid a reward for being good instead?

2) Another time I heard a parent talking to a girl who was maybe five. The little girl was obviously mesmerized by the Disney experience, and in particular the huge bouqet of shiny mylar Mickey/Tinkerbell balloons on Main St. in the MK. The mom looked at her daughter and said something like, "You can get that there balloon today, or you can save your money and get something real nice at Walmart tomorrow!" Walmart AFTER Disney? Maybe before Disney would work, but after?


New Member
My funny comment comes from within my own family (even though Im embarrassed to admit)...while at disney, our 5 year old (decked out in disney attire, with every souvenier she ever wanted, another load of junk she wanted at the hotel, after finishing the last of character meals was acting up after a long day...

and hubby said "youre acting like a spoiled brat!"

ummm...DUH, why on earth would she ever behave that way?? :hammer: :lol: :sohappy:


1. Is this a real hotel
2. Where can we get reservations
3. It's really dirty! You should get someone to clean it

No kidding!


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I posted it on here before but thought it was so funny even though it's not exactly a parent comment but a kids:

One of the funniest Disney moments was when Jafar was out by the Jungle Cruise. This boy, probably no older than 7 was with his mom and she said something like want to go give him a high five and he got these big bug eyes and said dead seriously, "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS! IT'S THAT GUY THAT HATES US!". She asked what he meant and he says "I forget his name. Sumtin' like Omar Big Aladdin." She asked if he means Osama and he said "Yeah! Asthma Big Aladdin!" I laughed my butt off that someone that young would even know about all that and that he thought Jafar was the same guy as Osama, and the way he butchered his name was probably the best. Needless to say his mom just about peed her pants. lol


New Member
Dr.Seeker said:
1. Is this a real hotel
2. Where can we get reservations
3. It's really dirty! You should get someone to clean it
Two other good ones:
-"Is this a ride?"
-"Can I get off before it reaches the top?"
And my personal favorite:
-"Why hasn't Disney fixed the hole in front of the building yet?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really count, but when we were at Millionaire, one of the questions was something to the effect of "when a man proposes to a woman, he presents her with a what?" Obviously the answer is ring, but the first choice was a lawnmower, and while everyone laughs at the choice, all of a sudden my uncle goes "Yeah!!!" and the host looked in our direction like "Hmm...oookkk!" :lol:.

Ok, sorry please continue. I thought it was funny :lol:.


Well-Known Member
Parents in boiler room in Tower of Terror to their young daughter: "It's ok, sweetie. It isn't scary."

Daughter overheard in the dark drop shaft before the drop sequence to her spooked parents: "It's ok Mom. Dad will protect you."


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
It doesn't really count, but when we were at Millionaire, one of the questions was something to the effect of "when a man proposes to a woman, he presents her with a what?" Obviously the answer is ring, but the first choice was a lawnmower, and while everyone laughs at the choice, all of a sudden my uncle goes "Yeah!!!" and the host looked in our direction like "Hmm...oookkk!" :lol:.

Ok, sorry please continue. I thought it was funny :lol:.
LOL... I think i just found my engagement idea... Honey.. Will you merry me.. *presents mower i wanted badely to her for myself...*

I dont remember any at the moment... get back to me in 5 hours...


Well-Known Member
I have a few, the best is the first:
This is kind of gross, but I love overhearing conversations in the bathroom! Esp. in Disney where its usually a parent and child. The following was overheard in Adventureland:
Child: (after "doing" #1 and #2) Mom....which end do I wipe first?
Mother: Whatever end is drippier.

My sister and I call them "BS's" or bathroom stories. We always run out and have to tell our parents what happened in the bathroom.
I have many more, but I can't think of them right now!

Also, last year we were hanging around the All Star Music on our balcony during a really bad thunderstorm. It was like lightening strike after strike, and we were just watching it. A pair of women (in about their 40's) walked out of the room next to us, took one look at the lightening strike, and one goes to the other "Oh, that must be that laser show over in that park with the giant golf ball...I guess we missed it again, and I wanted to see it!"

I've also heard the tree of life referred to as the "Life of tree". my sister and i laughed about that one for an hour.

And...(last one) we were on the ferry going to the MK last november. There was a family of parents, 3 children and grandparents and it was clearly their first day in Disney (ever). As we were crossing the lake, the father is pointing out all these things to the rest of the family. He points to the contemporary and was like "oh, thats the new resort, Pop Country" then he points to the Grand Floridian and said "and see that red and white building, that's where the disney employees live" He then pointed to the monorail, and stated that they could go on that the next time, because the youngest wasn't tall enough to ride, and so on he went. He butchered Space Mtn, Astro Orbiter, the Castle, among many other things all in our short journey to the MK. My parents practically had to restrain me, I was going nuts! I hate people who make stuff up just to sound important! Grrr...he still angers me.

I think that's it for now.


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Original Poster
The kids stories reminded me of the time I was in Paris Disney. The whole way through this little girl behind me was terrified. Not crying, but clearly very scared, and the parents were trying to comfort her. At the end, the boats jammed up like they do in FL sometimes. Ahead we could see a rather scary skeleton, and beyond that - barely - the end of the ride. The girl stared to wail, tears streaming down her face. Mom said, "Don't worry, that skeleton is just make believe." "I know it is mom, but the ride, its almost over."


Well-Known Member
MickeyLuv'r said:
The kids stories reminded me of the time I was in Paris Disney. The whole way through this little girl behind me was terrified. Not crying, but clearly very scared, and the parents were trying to comfort her. At the end, the boats jammed up like they do in FL sometimes. Ahead we could see a rather scary skeleton, and beyond that - barely - the end of the ride. The girl stared to wail, tears streaming down her face. Mom said, "Don't worry, that skeleton is just make believe." "I know it is mom, but the ride, its almost over."

LOL! That has been THE funniest of all these comments posted here so far!!!!! :lol:


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Original Poster
Thanks. It was pretty funny at the time, though I tried not to laugh too hard and ruin the family's Disney moment.


Well-Known Member
MickeyLuv'r said:
Thanks. It was pretty funny at the time, though I tried not to laugh too hard and ruin the family's Disney moment.

All in all, that was a truly priceless Disney moment! :) :animwink:


New Member
MickeyLuv'r said:
1) At about 10am in the MK: "If you don't stop that, we're going to leave right now!" - Yeah, sure you are. ( unless the family had AP's) The kid seemed to realize it was an empty threat. Why not offer the kid a reward for being good instead?
I still have a memory of being a small child and being given that threat (albeit not a Disney). Dad came throguh on the threat and I went staight home. Lesson learnt, I never pushed my luck again. :lol:


Well-Known Member
SewIn2Disney said:
And...(last one) we were on the ferry going to the MK last november. There was a family of parents, 3 children and grandparents and it was clearly their first day in Disney (ever). As we were crossing the lake, the father is pointing out all these things to the rest of the family. He points to the contemporary and was like "oh, thats the new resort, Pop Country" then he points to the Grand Floridian and said "and see that red and white building, that's where the disney employees live" He then pointed to the monorail, and stated that they could go on that the next time, because the youngest wasn't tall enough to ride, and so on he went. He butchered Space Mtn, Astro Orbiter, the Castle, among many other things all in our short journey to the MK. My parents practically had to restrain me, I was going nuts! I hate people who make stuff up just to sound important! Grrr...he still angers me.

Oh I hate people like that! I usually roll my eyes or correct them. They don't usually like being corrected, and probably still think they're right.

I don't have a parent comment, but I do have an adult to bus driver comment. This couple gets on the bus on the back stairs (where it clearly says "Do Not Enter". I guess the bus driver closed the doors, either not seeing the people or thinking they were far away enough from the door that it wouldn't hit them. Well, at the next stop, the woman goes up to the bus driver and says "don't you EVER do that to me again!" and the bus driver is rather puzzled, so this woman's husband comes up and explains what happens and the bus driver says he's sorry but that you aren't allowed to enter the back door to begin with. The woman is still furious and leaves the bus. There are a few bus drivers milling about outside (Pleasure Island stop) and he says to one of them "hey, did we takes those "do not enter" signs off the back doors?" and the other one says "yeah, we put them on the front". Haha! Can you believe that woman? "Don't you EVER do that to me again!" What kind of a comment is that? What is the likelihood of ever seeing that bus driver again? And that just isn't the appropriate comment for that situation, if she was going to have to complain. Yeesh.


Well-Known Member
This one happened in BWI on my way to Disney:

We were sitting in the terminal in BWI waiting for our US Air jet to arrive. It was delayed in PVD (Providence) and was late in arriving causing us to have to wait around for an extra hour in the terminal. Well, there was this little boy burning off all his energy, running around the terminal while his mother went to find food leaving him with his grandfather. After a couple minutes of the mother being away, the little boy annouces clearly and very loud, "Hey grandpa! I've got to make stinky and you have to wipe my bum!!"

Needless to say, the grandfather was embaressed and everyone else was laughing!!


New Member
I, unfortunately, have to say that the funniest that I have heard in a while came from my 73 year old grandfather while waiting for the bus at Epcot two weeks ago. The bus pulled up, and he says to the bus driver, "Are you going to Ft. Wilderness?" Let's think. The sign at the bus stop says FW, and the sign on the bus says FW. I can see how it was easy for him to get confused.


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Indy 95 and I will definately remember this one.

We were not there when it happened but our uncle mike (who is the best story teller in the world) told us about it!!! Ok here it goes: I think this was about 5 or 6 yrs ago. My uncle and my aunt are sitting on a bench on Main Street waiting for the 10PM parade to begin. As it gets close to parade time the CM's clear the streets as you all know!!! So as the parade is coming down Main Street these two young children jump into the parade path and start dancing around. This is when their huge, 300 pound, mother screams in a VERY SOUTHERN VOICE: "GET OVER HERE YOU STUPID MORONS!!!!!!!" At this point she turns to my uncle and say to him: "Sometimes I just have to do that!!!" and smiles. What's funny about the smile is that she only have one tooth in the front of her mouth!!!!!

Now I'm not the type of person who likes to steriotype people but you can probably catch my drift!!!!!:lol:

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