funniest overheard parent comment

Miss Stitch

New Member
Dad while waiting for parade: "When I tell you not to do something and you do it anyway, what are you thinking?"
Kid: ":lookaroun ....time out?"

I laughed so hard, but I had to hide it.


New Member
Mom in line for PoTC w/4 kids: "Now remember, the pirates aren't real. They're robots. And the cannons don't really shoot, it's just light and sound like in the movies. And the smoke is just smoke machines..."(etc).

Talk about ruining the magic! :cry: :lol:

Well, since pirates, cannons, and smoke are all things that could potentially be frightening to a child, I can see where the mom was coming from on this one.


New Member
I just remembered another one...

In line for E:E at the Yeti Museum, first you pass a lot of real artifacts of the famous supposed Yeti. Well, the family in front of me seemed really into the attraction and was checking everything out. Anyways, the line was moving kind of slow so it took a bit.

One of the adults (there were about three in that party --with two kids (I'm guessing about the ages of 15 and 9)).
One of the adults was commenting on how everything was real.

Once you pass most of the line in that area, we came up to the "Lost Expedition of ____". (I forgot what year they said it was). It's the part with the ripped up tent, and broken gear. On the wall there is a small plaque that says something like "these are the only remaints of the lost expedition of ____. All of the expedition members went missing. A camera was found with only a few pictures in it. The pictures were developed, and this is what they were of..."

To the side of the plaque shows some blured pictures of half the yeti's head, and parts of his upper body. (The AA in the ride of coarse)

Well we got to there, and one of the adults read it outloud to everyone. And said something to the effect of "oh yeah"; like she remembered reading about that expedition elsewhere or saw something on TV about it. It was funny because the 15 year old (my age) was like "wow! really?" as he took a few second looks at the pictures. Everyone believed it was true.

Just shows what a great job Disney did with that attraction!!:) :p


New Member
this isnt really a parent comment but its very funny and it happened to my family, in 1998, we went to the Scifi diner and afterwards we wanted to get our picture in the car outside when ythe waitress was about to take it, and huge bolt of lightning stuck about 20 ft. away we all screamed and the waitress thoguht we weere crazy, we laughed about it when we told her why we screamed:lol:


Well-Known Member
"We didn't come here to play games all day, we came here to have fun!"

said in a scolding tone no less!

Guess that was in AK? That was my biggest disappointment with Disney..when they put in the cheesey Six Flags games w/junky toys. I know its the 'theme' of it. My girls don't ask us, but on the last trip grandma was with us and our youngest said "Grandma, make my daddy win me a prize" and before we could say anything grandma plunked down her money. So there I am trying to explain that daddy might not win and boom he wins, so then our nephew says "grandma make him win me a prize too!" Luckily he did..but he told the other four kids (all older and in a joking tone) "I'm out of luck so your not getting a prize!"


New Member
We have two that my family has overheard. And we still cringe and laugh at them!

1. We overheard this mom screaming at the top of her lungs, " Stop crying.....this is the happiest place on Earth"

2. A dad to his young son, "If you don't straighten up I'm taking you to the Magical Parking Lot" :lol:


New Member
I posted it on here before but thought it was so funny even though it's not exactly a parent comment but a kids:

One of the funniest Disney moments was when Jafar was out by the Jungle Cruise. This boy, probably no older than 7 was with his mom and she said something like want to go give him a high five and he got these big bug eyes and said dead seriously, "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS! IT'S THAT GUY THAT HATES US!". She asked what he meant and he says "I forget his name. Sumtin' like Omar Big Aladdin." She asked if he means Osama and he said "Yeah! Asthma Big Aladdin!" I laughed my butt off that someone that young would even know about all that and that he thought Jafar was the same guy as Osama, and the way he butchered his name was probably the best. Needless to say his mom just about peed her pants. lol

Cutest thing ever! :lol:

I have a few, the best is the first:
This is kind of gross, but I love overhearing conversations in the bathroom! Esp. in Disney where its usually a parent and child. The following was overheard in Adventureland:
Child: (after "doing" #1 and #2) Mom....which end do I wipe first?
Mother: Whatever end is drippier.

This made me ______ my pants. Drippy! :ROFLOL:

Overheard in Fantasyland....

"if you dont behave you are going to find yourself in the MAGICAL PARKING LOT."

I died laughing.

And then I peed them again. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
"Son, the doctor said it isn't good to keep having that bubblegum dream."

A true quote I heard from a parent getting off the monorail. Haven't a clue what it means. :veryconfu


New Member
I have a sad comment... it was my daughters first time at WDW in the Magic Kingdom. My daughter who was 3 at the time picked flowers for Grandma. Well my Mother In Law turns to her and said " Rozena, I don't want them! I don't want to be caught with them because, You are going to jail and getting kicked out of Disney World!" My daughter turns to her and with big tears rolling down her face says " But I wanted to give you flowers Gama". I wanted to hit her upside the face... I took the flowers and told her thank you. My mother in law is so cruel! Then my daughter is sitting on her lap because my Mother In Law had to have a wheel chair to ride in and so my daughter found a string on Grandma's hat and started playing with it. Grandma pushes her off the lap while the wheel chair is still rolling and tells her " You will never ride on my lap again! " I am so glad that when we go this year we will not be going with the in-laws... I just wish my husband would break the ties with them. She even was in the kitchen on night and told my daughter she was ugly... how can someone say that to someone who is so small or even at all... that is her only grandchild... some people


Active Member
Walking down Main Street on his first trip ever, my friend turned to us and said...

"There's an awful lot of kids crying for the happiest place on Earth."

A little lesson in irony.


Back when AE was still around my little bro did not want to do it because it was horrify to him, and well me too:lookaroun. So our dad forced him to go on it because I did it before and my dad was angry at the time. So they get to the SIR pre show and my brother is scared and has to go to the bathroom all of a sudden.

"IT's Running Down my leg!!!":lol:

Yes AE
scared the ______ ______ out of someone without even showing the alien.

Oh yeah and a bet a lot of y'all have heard my mom she always gets angry unfortunatley:lookaroun It depress me sometimes.

On a lighter note I have heard " What time is the______" You know the rest.
Seriously I have heard it.:sohappy:

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