funniest overheard parent comment


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maelstrom said:
Oh I hate people like that! I usually roll my eyes or correct them. They don't usually like being corrected, and probably still think they're right.

I don't have a parent comment, but I do have an adult to bus driver comment. This couple gets on the bus on the back stairs (where it clearly says "Do Not Enter". I guess the bus driver closed the doors, either not seeing the people or thinking they were far away enough from the door that it wouldn't hit them. Well, at the next stop, the woman goes up to the bus driver and says "don't you EVER do that to me again!" and the bus driver is rather puzzled, so this woman's husband comes up and explains what happens and the bus driver says he's sorry but that you aren't allowed to enter the back door to begin with. The woman is still furious and leaves the bus. There are a few bus drivers milling about outside (Pleasure Island stop) and he says to one of them "hey, did we takes those "do not enter" signs off the back doors?" and the other one says "yeah, we put them on the front". Haha! Can you believe that woman? "Don't you EVER do that to me again!" What kind of a comment is that? What is the likelihood of ever seeing that bus driver again? And that just isn't the appropriate comment for that situation, if she was going to have to complain. Yeesh.
The problem with the back doors, is that we can only see the actual stairs... we cannot see outside of the bus. When we see the last person off, we wait a second for them to clear the door, and then move the handle to the closed position. Depending on the bus, the door sometimes takes a split second to start to close. It's during that time that many people choose to ignore the "EXIT ONLY" (x2) "STAND CLEAR" (x2) and "DO NOT ENTER" (English & spanish on some) signs. Of course, as they enter, the driver is now paying attention to the folks entering the bus, so they don't see when the guest is trying to sneak in, until the door alarm goes off. I usually get on the PA and tell the guests that the just like the sign says, the back door is exit only, and you should not enter because those doors will close on them. I usually get a glare. (Funny thing is, this almost always happens at a deluxe resort only)


New Member
LOL, this is so funny that someone started this thread because last night, I had a "funny parent comment" experience...

Last night, I went to my boyfriends mom's house, and we were all discussing the upcomming trip to WDW that my family and I are taking my boyfriend on. At some point during the conversation my boyfriends mom proceeded to, in an attempt to make herself seem informed, make herself look like a complete idiot by saying:

"Are you going to go to Epcot, or just Disney World?"

I had to literally calm myself down to lower my blood pressure and hold myself back from my usual "The Walt Disney World Resort consists of four theme parks, two water parks, numerous resort hotes..." speech.


Well-Known Member
disgolfer said:
I, unfortunately, have to say that the funniest that I have heard in a while came from my 73 year old grandfather while waiting for the bus at Epcot two weeks ago. The bus pulled up, and he says to the bus driver, "Are you going to Ft. Wilderness?" Let's think. The sign at the bus stop says FW, and the sign on the bus says FW. I can see how it was easy for him to get confused.
I get that ALL the time.

My favorite story... I was doing the All-Stars to Blizzard Beach run. At the All-Stars, the BB stop is combined with the Epcot stop. The sign at the stop reads "Epcot -OR- Blizzard Beach"

I was driving one of the Novas, with the HUGE bright orange LED destination sign that very clearly read "BLIZZARD BEACH."

When I got to Sports, "Do you go to Epcot?" "Epcot???" "Where are you going??"

When I got to Music, "Do you go to Epcot???????"

As I pulled into Movies, I noticed a husband and wife, and the husband had one of those white with red tip seeing sticks, (sorry, not sure what they're called), but at any rate, it signified to me that he had a visual disability. As I get closer, I see the wife point to the bus, and I can make out her asking him if the bus went to Epcot. He then shook his head no, and I could see him mouth that it went to Blizzard Beach. AS soon as I opened the door, another lady comes up and was like, "Do you go to Epcot??" I just about wanted to say, "Look lady, the BLIND MAN knows I don't go to Epcot!!!!" Of course, I didn't, I politely said no, and bit my toungue. :)


Well-Known Member
This one has become a personal joke between hubby and I. We were happily waiting at the bus stop at DL (yes I know some people call it PORS, but back then it was DL) and this husband wife and kids comes up and wonders what bus stop to wait at. The wife asked about it and the husband starts screaming at her "READ THE SIGNS, WHAT DOES IT SAY ON THE SIGN, READ THE SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!" He just keeps going on. Hubby and were mortified for his poor family to have to put up with him (we only did for that short time and even then we got up and moved away from him.)

So now whenever we think the other one is being condinsending we just say "read the sign, what does it say on the sign." We both get the picture pretty quickly."

:lol: :lookaroun


New Member
DisneyPhD said:
This one has become a personal joke between hubby and I. We were happily waiting at the bus stop at DL (yes I know some people call it PORS, but back then it was DL) and this husband wife and kids comes up and wonders what bus stop to wait at. The wife asked about it and the husband starts screaming at her "READ THE SIGNS, WHAT DOES IT SAY ON THE SIGN, READ THE SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!" He just keeps going on. Hubby and were mortified for his poor family to have to put up with him (we only did for that short time and even then we got up and moved away from him.)

So now whenever we think the other one is being condinsending we just say "read the sign, what does it say on the sign." We both get the picture pretty quickly."

:lol: :lookaroun
LOL... that's so funny! I hate the know-it-all types. They are always so obviously not what they seem.


New Member
I think the funniest Disney "parent moment" I have is from the church trip I took with my family and my grandmother's church when I was maybe 8 or so. It was the last day, and as the large crowd of us was desccending the monorail ramp into the TTC to go to our bus to begin the looong drive back to Alabama, my Aunt Becky looked to her son, my cousin, and said, "Take a good look, Clay...the next time you see Disney World, you'll be in college."

Nobody had been misbehaving, mind was a budgeting thing.

The funny part was...the comment turned out to be absolutely true. :)


New Member
I hope this is related enough - it could have happened at Animal Kingdom if they had penguins :p Anyway, I was at a marine park and heard a father explaining to his son that the penguins didn't fly away because the place kept their wings clipped! I almost died.

Another is from our September trip - we were in Epcot and Honey I Shrunk the Audience wouldn't work - the couple behind us said that it was the second thing they had run into that was having problems that day and said "this is ridiculous - tomorrow we are going back over to Disney!"


Well-Known Member
Ok when I went on the famous carousel of progress, my grandparents and I were of course talking about its roots at the world's fair and how they saw the original show back in the summer of 1964. Further up in line I could clearly here and older man tell his family too how he saw the show at the World's Fair and at Disneyland/ Though I never talked to him about him and what he thought of the CoP today, as we entered the theater and sat down, I assume his daughter just spoke out and said "Oh this is the one with the moving theater?!". I wanted to take her and strap her to the carousel wall! LOL nahhh I'd never do that. but still she gets like a 5 minute history lesson on the ride, can clearly see that the walls outside are rotating every four minutes and it's called the carousel of progress.

MUAHAHA " oh honey I think the tomorrowland transit authoirty can get us quickly to the contemporary resort!:" :lol: :hammer:


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M:SpilotISTC12 said:
On the TTA when they were Paging Tom Morrow after some guy said "Hey Tom some one is paging you!" I just started laughing.
I actually worked with someone once whose name was Thomas Morrow


New Member
OK i have a lot of people when i was working down @ Epcot come down to my boat and then ask me.................... "Is this the boat?!"

Also it's a stupid question in a way, but in we always have people asking us if we were on tracks........EVEN though in our spiels we say, "we are a free floating vessle, which means we are NOT attached to any cables, tracks, rails, ropes, strings or chains of any sorts, to please remain seated", and a majority of the ways each boat captains drives their boat, u can clearly tell we are not on a track!!

We also have people ask if the friendship baots which only run in the U area of MGM and Epcot if we went to the Magic Kingdom....."We always tell people if they put their arms out the windows and flapped really hard maybe we could get there..."


Well-Known Member
i think one of my favorite comments was overheard on a bus going to Blizzard Beach...

a group of people were discussing various rides and stuff to do at Blizzard Beach (one of that aunts or grandmothers had an unoffical guidebook and had a bunch of pages marked with little neon coloed flags :lookaroun: ) the one aunt looks perplexed when she reads about Summett Plummett (we had just entered the park and could see it out the window) she said: "Oh! Thats that big water slide. you just fly right off the end of that thing?"

my brother and i looked at each other and just burst out laughing.

also...on a bus to Pleasure Island, my fiance and i overheard a conversation between two college girls and two elderly women. the older ladies asked: "what are you girls going to do tonight?"
the girls replied: "we're going to go drinking and clubbin' at Pleasure Island." then the older women said: "oh! that's what we're doing to!"


Well-Known Member
diddy_mouse said:
i think one of my favorite comments was overheard on a bus going to Blizzard Beach...

a group of people were discussing various rides and stuff to do at Blizzard Beach (one of that aunts or grandmothers had an unoffical guidebook and had a bunch of pages marked with little neon coloed flags :lookaroun: ) the one aunt looks perplexed when she reads about Summett Plummett (we had just entered the park and could see it out the window) she said: "Oh! Thats that big water slide. you just fly right off the end of that thing?"

my brother and i looked at each other and just burst out laughing.

also...on a bus to Pleasure Island, my fiance and i overheard a conversation between two college girls and two elderly women. the older ladies asked: "what are you girls going to do tonight?"
the girls replied: "we're going to go drinking and clubbin' at Pleasure Island." then the older women said: "oh! that's what we're doing to!"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I loved the second one!!


Well-Known Member
Overheard on the bus, between an older couple, in their mid 50's

Woman: "That Alien Ride was so scary!"
Man:"Yeah, I remember when it was Mr. Todd's Wild Adventure."

My girlfriend and I spent the rest of the trip excited to go on Mr. Todd.


Well-Known Member
FanofDinsey1981 said:
Overheard in Fantasyland....

"if you dont behave you are going to find yourself in the MAGICAL PARKING LOT."

I died laughing.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That is a good one, I have to remember that! (I might not leave for the day, but I would take a time out in the parking lot if needed!)


New Member
DisneyPhD said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

That is a good one, I have to remember that! (I might not leave for the day, but I would take a time out in the parking lot if needed!)
And that would probably work. Can you imagine it? A kid acting up, telling them "We are leaving." and walking them out. The long walk to the parking lot/bus stop. I would actually take my kid, onto the bus/into the car, and tell them "You act up once more and we will be taking this bus/car back to the hotel." and then get off the bus/out of the car. I think that would work. It would have shaped me up!


Well-Known Member
Heard while riding the monorail (looking out at MK) "Look its Disney world!" "Hey kids see the castle, thats Mickey Mouse Castle. Thats where Mickey lives"

Heard by someone else in the que for PoTC "Wow, I can't believe they built this ride so fast after the movie came out"

Heard just outside HM "Hey guys lets go ride Haunted Mansion, they have 99 ghosts in there"

Heard on the monorail to EPCOT (pointing to SSE) "Look kids theres Mission:Space"

General Grizz

New Member
At Philharmagic a month ago. This took place where Flounder looks out at the audience and says, "Cool.". . .

Father: Look at the fish! Do you remember his name?
Son: Yeah!
Father: Nemo!

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