funniest overheard parent comment


Active Member
Actually, my boyfriend and I always sigh loudly and say (in jest, of course), "Walt Disney World would be so much more fun if it wasn't for all these darned kids!"

i know your joking.... but your right - it would be ALOT better :lol: it would actually be interesting to see the demographic of people that WOULD go without little s.... i mean darlings there :)


A few years ago while at Downtown Disney: It was in August, so of course it had rained. We walked passed a family in the parking lot, they were all getting into an Escalade (sp), when the father starts yelling "who left the window down, who left the window down" No one would answer him!! My husband and I say that to each other all the time now and just laugh!!! :wave:


New Member
Dude where's my car

Over christmas it we ran to ak about an hr b4 it closed so we could walk on everst and after we did we went beack out to the parking lot and thats where the nuttyness began. The announcer goes everyone look to your left it is the allucid tourist..the guy was pushing his baby carriage with his left hand and his right hand was up in the air pushing the panic on his keys becuse he had no idea where he put his ca:lol: r. So we continue to the next parkign lot over and we all see his car and the group in front of us leader goes...i wouldnt be laughing i have no idea where we left our two vans:hammer: :hammer: .they went from laughing to panicing because none of them could remember. Lets say by the time my family got in our car they guy could see his car but not get to it. (there is a river type thing that divide parking lots) and the other people were getting in there car. that was funny. The tram announcer said the guy had been there for 20 minutes now...the announcer was going crazy.:sohappy:


New Member
While pointing to a painting depicting the Revolutionary War battle of Valcour Bay - a location on Lake Champlain in NY State - a grandfather explained to his grandchildren that that was where Columbus freed the Hebrews from France. :veryconfu

I think that's about the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Really really sad and pathetic, but funny. That Columbus, boy, he sure got around! I wonder if he parted the Channel. :animwink:
This was one of the best parental scoldings I ever heard at whomever you are, you're brilliant.

Little boy (about 5) threw ice cream spoonful at 3 or 4 year old sister.

Mom: (to little boy) Young man, you apologize to your sister right now. And when we get back to the hotel, no matter HOW good you've been the rest of the day, you'll be in time out for 5 minutes. Do you understand?

Little boy: NO! I's not sayin' sorry!

Mom: Well, then we'll just have to go find you see him standing there giving autographs?

Little boy: Yes...

Mom: Well, let's go stand in line and tell him what you did and how you won't apologize to your sister...we can see what he has to say.
Little boy: Sarah, I'm sorry! Sarah, I'm sorry, I love you!

My family: Laughing our :lol: off...


I still have a memory of being a small child and being given that threat (albeit not a Disney). Dad came throguh on the threat and I went staight home. Lesson learnt, I never pushed my luck again. :lol:

I agree, it's not always an empty threat...

With some of the hotels being so close(ex. polynesian), having another parent who can go on with the other kid(s), the fact that you may be there for multiple days....and the ease at which you can enter and leave parks, it's not un-feasible to actually leave the park for that day....

Kids have an uncanny skill of remembering the frequency and strength of your reprimands....


We were at the MK in Oct. and there was a child around the age of 3 acting up in a stroller. One of my daughters who was pregnant at the time looked at me and said, "My child will not act like that." Now granted, my kids were very well behaved when they were young, but kids will be kids. I just looked at her and said, "Yes he will."


Well-Known Member
I have a little twist....this is the funniest overheard child comment to her parent. This was last Sunday, I was exiting the FriendShip boat at the Morocco dock, and up between Morocco and France was Belle and the Beast. The mother of the child (about age 9) who was sitting next to me, points and goes "oh, look there's belle, would you like to go get her autograph?" The little girl gives the mother an exasperated sigh, and goes "no, I want to meet Hannah Montana. Where can we find her? I want to get Hannah Montana's autograph...." I had to push ahead so that they didn't hear me today... :)


Well-Known Member
I have a little twist....this is the funniest overheard child comment to her parent. This was last Sunday, I was exiting the FriendShip boat at the Morocco dock, and up between Morocco and France was Belle and the Beast. The mother of the child (about age 9) who was sitting next to me, points and goes "oh, look there's belle, would you like to go get her autograph?" The little girl gives the mother an exasperated sigh, and goes "no, I want to meet Hannah Montana. Where can we find her? I want to get Hannah Montana's autograph...." I had to push ahead so that they didn't hear me today... :)

:lookaroun i like hannah montana:lol: not jokeing loli know its pretty sad


Well-Known Member
Oh, I love Hannah Montana as much as the next 9 year old (and I'm 23)....I just thought it was cute. "I don't want to meet some dumb princess, I want the real thing..."


Well-Known Member
Most embarassing moment with a 3-year old.

So, we're leaving MK, it's late, and the lines are loooong. We decide to sit on a bench and relax while we wait for the lines to thin out. Suddenly, my DS squeezes his legs together, hold himself ala Micheal Jackson, and announces he has to go Number One! Well, being partially potty-trained and in nice, new big-boy undies, we peel it over to the main hub. No bathrooms! He's starting to cry, face going red from trying to hold it. What's a parent to do? I pick him up, run as fast as I can to a fairly empty walkway, find a little niche, and tell him to go in the bush. So there is this little white naked butt with a mom (me) frantically trying to (1) keep our little adventure private by sheltering the view of him and (2) laughing my head off.

So, we get back to the bench where my mom is waiting. Still lots of people in line for the bus. And little smartypants annouces to all who can hear: "Grandma! I peed in the bush! Just like Grandad!"


BTW, I am one of those parents that has, and will, pick up my DS and leave the parks if his behaviour is unacceptable. He still remembers and hopefully I won't have do it again.


New Member
When we were on the Magical Express heading on over to the polynesian, we first had to stop at the Grand Floridian. As we were pulling in, a mom goes to her kid, "look, there's the castle!".


A great way to start off any Disney vacation!


I heard this guy (at DL), said in an annoying/frustrated tone, "How come there are so many kids here?!" Uh...hello! It's DL!

Mother is a hostess at Artiste Point, she makes me laugh every time when she tells this story. An older couple came into the restaurant (over Christmas when the place is crawling with people) and says to my mother we have a reservation (no such thing only prioty seating) can you please make sure that we are not sitting near any kids....Duh, your in DIsney World:brick:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I love Hannah Montana as much as the next 9 year old (and I'm 23)....I just thought it was cute. "I don't want to meet some dumb princess, I want the real thing..."

oh no no dont get me worng i wasnt offended if thats what yuo thought lol.

but yeah hannah rocks shes on my ipod lol:lol: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
On our last trip 12-22 to 12-30, some friends gave our girls money to buy themselves a Pal Mickey. So, of course Pal Mickey made the rounds with 12 in our group and I seemed to be in a panic about him, always trying to figure out who had him at that time. So on one particular evening I say quite loudly to our group "Who has Chef Mickey?" and everyone just stares at me, so I repeat myself "Who HAS Chef Mickey? Did we lose Chef Mickey?" and my 16yr old nephew says "No, Chef Mickeys is STILL at the Contemporary, PAL Mickey just told us so, PAL Mickey also said that we should all avoid the crazy lady screaming about Chef Mickeys!"

They still don't let me forget it.


New Member
Guest at Pin Central, Epcot: "Where can I get a Philly Cheese Steak?"
Me: "Um...I don't know, sir. I'm sorry."
Guest: "*sigh* Okay. Well, where's the nearest dog track?"
Me: "Dog track?"
Guest: "For betting on dog races."

Apparently Disney wasn't exciting enough for him ;)

Mom in line for PoTC w/4 kids: "Now remember, the pirates aren't real. They're robots. And the cannons don't really shoot, it's just light and sound like in the movies. And the smoke is just smoke machines..."(etc).

Talk about ruining the magic! :cry: :lol:

Four year old to Dad, re: the imposing Tower of Terror: "Oh, SNAP!"


Mom in line for PoTC w/4 kids: "Now remember, the pirates aren't real. They're robots. And the cannons don't really shoot, it's just light and sound like in the movies. And the smoke is just smoke machines..."(etc).

Talk about ruining the magic! :cry: :lol:
:eek: You mean the pirates aren't real?!?!?!?!?!?! And..and..those aren't real cannons???? Please let that be Davy Jones :eek:

Four year old to Dad, re: the imposing Tower of Terror: "Oh, SNAP!"

Too many episodes of That's So Raven?:lol:


New Member
On my first trip to the world...I was a CHICKEN! Didn't want to have anything to do with Haunted Mansion or the mountains (Thunder and Space at the time). I was terrified of haunted houses because of people touching and jumping out at you and refused to go on HM, but at BTMRR when I threw a fit not to go on the ride my Mom simply said, "You are going to ride BTMRR and you're going to smile and have fun whether you like it or not" in front of a sixty minute (guessing) line. Needless to say I rode it for the first time and I absolutely LOVED it! Great topic!


New Member
Overheard this angry parent reply to her child, "Go ahead and ball(cry) all you want, this vacation's paid for and you're not going to ruin it for me!":veryconfu

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