Fun Fan get together for EPCOT's 25th on Oct 1st


I'm getting myself confused now LOL. The "Dreamfinder" event's details have not been fully announced yet, right?


Nope not yet. And you know what? I am really looking forward to the fact that this is my first Disney trip ever where someone else planned it and I get to just go along for the ride!!! And what a ride it will be!


Well-Known Member
BUMP (pad) BUMP!

Can't wait for the event schedule. I know Disney gets to OK it before we get to see the final - but how about a peek at the proposed event schedule?

:) :) :) :lookaroun :lol:

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Now to find you in a group of 1000 people!! You won't be hard to find I guess because you'll be at the sign in table won't you? But the other two... that'll be fun with such a large group, we'll have to think of something.

Hey there SweetMagic....i will be easy to find as i will be the gal walking around with a original OLD school Figment plush! I should also be wearing a old EPCOT Center t-shirt with pink/purple "confetti" all over it.

I will be at the registration table on BOTH Sunday and Monday, so at some point i am sure we will meet up!


Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sounds like your hating to me. I happen to be connected with this other group too. I was the one who came up with the Beverlyfest Idea for them. I dont think this group is any better than the other group.

Matter of fact did anyone bother to read the other groups forums? Did you see Merfs comments on it? His second one states something like these groups are in no way trying to compete with each other.

We are all fans of a special place called EPCOT Center or Epcot as it is known now. We are all celebrating the parks birthday not competing to see who can throw the biggest party for it. Jens idea was a great one and Im glad that we are all coming together to celebrate. Anyone in Celebration 25 is more than welcome to attend or join in anything that the other group will be doing. I would think the same would be true for the other group to join in anything that Celebration 25 will be doing.

Just my two cents on it all. :wave:

Well said....and i would like to add a similar sentiment in saying that this is a HUGE PARTY to honor the Park we all love so much, and to honor all of those who helped create it. It's EVERYONE's CELEBRATION!!


I am sure that there would have been some sort of "fan rally" happening even if i never posted my idea of getting together. Someone else and some other group of fans would have done something i am sure.

I am not looking at this as some sort of competition.....the way i see it the MORE people there the BETTER, regardless of what "group" they are in. If YOU love EPCOT, then you SHOULD be there!

:) :) :) :)

I am looking forward to meeting as many folks as i can through the course of the Event and hope that together, we make October 1st the most Magical of days WDW has seen in some time!


Active Member
BUMP (pad) BUMP!

Can't wait for the event schedule. I know Disney gets to OK it before we get to see the final - but how about a peek at the proposed event schedule?

:) :) :) :lookaroun :lol:

I agree Adam can you throw us something here I am dieing to know what the plans are.

Me too. I may want to make dinner reservations, but I'm holding off until I see a schedule.

I hate to have to keep you all waiting, but I would rather release an official schedule where everything is confirmed, rather than not. I would hate to promise something and have to disappoint everyone if I had to say that it couldn't happen. I should have the schedule done tomorrow, so that will be out soon. If anyone is waiting to make reservations, I would recommend making them now and if they need to be changed, that can be done afterwards.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey Adam.....did you recieve the e-mail from Pat, a EPCOT CM?

When the schedule is ok'ed by Disney, could you send me a peek before it is "officially" released?




Oh Meyla Weyla
I'll take you up on that for sure :)

I'll be easy to find, as I'll be the guy with the 2 year old who won't want to sit still during the re-dedication ceremony.

Hey there SweetMagic....i will be easy to find as i will be the gal walking around with a original OLD school Figment plush! I should also be wearing a old EPCOT Center t-shirt with pink/purple "confetti" all over it.

I will be at the registration table on BOTH Sunday and Monday, so at some point i am sure we will meet up!


Alrighty, so I look for an old school Figment and a 2 year old who doesn't want to sit still... I think I can do this!!

We shall get you your pins :wave:

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yep, I recieved the email and added him to the list. I will be sending you our schedule first Jenn, so watch your email! :animwink:

Thanks a bunch Adam...i will indeed look out for it!

SweetMagic, thanks a bunch! I am a avid "Pin Freak" so it will be a thrill to have THIS particular pin in my collection. Being the serious "EPCOT geek" that i will have a place of high honor no doubt!


So that we have all registered and are all feverishly counting down the days to Oct 1st (my mind is already "On Property" in all honesty...i have a hard time not thinking "Disney" these days..LOL!).....let's turn out attention to the burning question:

"What will YOU be wearing on October 1st?"

I would assume many here will be wearing there cool "Celebration 25" t-shirts ( check out for all the goodies!). I am also sure there are a lot of folks who will be wearing there retro EPCOT gear ( both new and old!). When i originally announced the idea for this get-together, i strongly suggested that everyone do themselves up with all the EPCOT gear they could...go all out EPCOT! Shirts, hats, you name it ( just no costumes please!). The more retro, the better!

So after all these months, have you decided what you will wear to Celebration 25? ? I have...( i think..) though at the moment i am painting a new shirt for the week of fun i will be having down there On Property and may change my mind last minute! So hard to know what to wear...

Originally i have always planned on wearing my black old school EPCOT Center shirt with pink and purple "confetti" . That is the best way i can describe it ( those who may know it, feel free to post a pic! It may help folks find me!..LOL!) I also debated about this other shirt i have, which i love, that has stars all over the front and back with SSE in tri-colors as the main chest image. It is very cool.....and comfy!

Then the Figment Fan in me rears it's head, and then i think about maybe wearing one of my numerous Figment shirts. Alas, it is tough being a WDW Park fan and trying to decided what shirt to wear on the Big Day!

Add into that my desire to wear my blue WDW polo......but i figured that might not be a good idea as whenever i wear it people always mistake me for a CM ( not that this is a bad thing...i am actualy honored by the gesture really!). Hmmmmm....what to do....what to do.....

I still feel my original choice: EPCOT Center "confetti" would be the best choice, as it perfectly fits the festive mood and it is bonifide "old" and "vintage" EPCOT Center.

I have 3 more weeks to decide.......

It will take me another week to decide what to wear for shirts the OTHER days i am there! Ha ha!!!

So let's hear it folks....who else knows what they will be wearing for the Big Day??

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To Inamouse:

Just wanted to check and see if you recieved my response back to your recent PM!

I am more then happy to........just let me know what works for you!



New Member
Well on the big 2-5 like I said I wanted to go with a new retro look. I will be wearing my short sleeve black repeat shirt in an untucked style. With that I will add a flair of sivler for the silver birthday with dashing silver basketball shorts. For a finishing touch I shall throw the new retro hat on to match my shirt witch should just tie the whole thing together wonderfully. As for my foot wear I shall either style some black and gray New Balance running shoes or the always fantastic black Mickey Crocs. As for Sunday's events who knows what kind of fab fashion I shall pull out to style that day. As far as being confused for a Cast Member Jenn you & me both since now I fancy to style a 2000 Cast Member name tag with my name on it. Last time I was down I was on a bus to DTD & was asked "What time does AK open in the morning & do they have EMH?" without a shake I answered in my best Cast Member voice with the correct answer to these questions. I love being a mock Cast Member. :D


I have just sent out the last batch of Celebration 25 Registration Confirmation emails. Registration is now closed, so if you registered you should have gotten an email sometime between Friday 8/24 and tonight. As long as you got an email, you are on the registration list and will be getting periodic updates at that email address over the next few weeks leading up to the celebration. Of course anything important will be posted here as well!

One email did bounce, if your email address ends with something like please PM Adam and me with your correct email address.


Well-Known Member
I haven't finalized what I'll be wearing, but I think I'm going to be making my own t-shirt through CafePress - white short-sleeved with a specially designed logo (similar to the one used as my avatar). I will also be wearing my custom made SSE Mickey ears bearing the same logo, and I'll have my mom with me who will be wearing a similar set of ears and most likely one of the shirts with the logo that Jeff Pepper created.


Hello all, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but I was hoping some of you part of this thread would know. Is there going to be a rededication ceremony at the entrance of Epcot for guests on October 1 to celebrate the 25th anniversary? Any information on this matter would be greatly appreciated!!

Mike Tenuto

Yes, but we do not yet have any further confirmed details. This thread is probably the best place to keep checking as details will be posted here.

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