Fun Fan get together for EPCOT's 25th on Oct 1st


New Member
Jason I sent it to whatever e-mail was in the meet confirmation so guss that would be Adam than. I'm sure there will be enough room for everyone to see fine. My best guss even is that the "bushes" that block off the area for us would be put above the triangle protion on the main walkway. If thats true I'm sure we could end up with that space. Of coarse this is me gussing so who knows. As far as the toast a little sip wouldn't raise my blood sugar that much ;) so even though I don't drink we might have to have a sip on that special night in honor of the 25th.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
With regard to the "how are we going to identify other WDWMagic-ers" tangent a few pages ago, I bought a WDWMagic button from and am going to write my screen name on it with a sharpie.

If only the rest of my party would get their acts together so we can decide if I am going to sign up for the dessert party on my own or with a companion, I could rest easy. All this counting down of hours until the deadline is giving me a stomachache. :lookaroun


Active Member
Well, after returning to my computer after school, I am pleasantly happy to offer my latest update (and yes, I will have to say my infamous line):

We now have 767 registered attendees (still not including Jenn or I's parties- though you won't have to see this for much longer).

I just recieved confirmation that our official Sign In table setups are approved for both Sunday and Monday. I put in a modification request for our tables to include more chairs and an extra table so that we can split the roster and get through sign-ins much faster (thanks for the recommendations guys).

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Awesome Adam....800 here we come!


I'm happy to hear we have confirmed tables for Sunday. Great ...i will now set that day aside for "work". ( wait, i thought i was on vacation? :lol: ). Adam, can you send me a peek at the tentetive schedule? Also for Sunday...what times are we looking at for being at the tables?

One more day to sign up/pay for the Illuminations DESSERT PARTY! ! Don't miss out.....sign up NOW!

August 30th ( this Thursday) is the deadline for registering for our EPCOT 25 Event!

I am already picking out the shirts i will be wearing for the i have a pick a special one for Sunday too!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Well, after returning to my computer after school, I am pleasantly happy to offer my latest update (and yes, I will have to say my infamous line):

We now have 767 registered attendees (still not including Jenn or I's parties- though you won't have to see this for much longer).

I just recieved confirmation that our official Sign In table setups are approved for both Sunday and Monday. I put in a modification request for our tables to include more chairs and an extra table so that we can split the roster and get through sign-ins much faster (thanks for the recommendations guys).
with 34 days left until the day, i would be bold enough to say that i think we will reach 1000. who wants to place a bet on that. ohh, what about 5 cups of Beverly on that bet. :lol:

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Very possible i would say, considering we will no doubt have many people come to witness what happens regardless of if they actually signed up or not. Add to that all the regular Guests that will be there anyway, totally unaware of us having this Event in the first place...and we will have hundreds more "covertees"!

When you consider that 10 to 20% that registered may not show up, and then add in the fact that others will find out about our Event after the registration closes, i seriously beleive we will have a VERY impressive sized group on our hands.

This Event is going to be the talk of the Kingdom.....i am very interested in hearing if any CM's out there will be given special direction regarding how to "handle" the oncoming mass of die-hard EPCOT Fans....


Park History nut
Premium Member
Bumper sticker:

My other car is a Travelling Theatre :lol:

The park does know how many people may turn up for the re dedication, don`t they? I hope there are enough chairs :wave:


New Member
767 *blinks* 767 ok I was reading that right. Adam I am gussing that includes the 2 I added to my party correct? I think it jumped again in part due to Lou's new podcast comeing out yesterday. Adam very impressed with the interview where were you in EPCOT when it was recorded?(sounded like The Land)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
can any locals or someone that has driven it recently tell me what the $ of the toll booths on 528. there is 2 of them between the airport and I-4?


Well-Known Member
yea, I'd like to be there for Sunday too, but there's just no way. I'm coming back from California and I'm going to need all the energy I can get to get back up at the crack of dawn the next day and still have enough energy to stay awake. I still can't wait! Man, four days of Disneyland followed by the biggest event in the history of Epcot. All I can say is...BEST. WEEK. EVER.


Active Member
Awesome Adam....800 here we come!


I'm happy to hear we have confirmed tables for Sunday. Great ...i will now set that day aside for "work". ( wait, i thought i was on vacation? :lol: ). Adam, can you send me a peek at the tentetive schedule? Also for Sunday...what times are we looking at for being at the tables?

One more day to sign up/pay for the Illuminations DESSERT PARTY! ! Don't miss out.....sign up NOW!

August 30th ( this Thursday) is the deadline for registering for our EPCOT 25 Event!

I am already picking out the shirts i will be wearing for the i have a pick a special one for Sunday too!

Actually, I'm closing the registration on the 31st, just so that the last minute rush of the week closes at the proper time. This Friday is the cutoff, so please don't hesitate in signing up if you plan on attending.

We now have 810 registered attendees. A very special (and very large) group which I previously spoke to will be joining us for Celebration 25, and they have all signed up.

767 *blinks* 767 ok I was reading that right. Adam I am gussing that includes the 2 I added to my party correct? I think it jumped again in part due to Lou's new podcast comeing out yesterday. Adam very impressed with the interview where were you in EPCOT when it was recorded?(sounded like The Land)

Yes, I have the other two in your party now. Glad to have them joining us!

I have just registered a group of 30 or so Walt Disney World Monorail Pilots with Celebration 25! See you there!

I guess the news is out! Glad to have you all joining us too!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Actually, I'm closing the registration on the 31st, just so that the last minute rush of the week closes at the proper time. This Friday is the cutoff, so please don't hesitate in signing up if you plan on attending.

We now have 810 registered attendees. A very special (and very large) group which I previously spoke to will be joining us for Celebration 25, and they have all signed up.
hmmm, maybe this is why nobody took me up on that beverly challenge

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