Well-Known Member
From what i am reading in this post is that WDW is dirty. If that is the case maybe we should look at where the gum and trash is comming from and that would be from guest who are pigs!! who are spitting gum on the ground or putting it under railings and leaving trash on tables or just throwing it on the ground . sure you could say that the cast members are not doing a very good job but as guest are we? i mean if you go to someone's house do you put gum under their railings or just drop trash on the floor? i dont think so. If we claim to like wdw or any disney park maybe we should be cleaner or pick up a piece of trash. i alway try to leave a place a litttle better than when i found it whether its a park , the mall or just walking down the street.
How am I supposed to police the litterers and gum tossers? And more importantly should I have to police them? I have picked up a piece of trash or two while in both the real world and Disney, but should I have to? I do it because, like you, I desire to leave places better than when I got there. However, should I, or any guest, be expected to clean up after other guests? If I am doing my best to be polite, courteous, and clean, is it my fault that other guests are not? Should I also reprimand or correct unruly children because their parents won't? I'm not following your logic in respect to each individual patron. Now if Disney started promoting "Please leave Mickey's house in better shape than you found it" then I feel you could complain that we, as guests, are not doing our part. Obviously, some patrons do not feel they need to pick up after themselves, and that is unfortunate, but I don't see how blaming the rest of the guests would accomplish anything.