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First, I don't appreciate the shot. I give the same amount of respect I am given.
That doesn't justify name calling of people you don't know just because you don't like their decisions. Disagreement is one thing, name calling is childish and accomplishes very little.
I would guess you're talking about my playful nicknames of certain Disney execs?
I don't agree with your premise if that's the case. People behind the scenes call them much worse. I'm just being playful.
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Second, I love WDW. I am not going to desert it anymore than I would a loved one with problems, illness or addiction. I still get a lot of enjoyment from the place or I wouldn't go.
Then you don't understand the business. If there is a decrease in profits accompanied by complaints then there is incentive to take action.
I understand the business quite well. I actually understand the whole media business that Disney is in far better than most fans on sites like this. I actually work in the media business. So I understand Parks and Resorts as both a stand alone division and how it fits into TWDC as a whole.
And I certainly am not naive enough to believe if I pull my business from WDW that it will amount to anything. It won't. All it will do is make me unhappy because I enjoy the place and it will allow me to be replaced by another guest who likely won't be as discerning as I am ... so the WalMarting will continue.
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But it would also serve no purpose whatsoever if I took my business away from WDW because I have issues with the way it is being (mis)run. Hell, I am sure that would actually make a lot of execs happy because I am the kind of guest they have to work to keep happy. Free lanyards or churros or meet and greets with the characters don't make me happy. Clean, safe, well-maintained parks staffed with happy workers offering the best and freshest in themed entertainment do.
Disney would much rather have more of the typical 'everything is magical, WDW rocks!' fans than they would folks like me who remember when Disney earned its reputation every single day.
Yes, they probably would. You generate income but you also complain about "the good old days". You are one of the most difficult types of consumers to please. I'll also note here that you ignored my comment about the dirtiness of the parks in the early 80's.
Gee, do you think I am the problem? Or do you think it's the fact Disney talks the talk, but no longer walks the walk? I'm not the problem. Their pi$$ poor 'leadership' team is. They need to live up to their reputation or else simply say 'we're not adhering to those standards anymore because Wall Street and our leadership won't allow us, but we'll do what we can.'
Of course that'll never happen. But I hate dishonestly and hypocrisy. It isn't magical.
And I didn't purposely ignore anything. I can't/won't comment on everything said on a thread like this that will likely go on and on.
I spent many weeks annually at the parks in the early 80s. I don't ever recall the parks being as dirty as they routinely are now. I never tripped over cheeseburger baskets and Cokes in the middle of Main Street or the Hub like I have of late.
I can't say your observations from them are wrong because I didn't see what you did. But that doesn't negate what I experienced at all. Sometime it can depend on the day, the time, the park etc ... I've seen vast differences in a one-week visit.
I can say with certainty that custodial has been cut way back from where it was in the 1980s. I can for certainity that on the whole the parks are far dirtier than they've been at about anytime except perhaps the early part of this decade.
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Rest assured, I make sure execs and Imagineers and others in the company hear my viewpoints when I feel they can do some good. And also rest assured that the people who matter take my responses a lot more seriously than a CM at City Hall would.
You seem to be alluding that you have more pull than you are letting on. If you are a regular guest (DVC, annual passholder, etc.) then your letters mean no more than mine. If I misunderstood your response, please forgive me.
Nostalgia is a tricky thing. I'm by no means saying that it is wrong 100% of the time. I'll be the first to agree with you that park merchandise has declined in variety over the past 10 years.
However, it does have the tendency to cover up the bad parts of the past.
I may have more pull than you do. I'm probably more likely to wind up sitting near Bob Iger in an industry function than you are. I'm probably more likely to get into certain WDI resticted areas than you are. I'm probably more well-known to many Disney execs (some that love me, some that hate me) than you are. ... So as to letters, well, I don't write them. When I want to speak to a Disney exec, I either email or phone them or go up to them when we are at an event together.
As to nostalgia, the problem with taking shots at it is this perception that people only look fondly at the past. That's a crock. I can point to many things -- even about Disney -- that weren't as good in the past as they are now. So I tend to react very negatively when people try and tell me that I am looking at things through rose-colored glasses. I'm not.
My memory is just fine. No mad cow for me. I quite vividly recall what WDW was like in the 70s and 80s and what it is like now.
The drop in standards and quality across the board are startling.