For all the people that LOVE to complain...

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Went to Epcot yesterday:
1) Spaceship Earth didn't stop once.
2) Test Track was up and running just fine.
3) Had lunch and didn't use Holiday napkins.
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Loved every minute of the day and was just so thankful I was there! Had a wonderful time!

Thanks for the positive update! At the end of the day, YOU'RE IN DISNEY! How can you not enjoy yourself? :D

EXACTLY! While I might be one of the people that ALWAYS thinks that something could be done better *coughEPCOTcough* I ALWAYS have a blast there. How could you not? It's an amazing place, full of magic, nostalgia, wonderment and joy.

Of course it could be done better....but...:lol::lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member

EXACTLY! While I might be one of the people that ALWAYS thinks that something could be done better *coughEPCOTcough* I ALWAYS have a blast there. How could you not? It's an amazing place, full of magic, nostalgia, wonderment and joy.

Of course it could be done better....but...:lol::lookaroun:lol:
*hits you over the head with a triangle from SSE*



Well-Known Member
That is how I feel, it's all good if I'm there. sigh!
And people, there are folks that complain just to complain.
Example: the fact that some people where packs (who cares)
about pin trading and the tacky lanyards (again who cares) oh and
not getting cute towel creations left by mousekeeping.

So thanks for brightening my day by having a great time for all of us:sohappy:


New Member
No, people here do love to complain..granted there are some that do complain about significant things..but there are tons of people here who complain about EVERYTHING..ALL THE TIME..from napkins to chicken strips to Pleasure Island.

In some eyes Disney can do no wrong and in some eyes Disney does wrong all the matter what they do.:shrug:

You have people here who complain that Disney standards have dropped drastically and they just want Disney to go back to caring about things again..but they are the ones who if Disney brought AC back..or Disney went back to 2 Fantasmics a night and so on.. then they would say Disney is great and Disney is wonderful..

It all depends on the my eyes..Disney is great..I enjoy myself everytime I go..and I do not look for the bad things that others intentionally look for..and there are people here who do that..who go looking for paint that is chipped or a piece of trash on the floor..or for attractions that are down.

Sometimes I wonder why these people keep on going if all Disney does is disappoint them?:shrug:

To the OP..I am glad you had a wonderful time..:)

A voice of reason! Thank you!


New Member
Went to Epcot yesterday:
1) Spaceship Earth didn't stop once.
2) Test Track was up and running just fine.
3) Had lunch and didn't use Holiday napkins.
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Loved every minute of the day and was just so thankful I was there! Had a wonderful time!

I wish I had your luck because when I was in WDW in august I tried to ride TT 6 times and each time it was down. That ride hates me but i dont really like it much anyway.


Well-Known Member
These same people who complain because PI is gone are the ones who jump on people for complaining that they miss Mr. Toad or Horizons and tell them.."Things change all the time", Change is a good thing"

Most of the people on here complaining would never complain about someone being upset about Horizons or Toad closing down. Heck, that's one of the things we complain about the most. That, Adventurers club leaving, Imagination, and the ending of SSE.


Well-Known Member
Here's when I complain:

- when an older attraction dies and is replaced with a lower capacity and or poorer quality one. I absolutely do not miss Legend of the Lion King because Philharmagic is obviously a more impressive show and better use of space, nor do I miss Tarzan Rocks because I love the Nemo musical. But MILF better than Timekeeper? Stitch than AE? Should I just be content with them?

- Selling/trading pins is fine and fun, especialy if obscure Disney stuff get's recognition, but to only sell pins in the stores or that matter the general lowering of varity in merhcandise, that's a good thing? I should be happy that nothing I want can be bought anymore?

- The DDP. I should be happy walk-ins are a thing of the past? Or that reservations, although always useful and important in the past have become outrageously hard to get anywhere without caling 4 months ahead? From what I read in the unofficial guide those who use it are not happy either, and don't get me started on how it makes lines for counter service places longer, even when you go in the off season and there are no lines of rhte rides.

- Entertainment cuts, recent lacks of rehfurbs and a lousy job at maintianing new stuff like EE and Nemo ride. If I notice them should I ignore them? Even if they continue to be there for long periods of time and others notice them?

If "the voice of reason" is ignoring problems then I'll gladly be unreasonable. I most ceratinly enjoy going to WDW and alwyas have a good time, but if it get's harder and harder to do so, not because I go once a week (I haven't been in a year and a half) but because the quality is obviously slipping and all of the reasons I have listed above should I just remin silent?

And honestly people, this is a discussion form and resorting to childish name calling will not stop people from voicing their opinion. Complaining about chicken nuggets or packs (don't like em don't wear them) is obviously silly, but it is in no means not begin resonable to complain about not being able to hear attraction audio or being unimpressed with a new adiion whatever it may be. it's all a part of the discussion, and if you become conerned about how more and more people are shifting toward a "negative atitude" then maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a second look at WDW and see it form thier side. I will always understand why people love it, but it wouldn't kill you to acknoledge how many issues/problems you last had/saw with your trip. Maybe you won't find them next time if change happens?


Active Member
Glad you had a fun time... but sounds a little less happy, and a little more passive-agressive.
It's always good to hear positives about Epcot though.


Well-Known Member

I agree, people complain, and they are justified. When I come on to the boards and post about negative things, its more like venting. Once I get the subject at hand off my chest, I am 100% back to loving Disney, not the 98% I was before posting.

Now, being a die-hard Disney fan, I know if I vented about the holiday napkins being used to my wife (loves disney, just not a die-hard like me), she would probably just chuckle at me. But here, with all the Disney fans in one place, someone is bound to understand your vent, even if it is the smallest.

On the other hand, we do have to remember, Disney is Disney. Its something that has brought everyone here together. The napkins or the closing of PI wont ever stop the love for Disney, because were can you were mouse ears out in public with out everyone looking at you!

Hope everyone has a Magical Day!!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I think the people who are annoyed by the complainers on here don't understand two things.

1. The way WDW used to run things.

2. The true feelings of those of us who complain.

WDW used to pride itself on holding to a certain standard. One of the ones I always point out is that they used to advertise that you'd never see a burned out lightbulb along main street anywhere, and you didn't. If one did happen to burn out before it was expected to, it was replaced quickly. Now, how often do you see burned out neon, etc... all over the place. The sign for the Great Movie Ride was burned out for months, I'm still not sure if its lighting up properly.

I'm not going to rehash all the things we complain about but its because we know that WDW is capable of doing things to a much greater level. All you have to do is look at Tokyo Disney to see what they're truly capable of still, but the local heads of WDW are too focused on money over guest experience.

To the second point, those of us who complain (at least most of us) don't hate the parks. We still have a great time when we go. There's enough great old stuff (and the occassional great new thing) to still have a great time. We're not blind however and we see the parts of the park that are being allowed to degrade. We want the experience that Walt wanted his guests to have, and the current penny pinchers aren't allowing that to happen.

Its still a great experience, I still recommend WDW to all my friends, I'm just a bit sad because I know its not living up to its potential.


New Member
Went to Epcot yesterday:
1) Spaceship Earth didn't stop once.
2) Test Track was up and running just fine.
3) Had lunch and didn't use Holiday napkins.
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Loved every minute of the day and was just so thankful I was there! Had a wonderful time!

I totally agree with this!!!!

I don't think anyone here loves to complain. We just know what Disney can do and don't like it when we see them skating by.

Disney is a HUUUGGEEE company as we all know that. If something goes wrong and they recieve complaints about it, don't think for one nano second that they go unheard or read. They do take the time to go over all of them. They even have the complaints sorted out by the parks, attractions, areas, etc. It's very detailed. So, it may take a minute to get to it.

I skipped over many of the posts because I figured they all were pretty much going to say the same thing. I do remember those commericals where they promised no burned out lights on Main Street and stuff like that.

But, seriously, unless it's totally obvious, who's REALLY taking their time to look at ALL the mistakes/non-repaired things at Disney??:shrug::shrug:

When I'm there, I'm there on vacation with my family. I'm not worried about a light bulb being out, part of the grass not cut, etc. If I wanted to worry about that, I would've stayed home!!!:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL::wave:

I'm waaaaayy too busy enjoying everything else Disney has to offer besides this stuff. Disney knows what's wrong and what's not working. They will get to it as soon as they can!!!

I suggest everyone do this because you never know if that'll be your last trip for some reason. Would you really want to remember it by noticing "everything" that went wrong or for who you were with and how much fun it was?!?! I know I would!!!:wave::wave:


Disney is a HUUUGGEEE company as we all know that. If something goes wrong and they recieve complaints about it, don't think for one nano second that they go unheard or read. They do take the time to go over all of them. They even have the complaints sorted out by the parks, attractions, areas, etc. It's very detailed. So, it may take a minute to get to it.

And then WDW Management decides whether its worth the money to fix it. And most of the time they decide it isn't.

I skipped over many of the posts because I figured they all were pretty much going to say the same thing. I do remember those commericals where they promised no burned out lights on Main Street and stuff like that.

But, seriously, unless it's totally obvious, who's REALLY taking their time to look at ALL the mistakes/non-repaired things at Disney??:shrug::shrug:

A TON of guests. Believe me. As a cast member I get questions on why things in other parks aren't working, and why out smallest animated figure at the Jungle Cruise isn't moving as well as they remember it. Believe me, a lot of guests notice when something small goes wrong, and they are ready to tell you about it.

When I'm there, I'm there on vacation with my family. I'm not worried about a light bulb being out, part of the grass not cut, etc. If I wanted to worry about that, I would've stayed home!!!:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL::wave:

I'm waaaaayy too busy enjoying everything else Disney has to offer besides this stuff. Disney knows what's wrong and what's not working. They will get to it as soon as they can!!!

Yea just like they've gotten to the Yeti. He's only been broken for 8 months. Or the fact that Space Mountain has been in despicable shape for years. Or the fact that they've gotten off track. They used to give us great, imaginative attractions, and now we get crap like Stitch and the new Tiki Room, while they also let attractions like Jungle Cruise, Space Mountain, and Peter Pan fall apart at the seams.

I suggest everyone do this because you never know if that'll be your last trip for some reason. Would you really want to remember it by noticing "everything" that went wrong or for who you were with and how much fun it was?!?! I know I would!!!:wave::wave:

I still have an incredible amount of fun when I'm there. But I'm not going to be blind to everything that is wrong. I know they way Disney should be run, and currently, it isn't even close to where it should be.


Well-Known Member
But, seriously, unless it's totally obvious, who's REALLY taking their time to look at ALL the mistakes/non-repaired things at Disney??

If you only get to visit once every so many years you may not notice the small things, but those guests who visit more than once a year start to notice the small details. It is those small details that bring you back time after time. If those small details didn't matter, then why even put them in in the first place.

Trust me, lots of people notice. Now I don't notice every piece of chipped paint, but when paint is chipping off of half a wall, or the TTA is covered in bird poo, or the yeti doesn't work, or SM is falling apart and literally having things held up with duct tape in places then people notice. I don't really care if a cart leaves a little bit of water on the ground, but once Disney sees that nobody notices those small things that wouldn't have happened before, then the bean counters start noticing and start seeing just how far they can stretch that so the park can make just a little bit more money each year.

So while this may have all started with allowing lightbults on main street to burn out or to not have as many janitors to clean up all the trash guests leave on the ground (or even overflowing trashcans) it is now growing into entire marquee signs being burned out (again the GMR), the yeti being broken for months, or entire attractions allowed to fall into horrible shape before having to be refurbed (HM, SM, CoP, Jungle Cruise, and Country Bears just to name a few).

The problem is that the parks are no longer run by individuals who dream about what the parks can do next, who love seeing the parks grow into beautiful realizations of their biggest dreams. They're now run by the bean counters who dream of ways to wring just one more dollar out of the park and make it more profitable than it was the year before so they can make the stock holders happy. This ultimately impacts the guest performance. When your head of all the parks (Jay Rasulo) is a man who has openly admitted that he doesn't even like the parks, then I think we're fighting an uphill battle, and until someone who loves the parks gets in that position (Like a Lasetter) then we're going to continue to see small profits be chosen over premiere guest experiences.

Its the total opposite of the park that Walt set out to build.


New Member
Wow. Is all I can say to you, Sir. I don't know why I even bother posting sometimes.:brick:

I know Disney ignores things sometimes and that things don't get fixed right away. I never said that they do it overnight or within that week.

All I was TRYING to relay is that Disney is a company just like any other. They do try their best and hardest to get things done. Whether it's in the time frame WE want is a different story.

People need to start enjoying what they have instead of what they don't or what's missing. If it's really that big of a deal, then don't go!!!:p

I don't need to make other people lives miserable by pointing out every single detail I can see wrong. This is my place of Fantasy and Magic!!!! As well as others!! And I'm just sick of all the complaining!!


Well-Known Member
People will notice a burnt out GMR side even if they are enjoying themselves. People will notice a broken Yeti attraction that an entire attraction is based around even if they are enjoying themselves. People will notice a large dead area between Marketplace and Westside even if they are enjoying themselve. People will find SGE to be subpar even if they enjoyed everything else that day. You don't have to go looking for these things, I know I don't. But such things do tend to stand out.


Well-Known Member
They do try their best and hardest to get things done. Whether it's in the time frame WE want is a different story.

People need to start enjoying what they have instead of what they don't or what's missing. If it's really that big of a deal, then don't go!!!:p

I don't need to make other people lives miserable by pointing out every single detail I can see wrong. This is my place of Fantasy and Magic!!!! As well as others!! And I'm just sick of all the complaining!!

Again, you don't understand why we complain. We still love the parks, if we didn't love and enjoy the parks then we wouldn't care enough to complain. Its because we love them and want to see them be their best that we do. We're not trying to make anyone's live's miserable. We're just discussing the good and the bad of the parks we love.

And how long are we supposed to enjoy what they have while ignoring the obvious shortcomings. When should we speak up? Do we wait until it gets to a point where the parks are no nicer than Six Flags? Are we allowed to speak up then, or do we just continue to sit back and give them our money every year and say, whatever you want to do is fine with us. We're just blindly in love with you.

If the parks continue to decline then I probably will go somewhere else. It'll get to a point where its not worth the money they're charging me to go. Right now it still is, but its getting marginal. The ticket prices keep going up each year while the quality of the experience keeps getting diminished.

There are several types of people when it comes to Disney. There are those for whom Disney can do no wrong, there are those for whom Disney can do no right (I don't think that's any of us on this forum, because we still all acknowledge when they do things the right way), there are those of us who just want it to be the place that it can be, and there are those who just see it as a vacation like any other and they don't care one way or another.

Most of us on this forum are either the ones who see Disney doing no wrong, or who want it to be the best that it can be. Its not any more fair for you to demand that we be quiet than it would be of me to say that you aren't allowed to say how much you love Stitch's Great Escape or Sound's Dangerous.


People will notice a burnt out GMR side even if they are enjoying themselves. People will notice a broken Yeti attraction that an entire attraction is based around even if they are enjoying themselves. People will notice a large dead area between Marketplace and Westside even if they are enjoying themselve. People will find SGE to be subpar even if they enjoyed everything else that day. You don't have to go looking for these things, I know I don't. But such things do tend to stand out.


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