Food & Wine Festival - Drunkytown?

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Well-Known Member
It's easy to say "the parks are crowded." And, in the case of F&W, it's just as easy to back that statement up--the photos speak for themselves.

Now, to say the crowds are made up of out-of-control drunks--that becomes harder to quantify. Of course people are drinking. But are they acting overly loud and boisterous because they're drinking? Or are board posters (not singling anyone out) overreacting to typical theme park merriment because they think guests are drunk?

I say this remembering years of complaints about Pleasure Island that simply didn't reflect reality. People go to places with perceptions in mind--what they see tends to reflect those perceptions.

Now, if someone wanted to go videotape the F&W crowd this Saturday night (@PhotoDave219 might know some people), it might give us a better basis for discussion. But until then, every anecdote of "I went and saw nothing" is as valid as "I went and it was a drunken bachanal."
Everyone's experience is valid. If it sounded like I meant it wasn't, I didn't. It's great to share experiences. If one person hasn't witnessed it, that doesn't mean that those who have made it up, though.

PhotoDave is well aware that these things happen on a regular basis. He doesn't need to send someone into the park to record it, lol. He already knows. I'm sure he is well behaved. I think. I hope. No, I'm sure he is. :) But he's seen it often enough, too. Not speaking FOR him! But I already know he knows it happens.

Oops. There is Dave, right above me, lol. I didn't see that, lol.

I'm not an anti-drinking crusader, lol.
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Keep Moving Forward
I think the easiest way to handle this is just to set a maximum drink limit while in the parks. If you wanna get loaded at your Hotel or Downtown that's your business, but in the parks, a 2-3 drink maximum would alloow adults to enjoy their wine or beer, but also ensure that they don't leave and embarrass or endanger anyone. It would be really smart of them to make something like this a policy rather than leaving it up to the bartenders to make the call.

It's a better way to do the Zero Tolerance type of thing. This way it's a compromise rather than one extreme or the other.

That would never work - I can have 3 tiny sample glasses of wine and someone else goes to England and get 3 yards of beer.


Well-Known Member
Just so no one gets the wrong message, I'm definitly not trying to pretend like I'm the Drink Police or squash anybody else's good time. Everyone paying admission has the right to enjoy themselves in the park as long as they're not being rude, obscene or infringing on anyone else's good time. Believe me, we had a couple beers ourselves!

I had just never quite seen that many intoxicated people at Epcot before.
Can't you all find someplace other than Epcot to party? Just because Disney shut down Pleasure Island due to your debauchery and exhibitionism in order to make the area more family friendly doesn't mean you have the right to move your revelry to Epcot and ruin it for families again.


Well-Known Member

Explain the drunken rampage by that Navy Ensign. Where was security and why did it take them so long to respond?
Are you talking about that thing that happened at Club Cool? (and I still don't have the slightest idea what Club Cool is). Anyway, if it was that, it sounded insane.......a real lunatic......and unfortunately a lunatic can be found anywhere as we all know by now.
Can't you all find someplace other than Epcot to party? Just because Disney shut down Pleasure Island due to your debauchery and exhibitionism in order to make the area more family friendly doesn't mean you have the right to move your revelry to Epcot and ruin it for families again.
Let me get this straight. World Showcase ENCOURAGES drinking at every restaurant and every fast service stand and yet you still want no one to drink anything? They are increasing the bars, so clearly they are happy with the profits

"Drinking around the World" is a "thing" now, and is well documented by dozens and dozens of YouTube videos, none of which seem to show people freaking out and rampaging across the park.

We drank around the world in September and it was one of the most pleasant and relaxing and wonderful experiences of the vacation.

I guess the whole thing is that people seriously just need to mind their own business and stop trying to impose their own theory of life on everyone else. If you don't like drinking, don't drink. If you don't like drinking, maybe going to a place that serves alcohol like it is going out of style is not for you.

And finally, what kid has fun in World Showcase? For the most part, every kid I see seems bored out of his mind.


Well-Known Member
While I can't deny the problem of public intoxication doesn't exist, Disney makes too much $$$ to end this festival. I've been to the F & W festival many, many times. I've had to step around protein spills like they were land mines. I've had a drunken woman run in the mens bathroom and vomit in the urinal next to me while I was relieving myself. I've heard people cursing at the top of their lungs like drunken sailers. Public urination is also not uncommon at F & W. So until Disney executives decide to stop it, it's going to continue. My wife and I have decided just to not go on weekends. Eventually someone will get hurt or worse and then things will change. MY only concern is that now they are opening up more alcohol serving places during the Flower and Garden Show and the same things are going to happen there. I feel sorry for the familys with young children. I also feel sorry for those who come to F & W just to get inibriated. Don't they realize that when they act up, not only are they missing out on the awesomeness that is EPCOT, but they are also ruining other peoples vacation and probabaly are causing the Disney Execs to re-think the alcohol serving situation and may very well ruin it for those of you who Love a good glass of wine or two.


Well-Known Member
If you don't like drinking, maybe going to a place that serves alcohol like it is going out of style is not for you.
A good point. Long-time Epcot fans who don't want to encounter any drunks are wrestling with this.

Is it a bar? Is it a theme park? Should I go? Should I take my children?

Should I just relinquish Epcot's World Showcase to the drunks and stay away?

Good questions. Hard to answer.

Food & Wine, I've given up. I can live with it. The drunks have Food & Wine and Halloween Horror Nights. I know what I'm going to get there.

But I LOVE Flower & Garden and don't want to see it turned into a drunkfest. :(


Well-Known Member
Personally experienced "drunkytown" this past weekend and I will never return to Epcot during F&W on a weekend, ever! It was elbow to elbow drunk, loud, obnoxious people that I don't care to be around.

We've been to F&W in the past and enjoyed it, but it was during the week. This was just too much though. Lines for the kiosks were all very long and just not worth the wait.

I'm not against people drinking, and I get that they paid to get in, just like me, but it was too much like a drunk fest and not very Disney like for me.


Well-Known Member
Personally experienced "drunkytown" this past weekend and I will never return to Epcot during F&W on a weekend, ever! It was elbow to elbow drunk, loud, obnoxious people that I don't care to be around.

We've been to F&W in the past and enjoyed it, but it was during the week. This was just too much though. Lines for the kiosks were all very long and just not worth the wait.

I'm not against people drinking, and I get that they paid to get in, just like me, but it was too much like a drunk fest and not very Disney like for me.

Next time try not being so sober.


Well-Known Member
Mom and I were at F&WF this Saturday, and had a wonderful time! Spent the morning at the delightful pool at Bonnet Creek Hilton, so we didn't arrive at Epcot until after 1pm, so it was already getting crowded, but that didn't slow us down. I saved all my receipts this year, so I'd have a record.

After we arrived at Epcot, the first booth we hit was Champagne and Dessert. A glass of Moet & Chandon Imperial is rather a bargain at $10.50, plus a chocolate orange cupcake. I know, shouldn't be eating dessert first. LOL. Then a 10 oz Kona Big Wave beer (quite good) with a pork slider. Really wanted a salmon and scotch flight from Scotland, but the line was SOOOO long, so we took the boat to the other side hoping for shorter lines. Unfortunately, New Zealand was even worse.

Florida Local was my fave of the day- great beef slider, AMAzing shrimp ceviche and a delicious white Sangria! At Hops&Barley, I had the lobster tail, mom the lobster roll, and we split a beer flight. Stay at the Hops&Barley courtyard for a bit, met some truly delightful people having a marvelous time. Honestly, I don't know when I've seen so many people smiling at Epcot! LOL. Also got an interesting beer called Bell's Oberon Ale at a booth that had NO line, yet was very close to Hops. The receipt called it AA nut cart, didn't see it on the map (shrug) but if you see it, it's worth a try. Almost like a Shocktop, but smoother.

The Cheese pavillion was another one with a short line (people don't know what they are missing), delicious blue cheese souffle, assorted cheese, & two wines from "Once Upon a Vine", the Fairest Chardonnay, and the Charming Pinot (warning, this is pinot noir, not grigio.) Is this a Disney created wine being served? Lovely shady spot too, had another lovely conversation with other adults having a good time. Didn't notice any crying children (unlike Sunday at Animal Kngdm- where every 3rd kid was bawling) Mom was full at this point, but I had to stop at Singapore for a mahi mahi (yum!) and a bottle of Tiger Beer.

Then it's almost 6 and tired feet send us back to the hotel for a nap. Total alcohol consumed in 5 hours- 6 beers, 2 and half glasses of wine, a sangria and a champagne. Obnoxious behaviors observed- zero. Had a lovely time, and just a slight buzz on that marvelously comfortable bus back to BC Hilton.

Later that night we walked over to the Waldorf Astoria for their Champagne and Chocolate event. Absolutely exquisite handmade chocolates there, although Moet was going for $19 a glass there. I didn't mind, the atmosphere was gorgeous.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about that thing that happened at Club Cool? (and I still don't have the slightest idea what Club Cool is). Anyway, if it was that, it sounded insane.......a real lunatic......and unfortunately a lunatic can be found anywhere as we all know by now.

You evaded the question. And yes, I'm referring to the drunken rampage where three cast members were assaulted and it started at UOE and ended outside club cool. I'm asking you why security's response was slow. And for reference, it was an Officer in the Navy who graduated from the Naval Academy and is/was in helicopter school at Pensacola. Regardless of his drunken actions, there's no evidence to dismiss him as a mere "lunatic." Rather IMO its more a symptom of the underlying problems of over serving people.

You seem to be defending the company hardcore about this. Why? Are you a Cast Member? You sound like one. (And if you are, be mindful of your comments. Celebration Place is watching and has for Nine Years)

Ive been around the food and wine festival over the past 9-10 years. Almost every one whether I was living here or not. Its gotten progressively worse year after year after year to the point that the world showcase ends up smelling like Clayton Street in Athens, Ga., after a Saturday night. Wall-to-wall people, Stale Beer, vomit and rotting garbage. It wasn't this way five years ago. Thats not family friendly.

Now I have no problem with alcohol at the parks its served in. Lord knows I've had days with people from out of town that required some medicinal beverages to take the edge off. But there's personal responsibility that the crowd seems to lack and at some point, people need to be cut off.

IMO? The problem isnt the alcohol per-say, its the lack of containing the adult activity. Way back when, while current CPs were still in elementary or middle school, we had a glorious, gated, CONTAINED adult playland called "Pleasure Island." It was gated. It was a giant bubble. And in the name of increasing sales on the street, they ungated the island, popping the bubble and we know how that turned out.

Alcohol is the driving force at Epcot's F&W. There's a high profit margin on it and its pushed. (Fat Tire at the craft beer booth, highly recommend although its not really a "Craft Beer") The problem is that you're encouraging an adult behavior and atmosphere in a theme park that is meant for families. If you can contain the alcoholic behaviors to an isolated area, no problem.

For the person above saying that Disney isnt just for families, I agree. Its for everyone. The only problem with this is those that chose and like to imbibe arent being responsible about it. (We can make the argument that fewer and fewer guests chose to be responsibility for anything but thats a different argument, different thread) The problem lies in that Disney only choses to market to and attract families. Thats their bread and butter. But theyre putting it at risk with the behavior they chose to tolerate.

I've drank around the world a couple of times, the last actually being under a doctor's supervision. Its pretty simple - you need to drink as much water as you consume alcohol and you can do it without becoming a sloppy mess. Drink water, flush the alcohol through the body and have another.

So my overall point(s): The adult alcoholic environment needs to be contained. People need to take personal responsibility. Drink water.


Well-Known Member
Disney is not just for families.

No kidding. While I expect guests to be respectful of my choice to have a beverage or two, I also have the responsibility of knowing that I have to behave in public in an environment where children aren't just present, they're the targeted audience.

Its a two way street.

That being said, I'd really like parents to stop bringing your children into the bars.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
No kidding. While I expect guests to be respectful of my choice to have a beverage or two, I also have the responsibility of knowing that I have to behave in public in an environment where children aren't just present, they're the targeted audience.

Its a two way street.

That being said, I'd really like parents to stop bringing your children into the bars.
If i stop bringing my kids into the bar who is going to drive me home at the end of the night ??


Well-Known Member
I knew @PhotoDave219 would have seen it, lol.

And I figured he behaved himself. :)

I 100% agree that parents should stop taking their children into bars and expecting people in bars to behave. Bars are THE place for drunken behavior. Children do not belong around drunken people and drunken people shouldn't have to worry about children.

If you want to get plastered at Howl at the Moon and then scream obscenities at your boyfriend, followed by making out with him in the parking lot, that is the place for it. Not Epcot.

And NOT during Flower & Garden.
The common denominator is that the people exhibiting the obnoxious behavior are obviously young locals. Cut out the immature locals and you have civility again. How does Disney do this? Don't allow anyone in Epcot during F&W and F&G who doesn't have a minimum 3-day pass or an AP. Again, the one's getting hammered are the young locals shelling out $90 for a 1-day ticket and then "getting their money's worth".


Well-Known Member
The common denominator is that the people exhibiting the obnoxious behavior are obviously young locals. Cut out the immature locals and you have civility again. How does Disney do this? Don't allow anyone in Epcot during F&W and F&G who doesn't have a minimum 3-day pass or an AP. Again, the one's getting hammered are the young locals shelling out $90 for a 1-day ticket and then "getting their money's worth".
You assume all the drunk people must live in Orlando. You need look no further than the Dining section here on the boards to find many, many threads devoted to (or just turned into) how much tourists like to drink.


Well-Known Member
The common denominator is that the people exhibiting the obnoxious behavior are obviously young locals. Cut out the immature locals and you have civility again. How does Disney do this? Don't allow anyone in Epcot during F&W and F&G who doesn't have a minimum 3-day pass or an AP. Again, the one's getting hammered are the young locals shelling out $90 for a 1-day ticket and then "getting their money's worth".

I was just there on Saturday and I'm sorry you are very wrong. It was plenty more than just "locals".
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