Are you talking about that thing that happened at Club Cool? (and I still don't have the slightest idea what Club Cool is). Anyway, if it was that, it sounded insane.......a real lunatic......and unfortunately a lunatic can be found anywhere as we all know by now.
You evaded the question. And yes, I'm referring to the drunken rampage where three cast members were assaulted and it started at UOE and ended outside club cool. I'm asking you why security's response was slow. And for reference, it was an Officer in the Navy who graduated from the Naval Academy and is/was in helicopter school at Pensacola. Regardless of his drunken actions, there's no evidence to dismiss him as a mere "lunatic." Rather IMO its more a symptom of the underlying problems of over serving people.
You seem to be defending the company hardcore about this. Why? Are you a Cast Member? You sound like one. (And if you are, be mindful of your comments. Celebration Place is watching and has for Nine Years)
Ive been around the food and wine festival over the past 9-10 years. Almost every one whether I was living here or not. Its gotten progressively worse year after year after year to the point that the world showcase ends up smelling like Clayton Street in Athens, Ga., after a Saturday night. Wall-to-wall people, Stale Beer, vomit and rotting garbage. It wasn't this way five years ago. Thats not family friendly.
Now I have no problem with alcohol at the parks its served in. Lord knows I've had days with people from out of town that required some medicinal beverages to take the edge off. But there's personal responsibility that the crowd seems to lack and at some point, people need to be cut off.
IMO? The problem isnt the alcohol per-say, its the lack of containing the adult activity. Way back when, while current CPs were still in elementary or middle school, we had a glorious, gated, CONTAINED adult playland called "Pleasure Island." It was gated. It was a giant bubble. And in the name of increasing sales on the street, they ungated the island, popping the bubble and we know how that turned out.
Alcohol is the driving force at Epcot's F&W. There's a high profit margin on it and its pushed. (Fat Tire at the craft beer booth, highly recommend although its not really a "Craft Beer") The problem is that you're encouraging an adult behavior and atmosphere in a theme park that is meant for families. If you can contain the alcoholic behaviors to an isolated area, no problem.
For the person above saying that Disney isnt just for families, I agree. Its for everyone. The only problem with this is those that chose and like to imbibe arent being responsible about it. (We can make the argument that fewer and fewer guests chose to be responsibility for anything but thats a different argument, different thread) The problem lies in that Disney only choses to market to and attract families. Thats their bread and butter. But theyre putting it at risk with the behavior they chose to tolerate.
I've drank around the world a couple of times, the last actually being under a doctor's supervision. Its pretty simple - you need to drink as much water as you consume alcohol and you can do it without becoming a sloppy mess. Drink water, flush the alcohol through the body and have another.
So my overall point(s): The adult alcoholic environment needs to be contained. People need to take personal responsibility. Drink water.