Food & Wine Festival - Drunkytown?

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Well-Known Member
Ok, so yestrday (saturday) was an insane mad house. You could barely walk through WS. The lines for the kiosks were so long they were going into the other countries. It was ridiculous. Now while i didnt see any bad behavior, i just would never go again on a saturday (im not going today either, sunday). It was so crowded you could barely walk through the crowd. Thursday and Friday were great, saturday- never again!!
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Active Member
My wife is trying to talk me into going today. Her thinking is that Sunday won't be as busy as Saturday. We have been every year for the past 7 years. I too have noticed the increased crowds, higher prices, and more drunkies. As you can tell by my profile picture, I am a bit of a cigar aficionado. I love a tasty libation as much as the next guy, but nothing is more off-putting then scores of drunk hooligans. We also have a three year old. Oh and, I hate crowds. In fact, I REALLY hate crowds! Probably not a good character trait for a Disney AP....

Anyway, the question is, should I take the family this year or not? We have put it off until now, but there are only a few weeks left. Going on a weekday is not a possibility with my work schedule. Would a Sunday actually be any better than a Saturday?
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Well-Known Member
My wife is trying to talk me into going today. Her thinking is that Sunday won't be as busy as Saturday. We have been every year for the past 7 years. I too have noticed the increased crowds, higher prices, and more drunkies. As you can tell by my profile picture, I am a bit of a cigar aficionado. I love a tasty libation as much as the next guy, but nothing is more off-putting then scores of drunk hooligans. We also have a three year old. Oh and, I hate crowds. In fact, I REALLY hate crowds! Probably not a good character trait for a Disney AP....

Anyway, the question is, should I take the family this year or not? We have put it off until now, but there are only a few weeks left. Going on a weekday is not a possibility with my work schedule. Would a Sunday actually be any better than a Saturday?

Well...It is International Chef's Day today...just saying!


Well-Known Member
While i can not speak for sunday, i would never ever bring my children there on a saturday. I will never go again on a saturday myself let alone with the kids! Every child we saw was either crying, whining , passed out listless in the carriage or looking just miserable and upset. I am not exaggerating, my girlfriends and I all noticed the poor children there and really felt bad for them that their parents had dragged them there. On top of the heat really being unbearable yesterday. In all honesty i would have to be wasted drunk to be able to put up with another F&W festival on a saturday.
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Active Member
While i can not speak for sunday, i would never ever bring my children there on a saturday. I will never go again on a saturday myself let alone with the kids! Every child we saw was either crying, whining , passed out listless in the carriage or looking just miserable and upset. I am not exaggerating, my girlfriends and I all noticed the poor children there and really felt bad for them that their parents had dragged them there. On top of the heat really being unbearable yesterday. In all honesty i would have to be wasted drunk to be able to put up with another F&W festival on a saturday.

That sounds quite miserable. Maybe F&W truly has degenerated into the realm of being purely a 'singles' event, better fit for bachelorette parties and frat boy binge drinking sessions than for families.

Disney didn't get rid of Pleasure Island, they moved it to World Showcase!


Well-Known Member
That sounds quite miserable. Maybe F&W truly has degenerated into the realm of being purely a 'singles' event, better fit for bachelorette parties and frat boy binge drinking sessions than for families.

Disney didn't get rid of Pleasure Island, they moved it to World Showcase!

Yes it was pretty miserable. We made the best of it because we paid for the ticket already. We got there early so it wasnt bad in the morning, but by 12 noon forget it!!


Think for yourselfer
That sounds quite miserable. Maybe F&W truly has degenerated into the realm of being purely a 'singles' event, better fit for bachelorette parties and frat boy binge drinking sessions than for families.

Disney didn't get rid of Pleasure Island, they moved it to World Showcase!

I agree with the WS becoming a defacto PI, but not the above.

As @alissafalco said, F&W is a great time Mon-Fri evening. Even sundays nights are great. But 5-9pm Friday, and all day Saturday, yeah, that's not a family spot. It's a crowded nightmare.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen it either Alissa, ever... and we go every year. Headed back down in a week, and really looking foward to it. Hope you're having a fabulous time!
This thread got started because I reported on another thread (which was then moved to this thread) the experience of friends with 2 small children last Saturday night. The had spent the morning at MK, having a great time despite heavy crowds. Crowds were not a problem. They then returned to their hotel (Beach Club) and, after relaxing poolside, decided to head to WS. (I warned them not to go.) There children were trampled several times by intoxicated adults who seemed resentful that anyone would dare bring children to the WS. Frankly, there were a couple of times when drunk adults said some pretty nasty things to my friends, suggesting in not-so-nice words that children should not be there.

No family with children should feel unwelcome at any WDW theme park at any time of day. Ever.
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Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should try WS sober on a weekend and with small children? ;)

This thread got started because I reported on another thread (which was then moved to this thread) the experience of friends with 2 small children last Saturday night. The had spent the morning at MK, having a great time despite heavy crowds. Crowds were not a problem. They then returned to their hotel (Beach Club) and, after relaxing poolside, decided to head to WS. (I warned them not to go.) There children were trampled several times by intoxicated adults who seemed resentful that anyone would dare bring children to the WS. Frankly, there were a couple of times when drunk adults said some pretty nasty things to my friends, suggesting in not-so-nice words that children should not be there.

No family with children should feel unwelcome at any WDW theme park at any time of day. Ever.
I have been sober with my young son many times ;) and never experienced what you are describing. We don't get intoxicated LOL, but yes we do try alot of the adult beverages. I have seen children trampled, pushed and shoved at MK though. In defense of your comment, it has been years since my son was a small child (maybe tamer then?) but we have seen people dancing, singing and clearly somewhat lit. In all honesty I have seen worse behavior at Downtown Disney (and yes we were sober too LOLOL)


Active Member
I honestly think the degeneration of F&W is a recent development. (As in, maybe the last 2-3 years.) The first time I ever went was 7 years ago on a Saturday in October. It was such an awesome experience that I've chosen to bring my family back at least once every year since then. I guess I've been in denial of the fact of just how bad it has gotten because I've been hanging on to the wonderful memories of years past. It really hit me last year that it has become a mad house loaded with irresponsible alcohol-fueled crazy people. I will admit, I enjoy the finer things in life. Not in a snobby way, I just love my cigars, food, and libations! I just feel that things have reached the tipping point where the bad is starting to outweigh the good. I guess I will have to start taking days off during the middle of the week to enjoy F&W. Sad.


Well-Known Member
Its typically always the case. Its the worst around 8pm. By then most have had a full day of drinking behind them and are trying to get in the last rounds before the park closes.
I know it is in the range of apples and oranges, but stadiums that have had issues with drunk fans turn off the tap by the 7th inning, or some other arbitrary time. Could they not go dry by 5pm at the booths. They can still get their booze in the restaurants. And in there, the number of guests vs CMs is not as overwhelming as it is outside and those CMs would theoretically have better experience with limiting the Cuervo fueled rage monkeys from sucker punching Aladdin.

In a totally off the wall thought. I would love to have a "Where are they now" type show for those that find it in them to get drunk and start crap in WDW. I would love to see them the next morning. I would like to think there is some level of shame. I am 33 years old and have vacationed at the World 6 different times. I also partake in recreational drinking (not as much as when I was younger, but still more than I probably should). But the thought of drinking, even a single beer in Disney, is ridiculous to me.


Active Member
I've gotta admit, hitting up the F&W on a tuesday was like an entirely different experience from my sunday afternoon F&W disaster a few years ago. i would avoid that place like the plague on a weekend! now that i've experienced a tuesday i will never attempt a weekend visit to the F&W again.

mini slider from florida + cosmo slushy from france + irish cheese = indigestion, but worth it :D


We go the last weekend and are out of the park for an ADR by 7:00 so we miss a lot of the craziness by design. When our daughter was young we were gone by 4:00. When in college we were there until closing and would then hit ESPN on way out lol. Getting old I guess. That said I agree, people need to watch themselves in the Florida sun and many don't think about the abv of their booze choices. Stick with lower abv, eat, have water to help with any possible dehydration and all would be well. But people can be very stupid and selfish sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should try WS sober on a weekend and with small children? ;)

This thread got started because I reported on another thread (which was then moved to this thread) the experience of friends with 2 small children last Saturday night. The had spent the morning at MK, having a great time despite heavy crowds. Crowds were not a problem. They then returned to their hotel (Beach Club) and, after relaxing poolside, decided to head to WS. (I warned them not to go.) There children were trampled several times by intoxicated adults who seemed resentful that anyone would dare bring children to the WS. Frankly, there were a couple of times when drunk adults said some pretty nasty things to my friends, suggesting in not-so-nice words that children should not be there.

No family with children should feel unwelcome at any WDW theme park at any time of day. Ever.
Firstly, who are you to judge? I HAVE gone to F&W MANY years with a young child. I never even had a glass of wine, until he was 18. Just because I did not witness what YOU did, does NOT give you the right to judge me. For me to visit Food and Wine sober? We do it every year!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Firstly, who are you to judge? I HAVE gone to F&W MANY years with a young child. I never even had a glass of wine, until he was 18. Just because I did not witness what YOU did, does NOT give you the right to judge me. For me to visit Food and Wine sober? We do it every year!! LOL
@ParentsOf4 never judge anyone so harshly based on your personal experiences, I found your post HIGHLY offensive
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