Flies. Lots of Flies.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that you have to have a brain to get meningitis.
So that would rule out a few of us......

*WARNING: hint detected. Hint detected. Deploy reference.*
"We have some successes... And some failures."

...kidding. And I really hope nobody brings up the idea of insect cuisine. Look, plenty of protein, pound for pound, but I am guessing you'd be turning sea green by now. Excuse me. *faint*


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I visit Florida twice a year and have done so for the last 20 years and I would say you guys have a real common fly infestation problem here, it's a real shame as most insects here never bother anyone but these pesky flies are a real nuisance, and on my last visit to disney it seemed really bad everyone's food was being attacked by flies and mothers were having to take kids out of prams into the hot sun as there were tons of flies in the prams crawling over the kids, spilled drinks made things even worse as there could easily be hundreds of flies in the line of a ride and you had to run through a gauntlet of flies, it makes disney look dirty as these type of flies are dirty insects and should be taken care of, my family won't be back until I hear disneys plan to improve this.

I'm just glad this temporary issue hasn't brought out hyperbole as a response....


Well-Known Member
I have not noticed "flies" yet, but I have noticed the love bugs. I was driving the other day and turned my windshield wipers on and I didn't see them on my windshield, so they got smashed and dragged all over... Ew.

I just love living in Florida, with the bipolar weather and the over abundance of bugs...

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Has anyone else noticed an over abundance of black flies everywhere at MK?

I'm inside Pecos Bill right now & there are flies everywhere. They were all around Sleepy Hollow yesterday & all over fantasyland about 10 min ago.

Anyone else noticing?

I haven't read through all ten pages (TEN?! jesus) of this thread yet, but YES... during my trip there were flies and those gross semi-curled... mating?? kinda hairy bugs EVERYWHERE. I had lunch at Pinnochio house before dashing through gift shops (lol) then monorail to get to resort to catch DME... and flies were everywhere. However, four days prior, they weren't.

Ok, now to read ten pages (ten?!) of fly talk...

(edit) OK! Love bugs. Thats what those gross slow-flying kinda fuzzy looking things were. But legs, not fuzz. Ok, got it. Still gross.

Other than flies, love bugs, billions of ittybitty lizards (that I thought were adorable!) and a baby bunny (equally adorable) I didn't notice any ants, mosquitos... none of that. In fact, mosquitos typically love my pasty-white skinned German blooded self... and I didn't get a single bite. So either the Florida bugs don't like me or WDW does a fantastic job of keeping them away.

And if I saw a snail that size, Id probably scream like a little girl and run in the opposite direction.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure Disney will contact you when they devise a plan to control nature.
My understanding is that this is the reason for their continued Environmentality that isn't really environmentally-friendly. They want to promote global warming so Florida heats up and dries out further, killing the flies and reducing guest complaints about the wet weather. "I was told this is the SUNSHINE state!"


Well-Known Member
I know someone had to mentioned this before but the love bugs aren't a big nuisance really at WDW but if any drive through Florida to get there the vehicle gets slaughtered with them and are hard to get off.


One Little Spark...
I know someone had to mentioned this before but the love bugs aren't a big nuisance really at WDW but if any drive through Florida to get there the vehicle gets slaughtered with them and are hard to get off.

Love bugs? You mean, like Herbie?


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