Theoretically, they could still bring him to DCA, considering he ‘does’ have a cameo appearance in the queue to Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout!. But hey, ya never know.

Heck, if Disney wanted to expand and built a park in California (not even neccesarily in Anaheim, but elsewhere in California). They could always build a WestCOT, there, that way. But yeah.
Granted, it’s funny, the last time I was at Disneyland (thanks to a cousin of mine’s invitation, she was paying for my ticket. lol) which was a couple weeks ago, I found 2 Figment pins there at the pin shop on Main St., themed to the original ride. The Artist (from the Realm of Art) and Stage Performer (from the Realm of Performing Arts/Theatre), I of course bought them, since I didn’t own them prior, they were themed to the original 83-98 ride (my favorite) and figured they were worthy souvineers after returning after a good while (a couple years back), so yeah
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