Premium Member
Let me end this:So right off the bat we can assume most DVC owners go at least once every 2 years.
Anyone who lives out of state and buys the AP has to go at least twice for it to make any financial sense.
I personally go at least once a year until lately (thanks corona) and know many families that do also.
When I’m on vacation and start talking to people I also run into many repeat visitors.
Heck when I ride any ride with a pre show 95% of the freaking room knows it word for word and all blurt it out to showoff what a “pro” they are.
“Make it a stretch” “___________” fill in the blank!
People go back to Disney again and again.
It might not be every year, but it’s enough that if they stopped going Disney would be in trouble.
1. first the “year” is not the criteria…that’s an arbitrary category. “Frequent” is studied and can be redefined at any time. If you go twice in 6 months and then don’t go for 18…the net effect is the same as if you show up for spring break. It doesn’t matter.
2. I had access to this data…it was along time ago…but it’s not a mystery. It got to 50% of repeat guests because that was what the third gen management built and designed for…but it’s not a theory.
Now…could that have slid since? Sure…but not clear out of the ballpark. And consider this: in my day you could easily do a week for 4 at $1500-2500. What is that now? $4000? More probably like $5000+. So with the continued mass of wealth going to the upper select and the lower class increase in the US - statistics…fact - there are now more people that can afford the one timer trip?
that makes sense…or is it more likely that the “private playground” aspect of the money compound in 32830 may even have increased?
what makes sense?