I'd like to bring up a point that I don't think anyone's mentioned yet. In the days of yore when we booked our 3 FPs months ahead of time, I'm sure most people (I know we did) booked them so that the sequence of FPs matched the flow of their travel around the park. If you started your day at rope drop in NFL, maybe you do 7DMT and PPF, then move to HM in Liberty Square, then maybe BTMRR in Frontierland, before the lines get too long in late morning. Then, you might book your first FP at PoTC as you move into Adventureland, your second at JC, then your third on Space Mountain as you move to Tomorrowland. I would imagine most people travel through the lands in a circular path, depending on where they start. If this new system is implemented, once the queues reach the point where standby needs to be scheduled, or if you want to start using the paid DPPs, your path around the park will be determined by what attractions you can schedule a standby/DPP for, and where you want to be and what you want to do while waiting in the virtual queue. This is going to result in alot of back and forth across the parks, which is definitely going to increase the amount of walking each day, which could lead to sore feet and tired kids sooner than usual, or result in making decisions which can lead to alot of time spent hanging out and waiting. For example, there is a standby spot/DPP at BTMRR/Splash available in an hour and you are in Tomorrowland wanting to ride SM/Tron/Buzz but they're not available for 2-3 hours. Do you book BTMRR/Splash, walk to Frontierland, ride, and then hope you can book SM/Tron/Buzz for later and walk back to TL? Or, do you book SM/Tron/Buzz for 2-3 hours later and hang out there for that time because you don't want to walk over to Frontierland and have to walk back to TL later without being assured that you will get that standby spot/DPP at SM/Tron/Buzz?