Premium Member
They have zero reason to do that…They can still implement this and make everyone happy if they allot DPA to all on site guests for free and offer deals to buy more passes for rides or shows etc. And they can also offer deals to the lesser attractions knowing that the once in a lifetime trip to Disney family, etc might decide to accept an exciting offer for 18 dollars per guest ride Peter Pan at 7pm. While the standby pass is their way of controlling line waits. I'm not blind or oblivious to the face Disney will try to make money off of this. No doubt this would be a monetary change but I do not think they will risk losing more money elsewhere as by charging all guests, they would lose people who want the meal plan or buying merchandise.
The more and more i think about this is I am on the boat with those who think this is not going to be as dramatic of a change price wise or systemically other then a new app to manage and receive offers or buy.
why invent a new revenue stream and then give it away to what you have already sold that is burdened by high overhead cost?