Fantasmic! gets show lighting upgrades ahead of its 15th anniversary

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member

Hurrah for the tech upgrade and all. But these glow with the show things completely change the way nightime shows function. You now have a sea of light you have to work with. A massive carpet of corresponding lights, which are now the largest show feature, the one closest to the audience too.

It's madness. The first thing you want to secure for a nightime or indoor show is complete darkness beyond the stage.

The GwtS concept is neat and all, but it can be very distracting to be in an audience full of people wearing said ears.


Well-Known Member
I got to witnessed the new LED lighting on the Princess Barges during last nights Fantasmic Performance and all I can say is win. Now can we replace the Pocahontas segment with Pirates of the Caribbean and bring in a new Dragon and we are talking.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The only reason why the ears are distracting is because not every single viewer wears them during the shows. When the entire crowd wears them, the effect is really cool and not distracting at all.
No, they're distracting because watching a show in the dark is supposed to allow you to focus on the event on stage.

Imagine everyone wearing flashing hats in a movie theatre?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
No, they're distracting because watching a show in the dark is supposed to allow you to focus on the event on stage.

Imagine everyone wearing flashing hats in a movie theatre?

Given the fact that there are lights going on and off in the show, it's not very distracting to me at all, not to mention the color of the light from the ears match whatever color comes up in the show.

The movie theater example is not a good one. Not the same thing at all, actually.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Given the fact that there are lights going on and off in the show, it's not very distracting to me at all, not to mention the color of the light from the ears match whatever color comes up in the show.

The movie theater example is not a good one. Not the same thing at all, actually.
I'm happy you yourself don't find them distracting. We will agree to disagree.

Let's see how many suckers fork out for them.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy you yourself don't find them distracting. We will agree to disagree.

Let's see how many suckers fork out for them.

This is Disney World right - wouldn't surprise me if TDO pays people to wear them initially to build up a little demand. This summer at DCA I encountered about 5-10 that were wearing them. The people I can't stand are the people who can't stand still, and sing with the music. :devilish:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad Fantasmic at DHS is getting some love. It's way overdue and hopefully the upgrades will continue. I don't think the Pocohantas scene is ever going away, but I would love for them to ax the dancing bubbles segment which I've always found boring. Ideally I'd love a clone of DL's dragon at Hollywood Studios, but from what I understand, the logistics of the stage at DHS would make that near impossible, since DL's dragon comes from underground, while the dragon at DHS comes from the rear of the mountain.

As for the Glow With The Show ears, the effect is pretty diminished unless a significant amount of people are wearing them. They are a little distracting, but really no more than people filming the show on their iPads and smartphones.


Well-Known Member
Ideally I'd love a clone of DL's dragon at Hollywood Studios, but from what I understand, the logistics of the stage at DHS would make that near impossible, since DL's dragon comes from underground, while the dragon at DHS comes from the rear of the mountain.

So design the Disneyland-style animatronic fire breathing dragon to come from the rear of the mountain. If they can figure out how to fold this guy into several pieces and move him up and down from the basement of Tom Sawyer Island twice or three times per night at Disneyland, surely they can design one for the DHS mountain where there's a lot more room to work with and a huge backstage area.

See the guy with the blue backpack standing there? There's a dragon pit right beneath him. Watch out!

If Disney can figure out how to fold up a giant dragon underneath that 58 year old Disneyland facility and let people walk on it all day, then surely Disney can figure out the same thing for a larger custom stage at DHS that sits empty all day and is ONLY used for Fantasmic!.

To use the tired old excuse "Oh, well at Disneyland they..." just doesn't fly. Dragons fly, but that excuse doesn't. Build it TDO! :)


Well-Known Member
The only reason why the ears are distracting is because not every single viewer wears them during the shows. When the entire crowd wears them, the effect is really cool and not distracting at all.
Ah, if that's the case, and Disney is all about show quality, shouldn't they be handing these out free for the duration of the show?


Well-Known Member
The glow with the show ears are so distracting. While they look cool in some of the vids, I found myself paying more attention to them then the actual Fantasmic or WOC viewing...not exactly where my attention should be focused. Doesn't feel like they are an enhancment to the viewing experience.


Well-Known Member
I would love for the show to receive the series of multiple small updates that DL has received over the years. New lasers, digital HD projectors, new lighting, new Dragon, honestly the list goes on and on. DL's F! has had a bunch of small frequent updates over the years but once again, it's all of the small little things that add up and make a difference!

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