I'm not entirely sure if this has been posted already, but I was at the studios last night, and when we went to see Fantasmic! there were some updates (and somethings that looked new to me, but may have been there all along), so I thought I'd share what I saw.
1) In the Pocahontas scene, there are stacks of logs that are positioned stage right, and partway through the scene they fall and knock over several of the actors. I'm not sure if this is new, but it's the first time I've seen it.
2) The Princess floats have been upgraded, and I mean upgraded. The lights twinkle and move in blues and whites when they're in the dark, and when the spotlights come on the colors "explode" with the music. It looks fantastic, and it's hard to describe, but it's really amazing.
3) Fog effects have been added that conceal the dragon. It makes her look far more realistic and really distracts from the fact that it's just a head on a stick.
4) Sorcerer Mickey's pyro effects when he starts waving his arms like a madman have trails that spin, similar to how the comets in the Sorcerer's Apprentice cartoon spin around him in his dream. This is also hard to describe, but it looked really neat.
Overall, the show has never looked or sounded better, although Jafar's right eye almost didn't light up. Just thought I'd share what I saw!