New Member
Take this for what it's worth, but through a friend of a friend (She works as a Snow White face character, as well as on Kali and Expedition Everest). She informed me that the 2 nights a week will only be through April and it is the result of needed refurbishment as well to focus the crowds on American Idol.
How could they do a refurb that is extensive enough to require 4-months and still be able to run the attraction 2X a week? That part doesn't make sense to me.
Neither did AI at first. But I'm wondering if they aren't going all out the opening months of AI to get it rolling. The only way I can see them cutting Fantasmic out and using AI as the closing show is if they are bringing in past winners/finalists from the TV show to do 5 night sets. Sort of a crowd draw to get the attraction going. This would also justify using the Fantasmic stadium.