Eyes on EPCOT Center


Well-Known Member
Lol, that's my name for him - it's short for "Mutant Duck." Most guests think he's just an random looking duck, instead of the Egyptian Goose that he really is, so I call him that for fun. :)
Ah, OK. :D

Have Morocco and Japan had decorations before? I don't remember them having any, since they're Shinto (Buddhist) and Muslim primarily
I can't remember now, but I think something like so..? :shrug:

Spectacle of Lights has it's Baby Jesus up the entire duration of the show, so everybody get's to see the Jeebus.
Well, it makes sense, but I grew up with displaying Baby Jesus after Dec. 25.


Well-Known Member
Gotta disagree. At first I was with you, but then you reminded me of the Beach Boys music and how I felt when I heard it in EPCOT. :hurl: In my opinion, it just didn't work and felt awkward. Walking through I kept picturing Typhoon Lagoon in my head and it took me out of the "EPCOT mood".

I think it works in the Magic Kingdom entrance because it is supposed to be a towns Main Street. It works in Animal Kingdom because they are supposed to be villages and the Studios works because its expected that a studio would decorate and play music during the holidays. To me EPCOT is the only park that it just doesn't work well in because you don't get that sense that people live ( ie. Main Street USA or Discovery Island ) or work ( ie. the Studios ) in Future World and would come out to celebrate. They could have xmas music from around the world in the World Showcase as long as it was from each specific country.

I think this goes to show that at this point its all personal taste. Some people like it, some don't. That's why I say split the difference. There's no reason not to have Christmas music playing during the holidays, as most people coming at that time of year are going to expect it and like it, but there's also no reason to drop the thematic ball with the choice of music. I turn on the radio and hear all sorts of different kinds of Christmas music. Futuristic, classic, jazzy, rock, blues, it spans all genres.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Muty, Baby Jeebus, Naked Mickey. :) What more could you want on WDWMagic? :lol:

Thanks for the pics and PM, EPCOTPluto. :D


Absolutely not...We're just talking about the MAIN ENTRANCE. The Music is important here only in that it be welcoming and encapsulate the feel of the park at the time. During the Holidays it should feel special. Now sometimes I'll agree, like when it was princess music for some reason. Beach Boys during Flower and Garden was perfect though. Same with Christmas music. It's about emotion, not theology...Sometimes it doesn't feel right, sometimes, like Christmas, it does.
Right, and the Holidays can feel special through DECOR. That really doesn't change the subconscious mood that music does. Read about Theme and Setting in a WDI Guide. Music changes the setting....Decor only adds to the theme.

Gotta disagree. At first I was with you, but then you reminded me of the Beach Boys music and how I felt when I heard it in EPCOT. :hurl: In my opinion, it just didn't work and felt awkward. Walking through I kept picturing Typhoon Lagoon in my head and it took me out of the "EPCOT mood".

I think it works in the Magic Kingdom entrance because it is supposed to be a towns Main Street. It works in Animal Kingdom because they are supposed to be villages and the Studios works because its expected that a studio would decorate and play music during the holidays. To me EPCOT is the only park that it just doesn't work well in because you don't get that sense that people live ( ie. Main Street USA or Discovery Island ) or work ( ie. the Studios ) in Future World and would come out to celebrate. They could have xmas music from around the world in the World Showcase as long as it was from each specific country.

Exactly. Everywhere else, it's fine. WS, too. Future World? Nope. Unless it'll be Christmas 24/7/365. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
Was on SE yesterday and just thought I would post a couple notes. Figured this would be the best thread for it:

ascent curtains are a mess, out of place and loaded with wrinkles, they look like someone has hung bed sheets up and didnt bother to straighten them. very poor. :brick:

lights on under track still in cave screen scene, fills the room with bright white light and ruins the effect.

the burning rome smell was totally off. no I dont have a cold lol, it was turned off.

a ladder is lying next to the civil war scene big wheel, in a way its not too bad as it sorta fits in with the industrial theme there, but still shows as clear as day. :brick:

on up a bit the glowing white power lines in the operator scene were all off. :brick:

at top, the best part was the dancing green light from the tunnel was gone and no longer bouncing all over the roof. bad part is all those white lights are still all over the side wall, unless that is there on purpose now as a cloud like effect? In general the top seems way too bright, so much so that you can make out the shape of the triangle panels, i miss the darkness.

descent, well you know nothing new, same crap sitting and hanging around everywhere and overhead.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
Was on SE yesterday and just thought I would post a couple notes. Figured this would be the best thread for it:

ascent curtains are a mess, out of place and loaded with wrinkles, they look like someone has hung bed sheets up and didnt bother to straighten them. very poor. :brick:

lights on under track still in cave screen scene, fills the room with bright white light and ruins the effect.

the burning rome smell was totally off. no I dont have a cold lol, it was turned off.

a ladder is lying next to the civil war scene big wheel, in a way its not too bad as it sorta fits in with the industrial theme there, but still shows as clear as day. :brick:

on up a bit the glowing white power lines in the operator scene were all off. :brick:

at top, the best part was the dancing green light from the tunnel was gone and no longer bouncing all over the roof. bad part is all those white lights are still all over the side wall, unless that is there on purpose now as a cloud like effect? In general the top seems way too bright, so much so that you can make out the shape of the triangle panels, i miss the darkness.

descent, well you know nothing new, same crap sitting and hanging around everywhere and overhead.

Well, that sounds thoroughly awful. :(


Well-Known Member
Right, and the Holidays can feel special through DECOR. That really doesn't change the subconscious mood that music does. Read about Theme and Setting in a WDI Guide. Music changes the setting....Decor only adds to the theme.

Exactly. Everywhere else, it's fine. WS, too. Future World? Nope. Unless it'll be Christmas 24/7/365. :lol:

Ok, so it's fine everywhere else, but heaven forbid the music is cheerful in Stark Pavilionland? The Epcot MAIN ENTRANCE is the most appropriate place to change the music, I think it's just because you people always want to hear the Innoventions loop whereas I hear it frequently and don't mind seasonal change.

And seriously, Beach Boys were PER-FEC-T. It was an uncommonly cool April, no humid air, just nice fresh summer breezes, rustling the Flower & Garden Palm Trees in front of the glowing Spaceship Earth and the twilight of dusk...Walking slowly to the smooth Californian tunes knowing just past Spaceship Earth lies a night of beautiful gardens lit with wonderful lighting, and maybe even a Concert, some Mission Space, and a walk around the world...Captured the time, Captured the spirit, and made memories that make the park special for people like me.


Seriously, You know me, I am a huge Consertive when it comes to Theme and Setting. I'd kill a man who's Lady GaGa ringtone was ruining the atmosphere of Serka Zong. I'm still upset at the crummy new MuppetVision posters. If I see things that stick out or change the theme drastically, I flip out...But this is the EPCOT Main Entrence, and aside from a few occasions (Princess Music) I think it's in the greater interest of Epcot fans to calm down over Christmas tunes being played at the main entrence.


Well-Known Member
OK, Fountain of Nations, with the Joyful! preparations onstage, does not perform any shows, of course. However, I asked in Tip Board if they would have any fountain shows just in case. I was told that at 6pm, the Fountain begins its quarterly shows. It was not known, however, if the music from LoW would play. I would assume yes, but I can't exactly confirm it. Hopefully someone else would...


Here are several pics from Joyful! A Gospel Celebration. I have to admit that the show itself is nice. I noted a good number of people enjoying the rhythm. But it is certainly not a replacement for LoW. :(



That is a great idea. Keeping the LoW music with the fountains would be a nice touch.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
Was on SE yesterday and just thought I would post a couple notes. Figured this would be the best thread for it:

ascent curtains are a mess, out of place and loaded with wrinkles, they look like someone has hung bed sheets up and didnt bother to straighten them. very poor. :brick:

lights on under track still in cave screen scene, fills the room with bright white light and ruins the effect.

the burning rome smell was totally off. no I dont have a cold lol, it was turned off.

a ladder is lying next to the civil war scene big wheel, in a way its not too bad as it sorta fits in with the industrial theme there, but still shows as clear as day. :brick:

on up a bit the glowing white power lines in the operator scene were all off. :brick:

at top, the best part was the dancing green light from the tunnel was gone and no longer bouncing all over the roof. bad part is all those white lights are still all over the side wall, unless that is there on purpose now as a cloud like effect? In general the top seems way too bright, so much so that you can make out the shape of the triangle panels, i miss the darkness.

descent, well you know nothing new, same crap sitting and hanging around everywhere and overhead.
Sounds like I missed quite a bit on SSE then... :lookaroun

That is a great idea. Keeping the LoW music with the fountains would be a nice touch.
Yes it would.

Anybody can confirm if that's what happens after 6pm?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Hi everyone,
Was on SE yesterday and just thought I would post a couple notes. Figured this would be the best thread for it:

ascent curtains are a mess, out of place and loaded with wrinkles, they look like someone has hung bed sheets up and didnt bother to straighten them. very poor. :brick:

lights on under track still in cave screen scene, fills the room with bright white light and ruins the effect.

the burning rome smell was totally off. no I dont have a cold lol, it was turned off.

a ladder is lying next to the civil war scene big wheel, in a way its not too bad as it sorta fits in with the industrial theme there, but still shows as clear as day. :brick:

on up a bit the glowing white power lines in the operator scene were all off. :brick:

at top, the best part was the dancing green light from the tunnel was gone and no longer bouncing all over the roof. bad part is all those white lights are still all over the side wall, unless that is there on purpose now as a cloud like effect? In general the top seems way too bright, so much so that you can make out the shape of the triangle panels, i miss the darkness.

descent, well you know nothing new, same crap sitting and hanging around everywhere and overhead.
While that is HORRIBLE quality, and I REALLY hope that it's fixed in 18 days (:lookaroun) that, my friends, sounds like work. Hope something is going on.

....in 18 days.:lookaroun

Ok, so it's fine everywhere else, but heaven forbid the music is cheerful in Stark Pavilionland? The Epcot MAIN ENTRANCE is the most appropriate place to change the music, I think it's just because you people always want to hear the Innoventions loop whereas I hear it frequently and don't mind seasonal change.

And seriously, Beach Boys were PER-FEC-T. It was an uncommonly cool April, no humid air, just nice fresh summer breezes, rustling the Flower & Garden Palm Trees in front of the glowing Spaceship Earth and the twilight of dusk...Walking slowly to the smooth Californian tunes knowing just past Spaceship Earth lies a night of beautiful gardens lit with wonderful lighting, and maybe even a Concert, some Mission Space, and a walk around the world...Captured the time, Captured the spirit, and made memories that make the park special for people like me.


Seriously, You know me, I am a huge Consertive when it comes to Theme and Setting. I'd kill a man who's Lady GaGa ringtone was ruining the atmosphere of Serka Zong. I'm still upset at the crummy new MuppetVision posters. If I see things that stick out or change the theme drastically, I flip out...But this is the EPCOT Main Entrence, and aside from a few occasions (Princess Music) I think it's in the greater interest of Epcot fans to calm down over Christmas tunes being played at the main entrence.

Yes! And you just said it! :lol: It does not fit there. At all. Decor fits, because it shows that something is being celebrated, and it adds to the atmosphere, not change it. Music fundamentlly changes the theme, setting, and mood for a area. You walk into EPCOT to Jingle Bells, that's not setting the tone for a day of exploration, futurism, and world culture. Same with the Beach Boys. It clashes. It makes the small overlay for XMas or FG become all encompassing. It's too much. How the "spirit" of EPCOT is found in California Music is beyond me. That's like spray painting "Flower and Garden" over everything in EPCOT.

If they want to put XMAS music in, do it by the FoN, by LoW(RIP!) , and in WS while walking out of the park. THERE, it works, because you see what we are celebrating. It just makes more sense.

Sheesh...conservatives? Liberals? Where the heck does this leave me?!:ROFLOL:
Ehhh maybe in the 80s not sure they could sell it know. And if they did the only reason would be because of his death. In a year or so people would be bored of it.

I am all for a new show in the Imagination Pavillion though. Love HISTA but its kind of 90s imo. Maybe this will come along with the refurbished JII. Hopefullly


New Member
Al Lutz latest article mentions EO begin considered to come to Epcot and Tokyo Disneyland with Kodak begin supportive of the shows possible return to Disneyland.

read here: http://miceage.micechat.com/allutz/al120109a.htm

"Epcot's version of the Imagination Institute", lol.

And poor Al, if he has absolutely no clue about the Jay/Tom situation, he shouldn't attempt to write about it. I'm embarrassed for him.

But not a total loss. Pretty interesting observations on the SoCal AP situation, which appears to be getting completely out of control.


Well-Known Member
IMO, Captain EO is grossly cheesy, but I'll watch it again. It really would have fit better as a music attraction in DHS.

But I can confirm this is considered a temporary show between the current and new versions of the Imagination pavilion. :cool:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
IMO, Captain EO is grossly cheesy, but I'll watch it again. It really would have fit better as a music attraction in DHS.

But I can confirm this is considered a temporary show between the current and new versions of the Imagination pavilion. :cool:

:D Reassuring words, Tiri.

And yes, very cheesy. :lol: But EPCOT Center-y, too. And a nice tribute to MJ.

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