Expedition Everest's Devil's Advocate


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MontyMon said:
Well, believe it or not, I would be disappointed if you directly saw more of the Yeti. I, along with my 10-year-old son, rode 18 times, 10 in "B" mode and 8 in "A". I found the entire experience most satisfying. IMHO longer exposure to the Yeti in the final scene or additional direct sightings prior to that scene would reduce the efficacy of the final scene. Sadly, you are not fortunate enough to have the same appreciation for the artistry of the overall show of EE. That doesn't for a moment suggest to me that I'm blinded by Disney fanaticism, rather that you are not accepting that others' tastes do not jive with yours. Pity, that.

You probably also think it's "artistic" that the back of Everest has been left unfinished. :rolleyes:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Merlin said:
You probably also think it's "artistic" that the back of Everest has been left unfinished. :rolleyes:

Nope. Never saw it, can't "think" anything one way or the other.


New Member
Merlin said:
I have no doubt you've seen those reactions from people. But there aren't really that many attractions in existence anywhere that haven't evoked that reaction at least sometimes. I've heard the same reactions from people exiting Mummy, Jaws, Hulk, Spiderman,...heck even the Flying Unicorn! What I think borders on the ridiculous, though, and also loses all credibility, is when members make claims like, "I've ridden Everest over 20 times now and EVERY SINGLE TIME I've ridden, I've heard 'HUNDREDS' of comments from guests about how awesome it was...and 'not one single guest' has been dissapointed with it." Before I rode Everest, and I read these types of posts, I found the claims highly suspect. But there are people on these boards who are going to believe these claims and take them literally. There's no way that ANY attraction could live up to that kind of hype. But in the case of Everest, it really is a tremendous disappointment, so people who read and believe posts like these are going to feel even more let down.

Merlin, I don't even know where to begin.

How about we start with my opinion---Is EE different than what I expected it to be? Yes. Was I dissapointed with it? No. Just because something is different than expected, does not make it an automatic letdown.

It seems you're having trouble realizing that we on these boards DO NOT neccesarily reflect the opinion of the general public visiting the parks. You need to realize that the vast majority of guests visiting the parks DO NOT spend hours a day reading about the next big Disney ride on the internet---meaning they don't know what to expect. Everest is a great example: while we here on the boards have been speculating for years about how the train would come to a stop, and a 50 foot tall animatronic would pick us up and throw us across the room... All the average guest knew was that Disney was building a ride with a coaster going through a mountain.

Things are no different now that the ride has opened: While on these boards we were "expecting" snow, tons of show scenes, and a Yeti that would pick us up... All that guests are expecting is a basic, average roller coaster ride through a mountain. Instead, their train comes to a stop, rolls backwards at high-speeds through the dark, has several encounters with a Yeti, and a bunch of great thrills throughout. This is why people are loving this ride. Though Expedition Everest might be 10x less impressive than what you might have expected, it is 10x more impressive than anything the average guest expects out of the ride---hence why they come off the train cheering, telling their friends it is their new favorite ride at Disney, and loving this attraction.

As far as that comment about people getting off the ride and right back on. I have no doubt you've seen this at "Mummy, Jaws, Hulk, Spiderman,...heck even the Flying Unicorn." Do you know what that means if people are doing that? It means they enjoyed the ride, and want to do it again. If people are doing it on the Flying Unicorn, they enjoyed the Flying Unicorn. If they are doing this with Expedition Everest (drumroll, please) it means they are (TADAA!) enjoying Expedition Everest.

To that remark of yours mocking people like Peter and myself that have been on the attraction numerous times and have yet to hear our first negative remark..... Mock all you want but it is the truth, why would we make something like that up? Your argument that as Disney fans we try and make ourselves believe that we enjoyed it while we actually didn't makes no sense. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- as Disney Fanatics, we are the toughest critics of them all. We are not afraid to point it out when Disney drops the ball (whether it be a sign that hasn't been fixed in months, or an attraction as a whole.)

Stitch: I always hear guests walking out of there complaining.
Kali: I enjoy it, it has pretty good effects and a neat drop, but everytime I ride it at least one of the parties on board makes the comment "Wait... it's over? THAT WAS IT!?" And I agree, it probably should have been a bit longer.
Everest: I am yet to hear my first negative remark from a guest. Like it or not, that is the truth.



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imagineersrock said:
As far as that comment about people getting off the ride and right back on. I have no doubt you've seen this at "Mummy, Jaws, Hulk, Spiderman,...heck even the Flying Unicorn." Do you know what that means if people are doing that? It means they enjoyed the ride, and want to do it again. If people are doing it on the Flying Unicorn, they enjoyed the Flying Unicorn. If they are doing this with Expedition Everest (drumroll, please) it means they are (TADAA!) enjoying Expedition Everest.

My purpose in referencing Mummy and the others was to point out that EVERY attraction gets those reactions from people. That doesn't support the assertion, by some on these boards, that there's anything special or mindblowing about Everest. I have no doubt there are people who like the ride. For the most part, I thought it was okay as well (a point I've already stated). But it is far from being "awesome" "amazing" "incredible" or anything else more than an average thrill ride. To say otherwise sets an unrealistic expectation.


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imagineersrock said:
To that remark of yours mocking people like Peter and myself that have been on the attraction numerous times and have yet to hear our first negative remark..... Mock all you want but it is the truth, why would we make something like that up? Your argument that as Disney fans we try and make ourselves believe that we enjoyed it while we actually didn't makes no sense. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- as Disney Fanatics, we are the toughest critics of them all. We are not afraid to point it out when Disney drops the ball (whether it be a sign that hasn't been fixed in months, or an attraction as a whole.)

I believe you when you say you haven't HEARD a negative remark. That doesn't translate to mean that "everyone" is pleased with this attraction. Others have stated that "no one" has been disappointed with this attraction. How could anyone possibly know that?


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
I pretty much think that anyone who is going to come back and say Everest is "Awesome" or "Amazing", has got be looking at it through rose-colored glasses. It is a major letdown in my opinion.
So, if they don't agree with your opinion, then they are wrong? You know what--don't ride it again and I don't have to have you taking up my spot in line and I won't have to listen to your whining drivel.


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SpongeScott said:
You know what--don't ride it again and I don't have to have you taking up my spot in line and I won't have to listen to your whining drivel.

That's the packaged response to anyone who says an attraction didn't meet their expectations isn't it? I've lost count of how many times I've read this line (usually paraphrased as something along the lines of, "Good, one less person in line ahead of me when I go".) An original response would be refreshing. :lol:


New Member
Merlin said:
My purpose in referencing Mummy and the others was to point out that EVERY attraction gets those reactions from people. That doesn't support the assertion, by some on these boards, that there's anything special or mindblowing about Everest. I have no doubt there are people who like the ride. For the most part, I thought it was okay as well (a point I've already stated). But it is far from being "awesome" "amazing" "incredible" or anything else more than an average thrill ride. To say otherwise sets an unrealistic expectation.
It is nothing more than a matter of opinion. Just because someone thinks Mummy is "awesome" "amazing" "incredible" does not make it any of those, just like because someone else thinks Everest is "awesome" "amazing" "incredible" that does not automatically make it any of those either. My point was simply to tell you what the people are saying, and it appears the vast majority is pleased with this attraction.

Merlin said:
I believe you when you say you haven't HEARD a negative remark. That doesn't translate to mean that "everyone" is pleased with this attraction.
I'm pretty sure I've never said that what I've heard translates into EVERYONE enjoying this attraction. Visits to this discussion board alone make it obvious that not EVERYONE is pleased with this attraction. Again, just telling it like it is when I say I am yet to hear one person (In person at AK) make a negative remark reagarding Everest.


New Member
Merlin said:
My purpose in referencing Mummy and the others was to point out that EVERY attraction gets those reactions from people. That doesn't support the assertion, by some on these boards, that there's anything special or mindblowing about Everest. I have no doubt there are people who like the ride. For the most part, I thought it was okay as well (a point I've already stated). But it is far from being "awesome" "amazing" "incredible" or anything else more than an average thrill ride. To say otherwise sets an unrealistic expectation.

Merlin, believe me when I say this, and listen well.

You. Are. Not. God.

Not everyone thinks what you think. Not everyone has to think what you think. Just because you say it does not make it true.

If you think Everest is a bad ride - fine, express your thoughts, but don't try to force your opinion upon others. Which you are doing. It shows weakness.

You especially have no chance convincing those that have already ridden the ride of how bad it is when they already love it.

Please. This is no way to make friends.

Thank you. :wave:


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Pongo said:
Merlin, believe me when I say this, and listen well.

You. Are. Not. God.

Not everyone thinks what you think. Not everyone has to think what you think. Just because you say it does not make it true.

If you think Everest is a bad ride - fine, express your thoughts, but don't try to force your opinion upon others. Which you are doing. It shows weakness.

You especially have no chance convincing those that have already ridden the ride of how bad it is when they already love it.

Please. This is no way to make friends.

Thank you. :wave:

I'm not trying to convince anyone who's ridden Everest that it is a bad attraction. That would be pointless. Those who have ridden it are generally going to have one of the following resulting opinions:

1. They didn't care for it
2. They enjoyed it
3. They don't want to admit that it's a disappointment, and were determined to "love it" long before it was even built.

It would be a waste of time to try and change any of the above opinions. And I have no interest in doing so anyway. Like others, I'm just expressing my honest opinion too. My opinion is ruffling feathers though, because it differs from a few others and it probably strikes a nerve with those who know I'm right (and are probably afraid their loyalties to Disney would be in question if they admitted it to themselves and to others).

All that aside though, there is another audience reading this thread...those who have not ridden it yet and who are formulating expectations based on what people are saying about Everest. To those people, I don't think it's fair to set unrealistically high expectations of this mediocre attraction. To those people, I would suggest you read between the lines of even the most positive reviews of Everest. If you notice, a lot of it is either unbelievable stuff (i.e. "I hung out around this attraction for HOURS and EVERYONE applauded, cheered, and had high praise for Everest!") or a lot of justifying (i.e. "It's great storytelling that you only see the Yeti for a couple of milliseconds and also that you can see the construction beams when you're supposed to be inside a mountain."):lol:


Well-Known Member
Just some information that may help in here...

1. Merlin is always right.
2. Merlin will argue about nothing and everything at the same time.
3. Merlin thinks he's a psychic and knows what people are really thinking.

So, it's best if you just don't acknowledge him or argue with him. It's usually the easiest way not to get ticked off. Also, a quote by Speck76 is appropriate. :D

speck76 said:
never argue with an idiot, they will take you down the their level, then beat you with experience


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wannab@dis said:
3. Merlin thinks he's a psychic and knows what people are really thinking.

Since you're claiming to know what I think, doesn't this make you just as guilty for doing what you're claiming I'm doing?:rolleyes:

Isn't one also guilty of thinking he/she is a psychic if they claim that "no one" had any negative thoughts about Everest?:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
I'm not trying to convince anyone who's ridden Everest that it is a bad attraction.

No, but you are trying to tell us what the majority of people think of the attraction. And that is absurd because not only do you have nothing but YOUR opinion to support this, it is also flat out wrong.

Merlin said:
I believe you when you say you haven't HEARD a negative remark. That doesn't translate to mean that "everyone" is pleased with this attraction. Others have stated that "no one" has been disappointed with this attraction. How could anyone possibly know that?

You are correct that just because we have not heard a negative comment doesn't mean everyone is pleased with it. However the fact that nearly every train that rolls in has 36 smiling guests who usually break out into applause before quickly getting back in line does. And I have heard plenty of very positive reviews of the attraction from very vocal happy guests after the ride to go with that.

Lastly Merlin your fighting a battle you can't win. You are trying to tell us how other people fell about the attraction. Something I hate to break it to you but you have no knowledge about. The fact is that is only how you (and some others I’m sure) feel about the attraction. Just because it is your opinion does not mean the majority or even a small percentage of the general public shares it. And why do you repeatedly feel the need to get into this discussion here in one thread after another. I just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Since you're claiming to know what I think, doesn't this make you just as guilty for doing what you're claiming I'm doing?:rolleyes:

No, because he actually has evidence to support his claim.


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peter11435 said:
No, but you are trying to tell us what the majority of people think of the attraction. And that is absurd because not only do you have nothing but YOUR opinion to support this, it is also flat out wrong.

Tell me where I've claimed what the "majority of people think of the attraction." You can't, because I've never made that claim. If you're going to debate me, at least debate me based on things I've actually stated and on points that I've actually made.

peter11435 said:
You are correct that just because we have not heard a negative comment doesn't mean everyone is pleased with it. However the fact that nearly every train that rolls in has 36 smiling guests who usually break out into applause before quickly getting back in line does. And I have heard plenty of very positive reviews of the attraction from very vocal happy guests after the ride to go with that.

But how do you know that "nearly every train...."? Are you there 24/7? All you have to base your perception on is the small sliver of time that you've actually been there. As far as people breaking out into applause, a lot of times that's based on the CMs at the end of the attraction prompting people to start applauding as the train rolls in. Everest isn't impressive enough to prompt trainload after trainload of people to think to applaud on their own.

peter11435 said:
Lastly Merlin your fighting a battle you can't win.

What exactly is the "battle" that you think I'm trying to win? I'm expressing my opinion, just as everyone else is doing on these boards. I think that opinion is striking a nerve with you and others because you probably realize I have a point. Instead of admitting that, you'll just say that I'm trying to pick fights and win battles. Neither of those is something I'm trying to do.


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peter11435 said:
No, because he actually has evidence to support his claim.

What exactly is that "evidence"? Let me guess... Here's where you say something along the lines of, "I'm finished with this discussion." I think if someone is going to make a claim about another member of these forums, they should have the backbone to actually back it up, and not simply say they CAN back it up.


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mkt said:
I'm Psychic. I can tell you things that will make you cry.

I think what would make many on this discussion board cry would be admitting their beloved Everest, and attraction they looked forward to for years, did not remotely live up to their expectations. It would sure be healthy and therapeutic though.

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