Expedition Everest - Yeti Spotted! Videos Are Available!


New Member
DigitalDisney said:
Because I am weak, I committed the ultimate sin and watched both videos, even though I'm going to be there for AP preview weekend!

A couple notes / thoughts:
- The waterfall was on! (or at least, a waterfall was on)
- The lift part through the temple looks outstanding. It's too bad the train doesn't slow down to take in the music and artwork
- Some of us may have unknowingly been extras in the video (when video #2 pans over to the main Everest entrance). Ha
- The coaster segments look extremely thrilling
- We really can't see the yeti in the video, due to the nature of the ride, and the poor video quality.

All in all, the ride still looks incredible. The videos really didn't spoil anything (We've seen the models, and read people's accounts of the ride). Most importantly, the videos cannot possibly capture the actual experience of going on the ride. It certainly can't recreate the full adrenaline rush the ride creates.

Also note that all of the effects aren't working in the ride. I know that a CM mentioned some really cool effects on the mountain's exterior that I didn't see anywhere in the video.

I know that when I'm finally in the train and cruising down the tracks, I won't even be thinking about the videos. I'll be busy soaking in all the details of the ride, and enjoying my excurision to Mt Everest.

I LOVE you man!


New Member
yensidtlaw1969 said:
This could be the single best post I have ever read here.

Kudos to you my friend, for a very open mind.

Yensid "meet-my-new-sig-quote" tlaw1969

And you are so cool too! You peeps are great!


New Member
orlandorealtor said:
The indoor Indy que is fantastic, but that small area leading up to the temple really creates the atmosphere. Very dense vegitation that seems to loom over the entire area.

The Forbidden Eye temple itself is quite small. :lol: I actually prefer the Lost River Delta region in DisneySea to Adventureland.


New Member
Pongo said:
I don't think there are too many trees on Mount Everest.

I think the trees are supposed to be stunted. For that exact reason.

I meant during the segment of the ride prior to the lift hill. Even the press release mentions dense forests and waterfalls.


New Member
orlandorealtor said:
I meant during the segment of the ride prior to the lift hill. Even the press release mentions dense forests and waterfalls.

Well we still have a few weeks before previews and MONTHS before opening!


Well-Known Member
ok I watched the video again and i noticed that after they reach the broken track and they start going backwards i noticed that i saw like little bits of like brownish light that you see at the end when u see the aa....maybe u see when start going backwards???


New Member
M:SpilotISTC12 said:
ok I watched the video again and i noticed that after they reach the broken track and they start going backwards i noticed that i saw like little bits of like brownish light that you see at the end when u see the aa....maybe u see when start going backwards???

A Cast Member I talked to said you see the Yeti about 6! Times before you actually encounter the BIG AA!

Ok Peeps I am outie for the night, see you all in the a.m.!


New Member
More thoughts...

- Bamboo has a tendancy to grow pretty damn fast. I'd at least expect the bamboo areas to fill in pretty nicely by the time the official opening rolls around.
- There are a ton of details that we didn't see in the video. I know that I couldn't see things I've personally taken pictures of.
- The video didn't do a good job recreating the sound in the ride. No doubt we can hear the yeti roar a couple times on the ride, and we can probably hear things like the wind blowing, and other effects.
- The video also didn't capture any environmental effects. I'm sure the mountain is pretty cold up at the summit and in the ice caverns.
- Not only that, but the car may rumble or tilt during yeti attacks (I don't know if it happens...it's just a guess)

Remember that this is an extremely low quality video from a ride that occurred well before CM previews!

Finally, don't forget that most things don't look or feel nearly as cool on video as they are in person. No on-ride video is nearly as good as the actual experience. I think we all know this from personal experience.


Active Member
I watched it. Question: Is the part where (*** spoiler alert for those wanting to avoid the video) .........

...... is the part where the Yeti jumps on the track and lifts it up a projected image or an AA? It looks sort of projected. Forgive me if this has been asked already as I haven't read every page of this rapidly growing thread.


Well-Known Member
retroeric said:
I watched it. Question: Is the part where (*** spoiler alert for those wanting to avoid the video) .........

...... is the part where the Yeti jumps on the track and lifts it up a projected image or an AA? It looks sort of projected. Forgive me if this has been asked already as I haven't read every page of this rapidly growing thread.
from the video it just shows the shadow dancing but from the ride experience we are unknown...dun dun dun!!!:lol:


New Member
Has anyone mentioned the possibility that this video could have been leaked intentionally by Disney to hype up the ride? It's pretty hard to hide a video camera, I'm sure a castmember working tower would have seen the camera and they would have been waiting for the perp right as his train rolled into the station.


Well-Known Member
clarkstallings said:
Has anyone mentioned the possibility that this video could have been leaked intentionally by Disney to hype up the ride? It's pretty hard to hide a video camera, I'm sure a castmember working tower would have seen the camera and they would have been waiting for the perp right as his train rolled into the station.
Good call but if u notice in the first video it looks like the guy takes it out of his pocket once the trains has left the station.


Well-Known Member
All can say guys is this...a video doesn't do the ride justice, and there are a lot of effects and even possible changes that won't take effect or be finished until the ride is ready to open this Spring.


Well-Known Member
IT IS JUST A VIDEO! What you will experience when you are walking up to the mountain, walking through the queue, and ACTUALLY sitting in the steam donkey will be extremely different.

I've watched videos of Journey to the Center of the Earth and Indiana Jones Adventure. There was nothing special about either of these attractions from the ride through video, but these rides are some of the most heralded attractions from WDI.

Not even a video of Wishes, a fireworks show, comes even close to standing on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom and experiencing it for REAL.

I ask you to please keep an open mind until you are actually in Florida...I mean Serka Zong....and on your journey in the Forbidden Mountain.


Well-Known Member
I just built up the courage to watch it and HOLY CRAP!

I cannot wait another 12 or 13 days (whatever it is) until the preview. That ride looks sick! :D

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