Expedition Everest - Yeti Spotted! Videos Are Available!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Nice videos! You can't see the yeti too much in the video except for the projection effect. The theming is VERY nice and it looks great. Just a few notes:

The vegitation needs to be a bit more at the beginning. It will make it feel more forrest-like. But that's forgivable since its only the beginning, and after a few years, the vegitation will be nice and big.

I thought he yeti projection effect was rather cheesy. The shadow just seemed to animated and not really natural in its movements. '

Other than that, it looks like Disney has a real winner on its hands! This will DEFINATELY draw more crowds to AK.


New Member
M:SpilotISTC12 said:
I thought they would have used the yeti at the point were the track was broken....

You mean the preview from christmas??

If so, I am sure there will be a vision of the Yeti, kinda noticing you going through the mountain before you see him wrecking the track.


Well-Known Member

elpirataman said:
Did you not see the modern marvels, when Joe said for that split second you see it, you have to think to yourself, was that really real.

It's an optical effect where if your not able to stare at it a long time, you don't notice the mechanics of it. And they want you to keep coming back LOL!

Dont read if you arent interested in the content of the videos

They also said you've never seen something this big move this fast. the only thing moving fast was the projection. A big of a let down since the AA on Journey to the center of the earth looks better to me. I really cant help feeling let down. It looks neat but not nearly what they were building it up to be.

M:SpilotISTC12 said:
I thought they would have used the yeti at the point were the track was broken....

Tell me about it, a longer interaction face to face with the yeti was kind of what they hinted at....


Well-Known Member
elpirataman said:
I promise you when you are on top of that mountain, with the wind blowing in your hair and you are about to be nabbed by that COOL Yeti, you will be so convinced that it was an actual ADVENTURE!

The way you are posting, I've got a feeling you are asking for a letdown. I know it's tough, but just try to think of the attraction as Big Thunder Mountain on steroids and I think you'll enjoy it a lot more :wave:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it wasn't too spoiling regarding the animatronic. Just as blurry and out of focus as actual pictures and video of real cryptids. And yes, I loved the projection effect, very Kong like.
EDIT: LoL at Pongo's sig...


Well-Known Member
bhg469 said:
Dont read if you arent interested in the content of the videos

They also said you've never seen something this big move this fast. the only thing moving fast was the projection. A big of a let down since the AA on Journey to the center of the earth looks better to me. I really cant help feeling let down. It looks neat but not nearly what they were building it up to be.

Tell me about it, a longer interaction face to face with the yeti was kind of what they hinted at....
i agree


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
The way you are posting, I've got a feeling you are asking for a letdown. I know it's tough, but just try to think of the attraction as Big Thunder Mountain on steroids and I think you'll enjoy it a lot more :wave:

I might be, but I would just like people not to rely on that video to where it only shows half of what I KNOW will be a great attraction.

WDI did a great job and over 3 years of contruction I will be satisfied anyway the ride turns out to be.

An I just waisted the ride by watching and I am trying to convince myself that I will still be surprised that there is so much more stuff that has not been noticed by that video.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Tahu said:
And yes, I loved the projection effect, very Kong like.

Well, the thing about it was that I was always under the impression that yetis were HUGE bulky creatures, therefor, it must weigh a ton. Although the shadow dances around as if it were a ballerina. It just seemed somewhat unnatural...


Well-Known Member
bbll24 said:
Can somebody answer this: You go right under the Yeti for a split second, and that's all the contact you have with the AA? Although I think the ride looks great, I think a split second is a waste of a huge, powerful, and eye-popping Yeti animatronic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not disapointed at all, I think the ride will live up to expectations.
Ooh, OOH! Maybe they could create a half hour long Revue with the yeti tapdancing and eating small children!

Ok, that sounded kinda b!+<#y, but you know what I mean. If you sat there in front of it for much longer it would lose it's scariness. You'd start to think 'ok, why isn't this thing coming any closer to me? Maybe he's not so dangerous" and it would ruin the attraction.

Those video's (I caved, by the way, so when Finding Nemo Sub Voyage premiers no videos for me!) didn't have terribly wonderful views of the yeti, though you got a general idea if you freeze framed and stuff, but I feel this thing is gonna throw me into heart attack mode when I see it (and I'm 15 and in pretty good health). I don't know how thrilling the roller coaster aspect is going to be, but that takes a backseat in the case of this attraction. Also, i don't feel the wind or anything from the video, so that too could play a part. Ever watch a video of Big Thunder Mountain? Looks boring in the video, but terribly thrilling when you experience it. I'm sure i'll love every second I'm in that train.

Oh, and the queue line I'm sure will also add to the experience. I've tried lowering my standards to prepare for this attraction and it didn't seem to work, abd I'm not at all dissapointed from the video. As I said, experiencing all the elements of the attraction will make it even better.

I can't wait!

Yensid "so-when-do-I-go-back-?" tlaw1969


Well-Known Member
Well, the Yeti has the ape reflexes, so I think they can still get away with him being like Kong. I still say the bit with the animatronic should be actually seen longer then two seconds. I need to ride this thing even more now...


New Member
imagineer boy said:
The vegitation needs to be a bit more at the beginning. It will make it feel more forrest-like. But that's forgivable since its only the beginning, and after a few years, the vegitation will be nice and big.

I mentioned this earlier and totally agree. When Disney builds a new theme park they fill much of the area with mature vegitation, I wonder why they didn't do this with Everest. They've use lots of bamboo, which is a good filler, but it seems that there are no mature trees/bushes anywhere. I would have loved to start the ride blazing through dense vegitation.


New Member
orlandorealtor said:
I mentioned this earlier and totally agree. When Disney builds a new theme park they fill much of the area with mature vegitation, I wonder why they didn't do this with Everest. They've use lots of bamboo, which is a good filler, but it seems that there are no mature trees/bushes anywhere. I would have loved to start the ride blazing through dense vegitation.

I agree. For some reason, I never seemed to feel a sense of terror or danger like I do on Indy.


Well-Known Member
elpirataman said:
And it is not to be a roller coaster, but an adventure!
This could be the single best post I have ever read here.

Kudos to you my friend, for a very open mind.

Yensid "meet-my-new-sig-quote" tlaw1969


New Member
Because I am weak, I committed the ultimate sin and watched both videos, even though I'm going to be there for AP preview weekend!

A couple notes / thoughts:
- The waterfall was on! (or at least, a waterfall was on)
- The lift part through the temple looks outstanding. It's too bad the train doesn't slow down to take in the music and artwork
- Some of us may have unknowingly been extras in the video (when video #2 pans over to the main Everest entrance). Ha
- The coaster segments look extremely thrilling
- We really can't see the yeti in the video, due to the nature of the ride, and the poor video quality.

All in all, the ride still looks incredible. The videos really didn't spoil anything (We've seen the models, and read people's accounts of the ride). Most importantly, the videos cannot possibly capture the actual experience of going on the ride. It certainly can't recreate the full adrenaline rush the ride creates.

Also note that all of the effects aren't working in the ride. I know that a CM mentioned some really cool effects on the mountain's exterior that I didn't see anywhere in the video.

I know that when I'm finally in the train and cruising down the tracks, I won't even be thinking about the videos. I'll be busy soaking in all the details of the ride, and enjoying my excurision to Mt Everest.


New Member
orlandorealtor said:
I mentioned this earlier and totally agree. When Disney builds a new theme park they fill much of the area with mature vegitation, I wonder why they didn't do this with Everest. They've use lots of bamboo, which is a good filler, but it seems that there are no mature trees/bushes anywhere. I would have loved to start the ride blazing through dense vegitation.

I don't think there are too many trees on Mount Everest.

I think the trees are supposed to be stunted. For that exact reason.


New Member
WDWFantasmic said:
I agree. For some reason, I never seemed to feel a sense of terror or danger like I do on Indy.

The indoor Indy que is fantastic, but that small area leading up to the temple really creates the atmosphere. Very dense vegitation that seems to loom over the entire area.

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