Expedition Everest - Yeti Spotted! Videos Are Available!


New Member
SirGoofy said:
Wow, just wow. Ummm how the heck do you know what I think. I don't like Mission Space, nor do I like Stitch's Great Escape. I haven't been overly impressed with new rides since Tower of Terror, so don't put words in my mouth buddy. I think Everest looks amazing. Do I think somethings could be changed? Yes. The bird could look like it was alive. The section of track before the lift hill could use some more excitement. But I think the ride looks amazing.

And I wasn't letting Steve fight my battles. He wanted us to stop fighting, and I was just trying to listen to him.

Look - your response here doesn't even have a thing to do with my post - which was about realism and a quality product. When did I say you like Mission: SPACE or Stitch's Great Escape? If you can't find something logical to say (within topic) to further your point in this debate than just accept that I've proven my point correct, ok, buddy?


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
i liked the horn as well. made me chuckle with memories of my childhood riding trains in parks.

didnt see the smoke. that is a bonus.
That's it! It made me laugh and reminisce. I think thats why I like it so much.

Seems we have quite the debate here.

I will say this: Disney is like any other company; they have their triumphs, their mediocres, and yes, even failures. My personal opinion of the last few attractions opened (WDW specifically since this is about WDW)...

1. Mission: Space - Mediocre. While a cool ride and dead on, it didn't get the fanfare I'm sure Disney wanted it to receive. Its popularity might improve in the future, but word of mouth is a lot stronger than a critics best rating, and I believe too many people somewhat fear the attraction because of claustrophobia or possible sickness.

2. Stitches Great Adventure - Failure. Sorry guys, this one is going NOWHERE. Every cast member I work with and every person I have talked to is extremely disappointed with how this attraction turned out, and that it is the result of the removal of a very cool (even though it was very adult) attraction. It may become mediocre if they work on the design, and I'll give the ride credit for having some of the coolest looking and realistic moving animatronics I have ever seen, but it needs a lot of work.

3. Soarin' - Triumph. This one hit the nail on the head big time, and just proves that the simplest ideas can become the greatest successes: put moving chairs with wind and smell infront of a giant IMAX theatre screen. That's all Soarin' is, but it's possibilities are endless, and it can be reprogrammed to follow new video in the future, giving it long lasting quality. Plus, its just one freaking cool ride, and I know that because I never shake out of excitement unless I'm on a ride that is truly awesome.

4. Expedition: Everest - Simply put, with videos, pictures, and even seeing the ride in motion from behind the blue wall and seeing the massive structure that is the mountain, I cannot form an opinion until I'm there, in front row, experiencing what WDI came up with for myself. It's just too soon to draw conclusions, and although cool to see it early, the attraction still doesn't open until April, and I feel if the response from testing and CM and AP previews isn't anything other than stellar, they will sit down and make changes to improve it. All of the ride elements aren't even done yet, and the video is shaky, blurry, and will never do any ride justice. Why do you think I rode Stitch even after seeing a video and hearing all of the reviews? To experience for myself.

So will all that said, here's till waiting until April before I form an honest opinion of with we have a Triumph, Mediocre, or a Failure. It all depends on what we like (I love rollercoasters) and what we expect.

*steps off soap box* :)


Montu said:
Look - your response here doesn't even have a thing to do with my post - which was about realism and a quality product. When did I say you like Mission: SPACE or Stitch's Great Escape? If you can't find something logical to say (within topic) to further your point in this debate than just accept that I've proven my point correct, ok, buddy?

I'm just gonna end this hear, cuz you are intent on figthing with someone.

Jose Eber

New Member

Hmmmmmm ana nnnna naaaaa
Hmmmmmmma ana annn aaaa

Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiit the budhist temple at EE Montuuuuuu

You will learrrrrrn to relaaaaaaaaaax


Well-Known Member
May I please direct everyone to this link:


This is a link to a page that features an onride video of Big thunder Mountain. Please follow these instructions to ensure a safe flight:

First, please scroll down until you see the link that reads "Big Thunder Mountain Railroad".

Next, please right click the link and choose "Save Link As". Please be patient, as the video may take a minute to load.

Once loading is complete, click the play button on your screen with your mouse.

Please make sure all computer seats are in the up right position and your keyboard it stored away safely in the desk in front of you.

Emergency exits are located to the left, right, and front of your computer seat. You must be a living being and free of all leg conditions and vegetated states to sit in an exit seat.

If you do not meet these requirements, or you just do not wish to sit there, please contact your mommy now.

On behalf of the Yensidtlaw1969 Skyteam, thank you for flying with us.

:lookaroun . . .

Anyway, does this video compare at all to the actual experiencing of Big Thunder Mountain? Of course not. Why? Because you cannot fully take in the surroundings the way you want; you are limited to what the videographer has chosen to show. You cannot get inside a 2 dimensional space. You cannot fully experience something without being there. It just isn't the same. Video's DON'T live up to real life counterparts. Which would you find to be more fascinating, Seeing a video from the top of the Eiffel Tower, or actually being there? having experienced both, I can assure you the video does nothing but fall terribly flat compared to the actual experience.

Please hold all judgements of this attraction until we have lifted off and the capitain announces that is is safe to make your decision. A list of all items that are not permitted at any time on this flight can be found in the pamphlet in the pocket of the seat in front of you.

Thank you.

Yensid ".-.-." tlaw1969


Account Suspended
elpirataman said:
Oh heavens NO! I am an Anglican Christian Actually, but that is besides the fact.

This will sound horrible.. but for a split second i thought you were saying you worshipped Angelina Jolie.


Well-Known Member
yensidtlaw1969 said:
Please hold all judgements of this attraction until we have lifted off and the capitain announces that is is safe to make your decision. A list of all items that are not permitted at any time on this flight can be found in the pamphlet in the pocket of the seat in front of you.

Thank you.

Yensid ".-.-." tlaw1969
Nearest exits are left <---- and right -----> :lol: lol
Good points though. I was just on BTM the other day, and that video was very well shot. It didn't give me a good impression of the ride though. (and I love BTM!)

Jose Eber

New Member
mousermerf said:
This will sound horrible.. but for a split second i thought you were saying you worshipped Angelina Jolie.

Both her and Brad I think will inhabit their own circle in hell.

J>K!!! I had to make this thread veer off completely didn't I?

How about that video -- pretty slick huh.


New Member
Yes very cool and awesome! Can't wait till I ride it and prove all these Un-believers that there is so much more to this ride than meets a stupid lense's camera!

Of course after they actually rode it, it's their decision to like it or not.


Well-Known Member
elpirataman said:
Yes very cool and awesome! Can't wait till I ride it and prove all these Un-believers that there is so much more to this ride than meets a stupid lense's camera!

Of course after they actually rode it, it's their decision to like it or not.
Yea, I'm getting to ride tomorrow.:lookaroun It's been hard to stay away from these darn spoilers.:eek: Ahh! There's one now! -ducks- Look out behind you!!! the spoilers are attacking!!!

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