Exclusive New Photos of Inside Everest!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just think this will be a great attraction, whether or not we get to see the Yeti up close and personal to terrify us all. :lol: But the truth is, we have to look on this as an achievement. This is going to be a great ride, and it has been destined to be that way since it was announced nearly a year ago now. Look how far we have come, and now we see the near finished product and everyone is fidgeting. Come on guys, just wait til it opens, and then you'll see if you have bragging rights or not (not to offend anyone, just pointing that out, if I get in trouble for it, I'm sorry, I am). Otherwise, just have patience and wait. I think the wait for this mega-attraction will be very anxious and will make us all excited for it, but we must be patient. Our waiting will be satisfied in the end. :wave:

Just a little advice from the wise side of myself. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Mind my question if it is a repeat. But will the train be going a decent amount of speed while passing it like the matterhorn? Or like a slow creep? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Lynx04 said:
I am sure when they had the team in a small room brain storming they thought of that. I think the main reason it is in the area where it will be is because it is close to ground level and in an area easily accessible from the outside for installation and rehabs.
Not to mention I think the idea of placing him right before the drop seems a little hackneyed.


New Member
How do we know the yeti is a he? Who says it can't be a female yeti? Explain that one to me! Obviously this issue is far more important than what speed the train passes the yeti at, or whatever silly thing it is you people are bickering about.


pbc said:
How do we know the yeti is a he? Who says it can't be a female yeti? Explain that one to me! Obviously this issue is far more important than what speed the train passes the yeti at, or whatever silly thing it is you people are bickering about.

:eek: :veryconfu Does it matter wether it is male or female?

And I have to agree putting it by the drop would make it no different than Jurassic Park at IOA.


Well-Known Member
Throughout the whole ride the yeti is trying to "push" you out of the mountain. By not seeing him/her/it until right near the end it allows the story to continue to build suspense and intensity all the way up to and including the ending. From what I've been able to gather from rumors and track layout sketches, I'd have to guess the big drop is probably closer to being 1/2 to 2/3 through the ride than near the end. If your one time shot of seeing the Yeti happened before the drop, what would be left to continue to propel the story for the rest of the ride? But I must admit that I don't know how much ride is after the drop before you do see the Yeti.

Of course, I'd imagine there is also the logistic reason for the Yeti AA being near the end. The Yeti AA needs to be housed in its own structure that is separate from the one which supports the coaster tracks and the one which supports the mountain structure. According to Rhode, the yeti AA's actuators produce forces equal to the engines of a Boeing 747. If that force were to be transmitted to the tracks or the mountain structure, the whole thing could shatter from the rattling. Thus one can imagine its easier to build a separate room near ground level than 80-90 feet into the air. Not to mention its easier for maintenance access if it is accessible from ground level. But I do believe the decision on when we see the Yeti was story board driven and not necessarily based on ease of building.


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice pics. I can't wait for it to open. Just saying it has the force of a 747 makes me want to get on it even more. :)

Yen_Sid, if you don't mind me asking, how do you get these pictures? <.<


Premium Member
The photos are stunning! Hope to see more of the mountain down the line.

With all this talk about how the ride will work, does anyone have an idea/guess at the total ride attraction time? One thing I was disappointed with it's competitor, Revenge of the Mummy at USF, was how short the ride felt. The ride should contain quality, but at a good enough pace where we get our thrills and absorb the story.


Well-Known Member
maxime29 said:
The photos are stunning! Hope to see more of the mountain down the line.

With all this talk about how the ride will work, does anyone have an idea/guess at the total ride attraction time? One thing I was disappointed with it's competitor, Revenge of the Mummy at USF, was how short the ride felt. The ride should contain quality, but at a good enough pace where we get our thrills and absorb the story.

I heard the ride was gonna be somewhere along 3 minutes, but I could be wrong. 3 minutes is actually pretty long for a roller coaster. RnRC is about 2.


Well-Known Member
TheOneVader said:
I heard the ride was gonna be somewhere along 3 minutes, but I could be wrong. 3 minutes is actually pretty long for a roller coaster. RnRC is about 2.
About 3 1/2 minutes. However that includes the time spent on the lift hills.


New Member
Original Poster
CTXRover said:
What would "normal speed" be for this part of the ride? Are you entering the scene via a banked drop or are you sort of coasting into it on a relatively horizontal track? Cruising by at 20-30mph would be disappointing but cruising by at a few mph like other dark rides makes sense. It sounds like a lot of time and money went into making the creature and the whole ride builds up to seeing him, so I hope we got a pretty good glimpse of him.

I've been very busy the last few weeks and so haven't posted at all, but in another thread a week or so ago, I believe either Lee or you (I remember it being someone I trust for insider Everest info) indicated that "other creatures" will be seen on the ride as well. If so, can anybody shed some light onto that? Other small AA or static creatures? Any live animals? There was a rumor I read somewhere that said some type of (animatronic?) vulture might be seen at the end of the lift hill before the backwards drop. Any truth to that?

You will probably get a good 2-3 second look at the Yeti, the train will be coming down the last hill and Yeti will attempt to grab the train as it goes by.

Yes. They will be a vulture somewhere when the train first goes outside the mountain again. No live animals, except maybe some birds flying by.


New Member
Yen_Sid1 said:
You will probably get a good 2-3 second look at the Yeti, the train will be coming down the last hill and Yeti will attempt to grab the train as it goes by.

Yes. They will be a vulture somewhere when the train first goes outside the mountain again. No live animals, except maybe some birds flying by.

I was wodering how many times does the train enter and exit Everest?
Any glowing crystals?


Well-Known Member
The_CEO said:
Will there be sensors on the track telling the Yeti where the train is and to perform his cycle?

It will work just like every other ride. They know what they are doing. Just look at how the Dinos in Dinosaurs react to the vehicles.

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