Friday, con’t
We tapped in at the Virtual Queue entrance and began our tour of the “Wonders of Xandar” gallery. This would be my 4th tour — and the first one where I felt nervous. I felt like a little kid and kept looking to Em for reassurance. I was still undecided and continued to weigh the pros and cons in my mind.
Stop freaking yourself out! If you have butterflies in your stomach before you even get to the preshow, that will not bode well for a positive ride experience!
I managed to convince myself not to bail out here.
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“I read that sitting in the middle car is less likely to cause motion sickness,” Em said, still sensing my struggle.
“Will you ask for the middle?” I pleaded.
“Of course.”
When we reached the first preshow theater I decided not to think about the coaster.
Just enjoy the preshow like you’ve done before, I told myself. Mind over matter.
Naysayers claim this attraction has a weak storyline. I disagree. I think the preshows set the scene very well. And today, when the second show ended, I had a strong desire to see the story through to its conclusion.
I paid close attention to the load zones, something I had not done before.
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Em held true to her word. She asked the loading CM if we could sit in the middle. She asked us to move to the side and then instructed us to go to row 5.
I climbed into the vehicle more excited than worried.
You can do this! Mind over matter!
I was determined to keep my eyes open as long as possible. Motion simulators require me to shut my eyes in order to tolerate them. This was a coaster, not a motion simulator.
You can do this! Mind over matter!
The backward launch was what concerned me most. If it made me sick, I’d be doomed for the duration of the ride. Em had told me the launch is over quickly and that she would warn me right before it happens.
“Gamora says the word
back. As soon as she does the music starts and the launch begins.”
What happened the moment I heard the word
back, I will never forget.
The familiar
Conga began to play! Em’s goal song! I was immediately ecstatic for her. At the same time I was caught up in the thrill of the backwards launch. Without even realizing what I was doing, my arms shot up over my head and I began upper body dancing to the catchy tune.
As the ride photo will attest, I was having the time of my life! (Not sure about the poser behind us.
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My eyes were open. I was taking everything in. This ride
is fun!
Uh oh.
What’s happening in my stomach? Why am I getting queasy?
Mind over matter, Tu!
But matter was winning. The queasiness intensified. The ride was about 30 seconds too long for my tummy tolerance. I was very happy when we pulled into the exit tunnel.
I had no difficulty ascending or descending the double staircase. I didn’t need to sit down. No headache or dizziness. The waffles would not be making a second appearance.
But the queasy feeling would remain for the next 45 minutes.
I won’t rule out riding again in the future. But even if I never do, I will always have the wonderful memory of that fantastic (and very fun)
Conga launch!