I can't really say there's any I regretted; like someone said before you gotta try them all and then make a decision to do it again or not. Personally, I was bored with GMR. I also was a little disappointed with M:S. With all the problems with people getting sick and some with pre-existing conditions dying, I really expected something bad. I was sick for a few days down there and just started feeling better, so I was a little reluctant to ride this, but I didn't feel it was that bad. In fact, I've been on worse rides. I didn't feel the spinning at all. I guess for some their bodies just know when they're spinning and they protest. Prime Evil Whirl did crack my neck and back, but I was ok. So far I guess I'm just lucky with rides. My body does sometimes feel a little weird when I ride in an elevator. You know, those crazy rides at the malls.:lol: I've only gotten headaches from certain rides at other local theme parks.