Ever done anything stupid to spoil part of WDW for you?


New Member
On my first trip to WDW I didn't know about Early Morning EMH. When I found out, I thought that the whole Magic Kingdom would be open. I wanted to make Splash Mountain our first ride and take the WDW Railroad over to the Frontierland Station. For about 25 minutes, while everyone else was riding SM and Fantasyland attractions without any line, my wife and I sat in the Main Street Train Station until about 8:30 a.m. when a cast member came upstairs wondering what we were doing.

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Sadly, my reaction to line jumpers is the "stupid" thing I do every year. I go to WDW with every intention of ignoring them (like my husband is so wonderful at) but I just can't seem to get over it. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Not stupid but humorous in a stupid sort of way..

on our honeymoon, my husband didn't request a king size bed. so we got stuck with two doubles....

which wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't 6'3.....

thats all i got.

LOL that's pretty silly

Let's see...on two different trips DH and I have both made the bonehead mistake of leaving one ticket in a FP machine. Both times Disney totally replaced it which was awesome, but it still sort of throws you into panic mode!!


Well-Known Member
no, not one bad day for me...

I have never had a bad day at WDW. ever. to the point where, I want this next trip to be perfect as well, as it may be my last trip for many years.

and I get concerned. concerned that something will screw it up for me.. because for me WDW is one of the places on earth that I have never had a bad day.. not from my abusive father.. not with my wife and kids.. not ever..

so for me WDW is safe haven. and I don't want anything to ruin it ever.


New Member
My first day on my last trip with my husband was on Superbowl Sunday, Feb. 1st,2009. After a couple of drinks watching the game at ESPN Zone, we decided to watch the 2nd half of the game in the hotel room. My husband had those "squares" where if the quarter ended on a certain number, you could win the bet. Well, sure enough, at the end of the game one of the teams (It wasn't the Patriots, so I actually don't even remember who was playing) scored. I was jumping on the bed and tried to high-five my husband and fell off of the bed!!!!:brick: I busted up my knee badly and had to wear this huge leg bandage the rest of the trip while I hobbled everywhere!!! It still hurts till this day!! Hopefull it will be better by our next trip in September!!!!


I peed my pants in the If I had Wings queue :eek::eek::eek: I was just a little kid and we were in line and I didn't want to ask my family to leave the line so I could go to the bathroom so i tried to hold it. :cry:

After that when we went back and I was older (old enough to take a joke) my sisters would ask if I wanted to go on the attraction that was brought to me by the letter "P" :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I peed my pants in the If I had Wings queue :eek::eek::eek: I was just a little kid and we were in line and I didn't want to ask my family to leave the line so I could go to the bathroom so i tried to hold it. :cry:

After that when we went back and I was older (old enough to take a joke) my sisters would ask if I wanted to go on the attraction that was brought to me by the letter "P" :rolleyes:

No offense, but how cute :D


New Member
My stupid moment was letting my mother in law invite herself to our very first trip with our children. It had been almost 7 years since I had been because we had moved out of state, had our 3 kids and dealt with health issues with one of them. I am used to going very often so that was a long time. I was SO excited to go to Disney after so long and as a mom for the first time. On the trip she was always second guessing me and overriding me as a mom with my kids and my DH said nothing. I was so mad I could not wait for her to leave the last day. And, I told my DH never again.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Oh man I have a doosey.

I was standing in line at Soarin' and I revealed I was Jimmy Thick from these boards. I got slammed with photo and autograph requests, it made the wait for the ride even longer.


New Member
Here ours, In 2006, Our family of 4.We were in Ecpot on July 4th. We had went to a QS to grab lunch the place was packed, so My DH and I stood at the counter to grab our food and we sent our DD- 16 @ the time and our other DD-6@ the time we told them to go find a table an we would call her on her cell, well she did not bring it with her she left it back at them room. My DH gives her his and I would call her from mine, ok great plan in place.

We eat, again this place is standing room only. folks were standing next to tables waiting for someone to get up.

ok, we fininsh eating and go about our day. Later that night like at midnight(was EMH) we split up my DH& DD-16 want to ride MS & DD-6 want to ride Soarin, the wait for me was like 90 min. well I realize getting off the ride the park is finally closed, they are just trying to clear the rest of the guest out. I also realize that my cell phone is dead, can't call the DH. Well headin back towards MS, a security gaurds is approaching me and saying I found them and calling on his radio, next thing my DH &DD come around the corner ( of course trying to figure out what is going on) my DH says to me do I Have his cell phone...:shrug:. I am like no. Well guess what I guess at the eatery in th erush to get up & move we left it on a tray and think it got thrown in the trash.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
we went and reported it lost in the park & to the cell company

ok, so now we lost a cell phone, we do not get back to the resort and to bed until after 3am. Now we need ot get up by 7am becasue we made a 7:40am pickup reservation to meet with DVC ( which we joined). needless to say I was not a very nice person.

To end this on a good note, we had arrived home back from vaction and were home 3 days, Went to check our mail and there was a package from Disney in the mail. Can you believe they found the phone and mailed it back to us.. So even when we do things that seem stupid, Disney will do what ever it can to still be magical.


Active Member
On a previous trip to the World for our last day we wanted to spend our last day at Epcot and watch Illuminations.

Stupidly we forgot to check the flag on top of the American Adventure building and ended up trying to watch Illuminations through a hell of a lot of smoke.:brick:


Active Member
I wear contacts so on last years trip I decided to bring an extra pair if I had to change them. The day after we arrived I decided to change my contacts for nno serious reason. I had already thrown my other contacts down the drain when I put the new ones in a realized that a huge scratch was across one of them so I couldn't wear them and ended up having to wear glasses for the next nine days of my trip. (P.S. I hate wearing glasses just because it is ten times easier to wear contacts) I have learned my lesson and will most likely bring two boxes on my next trip. :lol: Another thing is a bunch of antibiotics because I got horribly sick on that same vacation, good thing it's Disney and I still had an amazing trip! :sohappy:


Sadly, my reaction to line jumpers is the "stupid" thing I do every year. I go to WDW with every intention of ignoring them (like my husband is so wonderful at) but I just can't seem to get over it. :cry:

WOW! I feel ya sister. I try REALLY hard but it's really frustrating for me too. To me, it's not so much having to wait a few extra minutes but a complete lack of class on the part of said line jumpers not to mention why they feel they are above waiting like the rest of us.


Active Member
I wear contacts so on last years trip I decided to bring an extra pair if I had to change them. The day after we arrived I decided to change my contacts for nno serious reason. I had already thrown my other contacts down the drain when I put the new ones in a realized that a huge scratch was across one of them so I couldn't wear them and ended up having to wear glasses for the next nine days of my trip. (P.S. I hate wearing glasses just because it is ten times easier to wear contacts) I have learned my lesson and will most likely bring two boxes on my next trip. :lol: Another thing is a bunch of antibiotics because I got horribly sick on that same vacation, good thing it's Disney and I still had an amazing trip! :sohappy:
LOL I took 45 pairs (single use) with me for our last stay of 14 nights!


Active Member
As many of you will know, the last week or so in May was very wet..

We were in the Magic Kingdom and had Fastpasses for the Jungle Cruise - and it was pouring with rain.

We managed to just get on the boat that was about to leave the dock so we were seated at the back on the right side of the boat. Had I known then what I know now, I would have never got on that boat!

The front section of the boat has a cover that slides over the entrance which keeps the riders dry, however, the rear section does not (ours didn't anyway.

I was sat almost in the area, under the open section of the roof - so I was absolutely soaked... I don't think I could have got any wetter even if I jumped in the water and swam around the ride!



Well-Known Member
I guess at the eatery in the rush to get up & move we left it on a tray and think it got thrown in the trash.:ROFLOL:

I actually check trays when I throw their contents away at work for that very reason... to this day I've saved 5 wallets, 3 pairs of earrings and even a wedding ring. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I personally have never done anything stupid, but I can not say the same for my dumb a** ex! We had just arrived at disney, it was the start of our 10 day trip with our son. Well needless to say this guy is chatting away on the phone outside the resort while he thinks our son and I are still asleep. Well, lets just put it this way, I found out some very interesting information, like the fact that he was cheating on me, for a long time!!! So, while I was hurt, ok devestated! I was strong and held it together so I could give my son an excellent vacation! Now that it is just me and my DS, our trips are more magical then ever!

That's freaking awful!!! Hope your lawyer neutered him..(and this IS coming from a guy)

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