Ever done anything stupid to spoil part of WDW for you?


Well-Known Member
So, this was many many moons ago. I think I was 10 back then. My parents usually brought me to Disney. My dad was a theme park nut, and my mom really enjoyed herself. However one day I wanted to go to the parks and they sent me with my Aunt Loretta for a couple days. I forget the reasoning.

For two days she just complained. Being Canadian and having a poor exchange rate back then did not help either. The small portions, the lines, the walking. Not even in the jesting manner or "take-it-in-stride" manner. I remember eating in Italy at Epcot and her just rambling on about how the food was so small for the price she paid and I just felt guilty about eating. Instead of having a good time and worrying about money later, I worried about her having a good time.

I told my parents about this a couple years later and they were shocked. They said they'd never put me in that situation again. Luckily, I'm 28 now and I only go to the parks with people who can swing a full day.

Isn't she just a happy camper?? :)


Well-Known Member
Here ours, In 2006, Our family of 4.We were in Ecpot on July 4th. We had went to a QS to grab lunch the place was packed, so My DH and I stood at the counter to grab our food and we sent our DD- 16 @ the time and our other DD-6@ the time we told them to go find a table an we would call her on her cell, well she did not bring it with her she left it back at them room. My DH gives her his and I would call her from mine, ok great plan in place.

We eat, again this place is standing room only. folks were standing next to tables waiting for someone to get up.

ok, we fininsh eating and go about our day. Later that night like at midnight(was EMH) we split up my DH& DD-16 want to ride MS & DD-6 want to ride Soarin, the wait for me was like 90 min. well I realize getting off the ride the park is finally closed, they are just trying to clear the rest of the guest out. I also realize that my cell phone is dead, can't call the DH. Well headin back towards MS, a security gaurds is approaching me and saying I found them and calling on his radio, next thing my DH &DD come around the corner ( of course trying to figure out what is going on) my DH says to me do I Have his cell phone...:shrug:. I am like no. Well guess what I guess at the eatery in th erush to get up & move we left it on a tray and think it got thrown in the trash.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
we went and reported it lost in the park & to the cell company

ok, so now we lost a cell phone, we do not get back to the resort and to bed until after 3am. Now we need ot get up by 7am becasue we made a 7:40am pickup reservation to meet with DVC ( which we joined). needless to say I was not a very nice person.

To end this on a good note, we had arrived home back from vaction and were home 3 days, Went to check our mail and there was a package from Disney in the mail. Can you believe they found the phone and mailed it back to us.. So even when we do things that seem stupid, Disney will do what ever it can to still be magical.
Awesome Story


New Member
Taking a Girl I was dating For about 3 Months to Walt Disney World As a Birthday Gift.. I paid for everything.. made Special dining arrangements(She being a Vegan).. Me the complete opposite of a vegan...lol.... After 5 Fun filled days Dropped her off at home and never got a thank you or heard from her again... I am used to being used .. And to top it off on the way home we found out Anna Nicole Smith had died

Wow...you had her for 5 days to spoil her and she showed no appreciation! I could imagine how you felt, but I'm sure you've learned from that. I bet she went home feeling horrible herself. Don't worry- things definately do happen for a reason :) I hope you've been able to move on.

Off topic: I was actually working in the medical office bldg for a pediatric surgeons office at the time of Ana Nicole's Smith death -She was down at the ER next door at the hospital. From the my boss office window, I saw all the crowd and commotion going on with officers, news stations, and a helipcopter above our building. We didn't believe it from our patient's parents signing in at the window until we opened up our MR system and found her real name and med records. Definately was her.


New Member
I actually check trays when I throw their contents away at work for that very reason... to this day I've saved 5 wallets, 3 pairs of earrings and even a wedding ring. :lol:

Then I say thank you for all that you do!!! I wish I could have found out who the person was that turned it in to tell them thank you so much. do not know how much I appreciate it.


Oh man I have a doosey.

I was standing in line at Soarin' and I revealed I was Jimmy Thick from these boards. I got slammed with photo and autograph requests, it made the wait for the ride even longer.
Dude really!? :eek: I should do that when I go in 4 days ..... :lol:


I proposed to my wife in the Rose Garden back when WDW had an engagements dept. THe CM was telling me stories the about the job where girls who said NO! and how it was always the first day of the trip. :hammer:
This past February my new husband and I were on our honeymoon and I ruined about a day due to losing my wallet. We were on the bus back to Coronado from the contemporary when I looked in my bag and noticed my wallet was missing. I was hoping I had just left it in the room on accident but after going back to the room and finding nothing I was all nervous. I was calling around seeing if anyone found it but nothing. We were all worried about how I was going to get home without my license since I couldnt board a plane without ID and we had no credit cards on us so we were unable to rent a car to drive back. After calling around and no one having seen it I was unable to sleep that night. THe next day we decided to go look ourselves when I got a call from the Contemporary telling me they found it. What a relief. And we were both surprised to find not a penny was missing. Gotta love Disney!


New Member
Last fall we did a land-sea-land vacation. I had the flu during the first land portion and got better about halfway through the sea portion ... when we checked in at AKL I though the worst was over. We were at the bus stop waiting for the EPCOT bus and waiting (it is AKL) and taking a trip to the gift shop while waiting we saw a bus come for DHS and decided to hop onto the bus to DHS and then boat over. Tragically in my excitement of running to catch that bus I took a happy little hop to get on the bus step and missed. I jumped up totally embarrassed and sat down on the first seat. DH asked if I was okay and I burst into tears. The resort manager and Disney security called the Reedy Creek paramedics as I lay on a bench at the bus stop crying and saying that I was going to blackout from the pain. Luckily the paramedics took a good look at me and nothing was broken, just some really deep contusions on my shins and a badly sprained ankle. The resort manager on duty was really nice, she got us a wheelchair to use for the rest of our stay and even got us the first available room so I could lie down. DH had to spend the last 4 days pushing me around in a wheelchair! I was a bit embarrassing after the fact b/c people that had seen it happen would keep asking how I felt whenever we were waiting for busses the rest of our trip. It was funny for MNSSHP b/c he went as a Man U fan and I was a Chelsea fan (football hooligan style). I did have the joy of going to physical therapy for 6 weeks when we got home and even now you can still see faint bruses on my shins. But it makes for a memorable trip ... somehow my accident-prone stories always begin with "well, I was just walking / running and...":lol:


Well-Known Member
Last fall we did a land-sea-land vacation. I had the flu during the first land portion and got better about halfway through the sea portion ... when we checked in at AKL I though the worst was over. We were at the bus stop waiting for the EPCOT bus and waiting (it is AKL) and taking a trip to the gift shop while waiting we saw a bus come for DHS and decided to hop onto the bus to DHS and then boat over. Tragically in my excitement of running to catch that bus I took a happy little hop to get on the bus step and missed. I jumped up totally embarrassed and sat down on the first seat. DH asked if I was okay and I burst into tears. The resort manager and Disney security called the Reedy Creek paramedics as I lay on a bench at the bus stop crying and saying that I was going to blackout from the pain. Luckily the paramedics took a good look at me and nothing was broken, just some really deep contusions on my shins and a badly sprained ankle. The resort manager on duty was really nice, she got us a wheelchair to use for the rest of our stay and even got us the first available room so I could lie down. DH had to spend the last 4 days pushing me around in a wheelchair! I was a bit embarrassing after the fact b/c people that had seen it happen would keep asking how I felt whenever we were waiting for busses the rest of our trip. It was funny for MNSSHP b/c he went as a Man U fan and I was a Chelsea fan (football hooligan style). I did have the joy of going to physical therapy for 6 weeks when we got home and even now you can still see faint bruses on my shins. But it makes for a memorable trip ... somehow my accident-prone stories always begin with "well, I was just walking / running and...":lol:
Are either one of you from Europe? It is odd to see such hardcore soccer fans from the US.


Active Member
Last fall we did a land-sea-land vacation. I had the flu during the first land portion and got better about halfway through the sea portion ... when we checked in at AKL I though the worst was over. We were at the bus stop waiting for the EPCOT bus and waiting (it is AKL) and taking a trip to the gift shop while waiting we saw a bus come for DHS and decided to hop onto the bus to DHS and then boat over. Tragically in my excitement of running to catch that bus I took a happy little hop to get on the bus step and missed. I jumped up totally embarrassed and sat down on the first seat. DH asked if I was okay and I burst into tears. The resort manager and Disney security called the Reedy Creek paramedics as I lay on a bench at the bus stop crying and saying that I was going to blackout from the pain. Luckily the paramedics took a good look at me and nothing was broken, just some really deep contusions on my shins and a badly sprained ankle. The resort manager on duty was really nice, she got us a wheelchair to use for the rest of our stay and even got us the first available room so I could lie down. DH had to spend the last 4 days pushing me around in a wheelchair! I was a bit embarrassing after the fact b/c people that had seen it happen would keep asking how I felt whenever we were waiting for busses the rest of our trip. It was funny for MNSSHP b/c he went as a Man U fan and I was a Chelsea fan (football hooligan style). I did have the joy of going to physical therapy for 6 weeks when we got home and even now you can still see faint bruses on my shins. But it makes for a memorable trip ... somehow my accident-prone stories always begin with "well, I was just walking / running and...":lol:
Oh I know exactly how you feel! One year my family and I decided to head to DTD to see one of the Pirates movies the first day it came out, since it had rained throughout the day and we left the park we were at. It stopped pouring but there were a bunch of puddles everywhere. We headed over to the Rainforest Cafe before the movie and were walking down the ramp. I had just gotten a brand-new white Disney sweatshirt and I love the Pirates movies so I was all excited. Well, I didn't see the huge puddle at the end of the ramp and in the midst of my skipping I slipped and fell on my back and twisted my wrist trying to catch myself. I was not super hurt but it was so embarressing since everyone saw me and was staring. I burst into tears from embarressment and tried to tell my family that I was fine and to stop asking but they wouldn't leave it alone. Everyone would ask if I was okay and the waitress brought over an ice pack which was really nice but it also made everyone continue to stare at me since I had provided them dinner and a show. I survived dinner but was so annoyed with myself that I didn't even eat. I bruised my back and since it was the first night Pirates had opened the theater was packed so we sat in the middle of the row and of course I really had to go to the bathroom and didn't know when the movie would be over so my dad helped me get across the row since my back was killing me. We ended up missing the end of the movie. I felt horrible physically and emotionally. I'm really happy to know I'm not the only klutz in the world though, I don't know about you but this happens to me often. :lol:


Active Member
Back in 2002, my then girlfriend (now wife) were staying at All Star Sports and had enjoyed a day lounging and relaxing by the pool. We were very content. I was excited because we had priority seating lined up for dinner at Marrakesh in Epcot. I had never eaten there and couldn't wait to try it!

As is common in August, rain clouds showed up in the late afternoon and my girlfriend wondered if we should even bother going to Epcot and perhaps stay dry and hit the food court. I assured her the rain would be temporary and Marrakesh would be worth risking the rain anyway.

Well, as you can expect, the moment our bus reached Epcot, the clouds opened up and the MOTHER OF ALL RAINSTORMS HIT!
We were already committed and I proceeded to drag her through the front gate all the way back to Marrakesh. (about as far a trip as you can make in a Disney park). Obviously, we were soaked to the bone by the time we arrived. She wasn't terribly pleased!!

But that's not the worst part.

After finally getting seated, for some unknown reason, I felt the need to state that the last time I had eaten food like this, I was with a previous girlfriend. One that she wasn't a particular fan of. MY GOD!! WHAT AN IDIOT I AM! SHE WENT BALLISTIC!! Who could blame her?
It was the most uncomfortable meal I've ever had in my life. Even multiple drinks didn't improve her mood. I payed the $100 bill and slumped out of the restaurant for the long trip home.

It's a shame! Marrakesh is such a nice place. But for me, it'll always be the place in Disney World where I made the Ultimate Bonehead Move!! SIGH......................... Anybody else have spots in WDW that you've tarnished forever??
This post reminds me why I am glad to be gay. :wave:


Active Member
I actually check trays when I throw their contents away at work for that very reason... to this day I've saved 5 wallets, 3 pairs of earrings and even a wedding ring. :lol:
You are great to do that...I'd love to see the admiration on their face when they get it back!


New Member
I thought of another one:

Trip before last on a day we were at DHS before we were going to leave that evening to return to the hotel my DH let me do a bit of shopping while he sat on a bench with the kids past out in the stroller. I went through ALL the shops quickly (because we wanted to leave the park before Fantasmic ended) and bought a couple of things from two shops. I then rejoined them and we walked out of the park. When we were waiting in line at the bus stop I realized I left the digital camera (with ALL our photos) in one of the shops. My DH and kids stayed in line while I ran back. I was worried they would not let me back in because my DH had the tickets. Anyway, they were very nice and let me run back in. I felt like a crazy lady running through the park. Luckily, I found the shop that it was at really fast and the CM had it at the back counter for me in case I returned. I then ran back to the bus line just in time for us to get on the bus that had just pulled up. I felt SO stupid and out of breath! :)


New Member
Don't think this fits into stupid but it did ruin the trip for an hour or so. My DS had been having #2 issues being on this super exciting trip and change in routine I guess. He finally felt like he needed to go and we were in Mexico. No, we had not eaten there! :) Anyway, I took him to the bathroom they have inside the restaurant. It took forever but he finally went. Just then my DH sent in my DD who then had to go #2. When that was over the third was sent in too (yes, a #2!). Mind you I never got to leave the bathroom. Just when I thought it was finally over the first one came back in for another go at it. They were little so they needed mommy assistance. I was feeling very warm in there and felt as though the walls were coming in on me. It had been at least an hour that I was in that stall. Eventually I was freed from the bathroom. After that I told my DH that every trip after he can take the boys to the bathroom and I'll take our DD. Funny enough the last two years since our one DS has a #2 issue when we get to Mexico. Last year it was so bad that we had to throw away his underwear and I forgot to pack an extra pair to take to the parks that day. DS didn't mind though he was dancing around feeling so free!:ROFLOL:

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