Ever "converted" anyone?


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I grew up going to Disney World. It was our favorite family vacation. We went whenever my parents could scrape the money together to pull the trailer down to Fla.

But, alas, my husband was a Disney Hater. :hammer: The only reason he agreed to go on our first family trip in 06 was because I guilted him "Fine, don't go - miss the look on your daughter's face the first time she see Cinderella's castle." So, he (grudgingly) went.

And grumbled when I woke everyone up early to hit the parks. And complained and whined a good bit. But, after a couple of days his enthusiasm picked up. He admitted that it's worth it to get up early. He was blown away by KS in DAK. He started to remark on the theming and details. He enjoyed using the buses and not having to drive or navigate.

So, guess whose idea it was to plan another trip to WDW in 07? Yep, the Husband's. Oh, and whose idea was it to plan another trip for this year? Yep, right again - the Husband's. And when there's a WDW show on the Travel Channel, guess who runs as fast as the kids to plop down on the sofa and watch it? The Husband.

So, I believe the conversion is complete. :drevil:

Next up, his sister. The Husband said "if anyone can do it - you can."

*evil laugh*​


New Member
My husband was the first one. He grumbled and would belly ache about, "Why do we have to go to Disney again?" After the second trip together, he was just as excited as I was.

The second is my best friend. She has never been to all of Disney World before (she made a one day trip to Epcot that I dragged her to several years ago). She has agreed to come this year for a long weekend--the conversion begins!!!!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I will have to say that I am still working on my DH but I think he is caving. He loves Disney, but does not see the need to go every year like I would love to do. The kids and I talk about Disney everyday and he just smiles. It won't be to much longer and he will be as big a fan as me, hopefully. :D

The Disney Kid

Well-Known Member
Well, you see, I'm the convert. My sister did it to me and now I'm trying to do it to several of my inlaws. My wifes sister and neice have already fallen to my diabolical plan, and another sister is about to suscumed! Sometimes I feel guilty about making the lines longer, but,then I figure,"What the heck!"


My DH was reluctant on our first trip in '04, but since it was a family trip and a gift from my parents he went. He had a blast! Now he goes with me once a year, won't do the twice a winter that the kids and I do but he really enjoys the one time a year he does go! Oh, yeah, he'll complain about watching the Disney shows on tv, but he watches along with the rest of us!


Well-Known Member
I converted my hubby. He had only gone once before meeting me. He was never really interested in going, but I kept chipping away with him. It only took one trip for him and he was pretty much hooked. I talked him into buying into the dvc, and now he is the first one to pull out our dvds to watch as a family. He also thinks he knows more about disney than me. I guess I've created a monster. :lol:


My boyfriend, he was easy. We planned a trip to Disney World this Sept. "for me", he couldn't understand why Disney was not just any other amusement park to me. He thought I was ridiculous when I would talk about Disney magic. But the conversion started when I took him to Disneyland last week. He was running around like a little kid just as much as I was. If he thought Disneyland was amazing, just wait till I get him to WDW!! :)


New Member
LOL lets try all my friends, They've never been but they say my eyes light up and I make everything sound so magical and exciting that their dying to go, and since I'll be working down there this summer I'm gonna take them XD. I still have to convert my sister, it's not that she hates Disney, she's just anti-theme parks in general. Every ride, even Buzz Lightyears Space Ranger spin scares her. She can only handle it's a small world:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I will have to say that I am still working on my DH but I think he is caving. He loves Disney, but does not see the need to go every year like I would love to do. The kids and I talk about Disney everyday and he just smiles. It won't be to much longer and he will be as big a fan as me, hopefully. :D

I agree. DH had a great time but I think he looks at Disney as a lot of work because we have 3 kids and last time we went it wore him out. He LOVED EPCOT though, and was sold on it. So...this year he was the one who suggested we go during the first week of Dec when the crowds are low and the Christmas stuff is up...that surprised me. Circumstances have kept us from actually planning this trip, but it gave me hope that he's starting to grow his own Mickey Ears.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This really is not the conversion of a family of Disney haters but more so a family that was apathetic to the whole Disney experience. They liked Disney but did not "get it".

We had been close friends with this family for a good 6 or 7 years and they are really into RVing. They have a very nice 5th wheel and just recently purchased a $125,000 rig to pull it. (this thing is like a semi) Around the beginning of the year we planed a week long Disney trip together. We were going to stay in a cabin at their camp ground and they were going to stay in their 5th wheel. They bought annual passes and off we went for a week.

We did all the fun restaurants like WCC and 50's prime time. They were introduced to the magical goodness of Dole whips and Figaro fries. We hipped them to many of the hidden details such as hidden Mickeys, the names on the windows on Main Street and the back story on such inconspicuous things as the Frontier land French fry cart. By the end of the week this family was beyond hooked. Since then they did 3 of the 4 Star Wars weekends as well as a few other weekend trips.


I'm working on converting my boyfriend. He's not opposed to Disney, per se, he just doesn't like passive entertainment. He likes to be doing things, not standing in line or watching a show. I understand that and won't ask him to go with me every time, as a result. He is, however, a huge wine lover, so I'm trying to talk him in to going to the Food & Wine Fest with me. I've already got my plans in place, and he knows he's welcome to join me, but I don't push the topic. He brought it up on his own this past weekend, so my fingers are crossed.


I converted a co-worker and he and his family have gone for the past three years in a row...now anyone going to disney
comes to me for advice !

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