I hate (no, I don't but I feel like I have to say it ... kinda like when a bad person dies and you're forced to say 'that's too bad' but inside you're thinking ' took so long?') to be the voice of reason and ripping of TDO ... but I will.
There was a time when WDW could remove all/most of its holiday decorations overnight. Really. It required tremendous effort, timing, teamwork and, most of all, staffing ... but it was done.
Now ... in an era where Halloween decorations are up in the MK in August!!! there is a simple reason why the Christmas decorations are still going on 1/9: MONEY!!!
They don't have the staffing levels needed, or the desire to pay others OT, to remove it all. And, no, sorry it isn't an issue of the weather either as TDO has been doing this for years now.
I recall visiting WDW for MLK weekend in 2005 and both my resort (Dixie Landings) and one resort area (EPCOT resorts ... at least YC and BC) and one park (Studios) still had most if not all the holiday stuff up ... over three weeks POST-Christmas. ... the stuff was down a few days later, but please ... that's just beyond tacky. In January of 2008, I was up around this same time (marathon weekend) and I recall decor being around, but not specifically where ... I do think the EPCOT tree and parts of the LoW were definitely still there.
Just as bad as the Halloween crap up in the middle of summer. Or the fact that two days after Christmas the local CVS and Walgreen's had all their Valentine's Day merchandise on the shelves when it wasn't even NY yet.
There's nothing wrong, and some would say a lot right, with leaving decorations up through 1/1. And since since it fell on a Friday, it would only make sense to keep it up through the weekend. But by Monday there should have been no trace of any of it ... maybe Wednesday if they really took their time.
I wonder when the final stuff is coming down ... as in all resorts, DD, parks ... I know there's often a schedule on cast portals ... anyone forwards it to me, I'll be sure to put it up? Oh, and the schedule is made waaaaay before Christmas.