All that happened with Spectro is it didn't get the TLC and the Referb that was planned.... Makes me wonder what's going on with MSEP/PTN right now..........
MSEP wasn't a cut in 1999 since Spectro returned in 2001. And I don't believe MK was saving any money in 2010 when we had MSEP and 180 Prim. Fireworks every night that Summer. I'm not going to lie, what happened after 2010 for Spectro is Tragic. But, I don't believe that was MK's Real Plan on IOA's Potter Opening Day. And MSEP did have a Successful Run until Oct 2016. We all know what happened after that......HEA was and still is Brillant, but it should be able oto work with a Light Parade!!!
How are we so sure ROE Returning will be Epcot's next step if Luminous Bombs?? I have not seen one Insider saying ROE is still in Epcot's Office!!