Figments Friend
Well-Known Member
@marni1971 @Figments Friend - Do either of you know of any rumors regarding Epcot? Is the company satisfied with the park as it is now?
I don*t think i am the one that can really have a clear answer to either of those questions, George.
The last bonified *rumor* i heard related to EPCOT was the rumblings related to the Imagination Pavilion re-imagining.
We have heard it all before....for years now.....about plans in the pipeline to overhaul the Pavilion and revamp the currant attractions list.
This has yet to have happened as we all know, the project constantly being delayed due to budgets or inter-Company drama....or just pure lack of interest up to this point within certain parties.
When the recent rumor surfaced about the Pavilion being slated for closure early next year i had to take it with a grain of salt.
*Here we go again...* part of me was thinking...
What sparked my interest this time around however was this:
Words exchanged regarding the *rumor* of Tony Baxter being a adviser to the currant version of the proposed project.
There was talk of this a few months ago...not sure if this is still the case.
At the time the wording was along the lines of him being *allowed* to *play around a little* with whatever concepts had been developed.
Things constantly what might be absolutely *happening* or *true* at one point in time can suddenly a few months later turn into * not happening* and * not true*.
Rumors are rumors...but i trust the source for this one.
I will confess i would be absolutely thrilled if this happens.
Having his imput and advice on the project will take it to another level, however small the influence may be in the end if the case may be.
Wether or not the team assigned to producing the re-do is open and willing to take him up on what he has to offer is another matter, but i would like to think things could be beneficial for both parties.
Nothing wrong with getting some new talent into the mix, but having someone with the experience who came before you offering some insights on the sidelines never hurts.
The Guests will end up the real winners though, when they deliver a better attraction then what is currently there.
It would mean a lot to Tony i am sure...and of course the fan community would likely be thrilled.
Again, just a rumor.
I have no real *insider edge* at least, in my opinion.
Martin i am sure can give you much better insights.

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