Epcot Christmas tree failures - it's getting embarassing

87 GN

Active Member
Our first night on our trip 11/29/09 the second section from the top of the tree had the white lights out. They fixed it when we returned Dec 3rd for Illuminations.


Active Member
Bring him back

Time to get flamed:eek: Christmas season was Christmas season under Eisner. The parks were well maintained and clean.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
SW has done an amazing job with Christmas this year. They have 4-5 new shows and pyro. They have decorations ALL OVER the place. Great lighting at night.

Other than Ozzy and Sharon's Ozark Cousins (and really, who names their kid Breezy??!?) Dancing Light Spectacular at TPFKaTD-MGMS, SW by far was the most impressive 'holiday' park I visited. Wish I could have made it back a second day.

Disney really needs to step up their act at the holidays as the financial faucet has been turned on now that Sea World's sale is complete.

I also hear they have hired some guy with a great track record to put on some amazing night spectaculars at all their parks nationwide.:xmas:
Davidson or some other thing you mentioned?:lookaroun


New Member
The Epcot tree has been having sporadic failures on parts of the tree since the season began, well tonight it took a turn for the worst and it had a total outage throughout the night. Guests at Epcot tonight had very little holiday decor as they walked around Future World. No Lights of Winter, no lit Christmas Tree, and I have to say, it's embarassing. For a park that is based on technology and the future, with Sylvania Siemens as principal sponsor, it's unbelievable to me that they would let it get to this state. An unlit tree is for me worse than no tree - it looks awful sitting there in pitch black. The only lit decorations in Future World are a few trees on the fountain stage (that you could buy at the local store), and a few recycled topiary from previous years lit with some lights.

Many of us wondered what would happen when Jim was replaced with Dan, well I think we are starting to see. Epcot is falling apart if this holiday season is anything to go by. If management can't get the park show ready to the Disney standard, they should be moved on, as they clearly aren't doing their job.

Here is a photo of tonight's tree and how it looked.

On another note, I posted a few days ago about Peace on Earth having a lot of pyro cut - same again tonight - pyro cut.

Anyone know exactly what Jim is doing now? I was told a while ago he was moved to a "special project."


Premium Member
Anyone know exactly what Jim is doing now? I was told a while ago he was moved to a "special project."

Yes Jim is working on the implementation of Radio Frequency ID applications across the resort. It's a big deal.


New Member
Maybe they should start using "B" mode holiday lighting as with the Yeti in EE. Just light the trees up with giant strobes and maybe nobody would notice anything wrong. :rolleyes: We were there ten days ago and Epcot was a mess. Lights out all over the place, including the tree, and no LoW. What a shame. We did enjoy the park, but not the same as years past.


This is sad TDO can't even handle holiday light, they should do a bang up job managing the FL expansion!


Well-Known Member
Apparently, TDO has gotten the message on LoW.

EPCOT will be getting more decor for the holidays starting next year and some sort of lighting event/show to replace LoW, but the latter may not happen until 2011.

It's sad that a company that used to be able to put up buildings overnight now needs years to put together Christmas displays (btw, Kevin Yee has a great column about the sparse decor as well as the Christmas Parties on another site).

Disney might take a lesson from Sea World on holiday decor.

Oh, and if you wonder where all the decorations and trees that have disappeared from view have gone, the answer is Property Control where CMs can buy fully decked out trees from the parks and resorts for as little as $75.


When I was at DHS in early December there was a 3 foot gap in lights near the top of the tree.

Our first night on our trip 11/29/09 the second section from the top of the tree had the white lights out. They fixed it when we returned Dec 3rd for Illuminations.

I thought this was bad enough back on December 5th. Little did I know it could become a total Failmas tree.

The Epcot tree has been having sporadic failures on parts of the tree since the season began, well tonight it took a turn for the worst and it had a total outage throughout the night. Guests at Epcot tonight had very little holiday decor as they walked around Future World. No Lights of Winter, no lit Christmas Tree, and I have to say, it's embarassing. For a park that is based on technology and the future, with Sylvania Siemens as principal sponsor, it's unbelievable to me that they would let it get to this state. An unlit tree is for me worse than no tree - it looks awful sitting there in pitch black. The only lit decorations in Future World are a few trees on the fountain stage (that you could buy at the local store), and a few recycled topiary from previous years lit with some lights.

Many of us wondered what would happen when Jim was replaced with Dan, well I think we are starting to see. Epcot is falling apart if this holiday season is anything to go by. If management can't get the park show ready to the Disney standard, they should be moved on, as they clearly aren't doing their job.

Here is a photo of tonight's tree and how it looked.

On another note, I posted a few days ago about Peace on Earth having a lot of pyro cut - same again tonight - pyro cut.

Lame post of the day.... below:


Geesh.... Do you guys go to DW (or Epcot in this case) solely to look at all thems purty lights, or do you go for the attractions..?

If you're just going for the lights, your comments might be justified, (unless you're complaining that 2 feet out of 100 are burned out) otherwise you're just whining for the sake of whining.

... hopefully Santa brings you a hobby this year...

... Merry Christmas! :zipit:


Premium Member
Original Poster
Geesh.... Do you guys go to DW (or Epcot in this case) solely to look at all thems purty lights, or do you go for the attractions..?

If you're just going for the lights, your comments might be justified, (unless you're complaining that 2 feet out of 100 are burned out) otherwise you're just whining for the sake of whining.

... hopefully Santa brings you a hobby this year...

... Merry Christmas! :zipit:

Yes I do go to the parks during the holidays purely to see the lights and decor. I'm a local, so I can do attractions at quiter times when there is nothing else going on in the parks.

I feel my comments are perfectly justified. A tree sitting there with large sections out, or in the case of last night, 100% outage all night, is not good enough.

If you aren't interested in hearing about it, don't read the thread.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and if you wonder where all the decorations and trees that have disappeared from view have gone, the answer is Property Control where CMs can buy fully decked out trees from the parks and resorts for as little as $75.

They were only $40 the last time I was there.:D:p

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