Epcot Christmas tree failures - it's getting embarassing


yes I do remember that, does ANYONE remember BEFORE low were added, there was an epcot b4 that.... granted they were great decorations, but seemed to be an afterthought from DISNEYLAND PARIS, added after their first christmas season in 92, which was also the year we LOST the 2 christrmas trees that used to be in front of the castle on each side.

I remember when the CP was held at the MK. We were packed onto Main Street and Pat Boone was the Narrator.:xmas:


Well-Known Member
The Epcot tree has been having sporadic failures on parts of the tree since the season began, well tonight it took a turn for the worst and it had a total outage throughout the night. Guests at Epcot tonight had very little holiday decor as they walked around Future World. No Lights of Winter, no lit Christmas Tree, and I have to say, it's embarassing. For a park that is based on technology and the future, with Sylvania Siemens as principal sponsor, it's unbelievable to me that they would let it get to this state. An unlit tree is for me worse than no tree - it looks awful sitting there in pitch black. The only lit decorations in Future World are a few trees on the fountain stage (that you could buy at the local store), and a few recycled topiary from previous years lit with some lights.

Many of us wondered what would happen when Jim was replaced with Dan, well I think we are starting to see. Epcot is falling apart if this holiday season is anything to go by. If management can't get the park show ready to the Disney standard, they should be moved on, as they clearly aren't doing their job.

Here is a photo of tonight's tree and how it looked.

On another note, I posted a few days ago about Peace on Earth having a lot of pyro cut - same again tonight - pyro cut.

I can only think of one thing about this post...


New Member
I've heard this comment many times around here this year. I am very upset about the loss of the Lights of Winter this year, however other than LOW and the train in front of the AA I have not noticed any decorations missing this year that have been there the last few years.

Japan used to have hanging baskets of chyrsanthamums(sp), and they're gone. Have been for the past couple of years. Morocco is missing it's red and green flags. Mexico also had tapistries/blankets(?) of the 3 Wise Men on display. The UK also seemed to have more decorations too. I've looked at my pictures of World Showcase for the past few years and I definitely see decorations missing. Oh, and I havent seen the hanging ball of mistletoe in Canada this year.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
If I can jump in, the Epcot tree was fully lit, complete with strobes, yesterday night, December 17th.

And yes, you'd be hard pressed to realize its the holidays at Epcot right now. The lack of decor is striking; I almost would have preferred they did nothing instead of the half-assed job they did do.


Well-Known Member
If I can jump in, the Epcot tree was fully lit, complete with strobes, yesterday night, December 17th.

And yes, you'd be hard pressed to realize its the holidays at Epcot right now. The lack of decor is striking; I almost would have preferred they did nothing instead of the half-assed job they did do.
That's good to hear about the tree.

As for the decorations, at least they attempted something. :shrug:

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
That's good to hear about the tree.

As for the decorations, at least they attempted something. :shrug:

Ehhh, in some cases, I wish they hadn't. The Land litterally had three trees scattered about and a lone wreath on a pillar for Christmas decorations. Honestly, give me $100 and 30 minutes at Wal-Mart and I could've quintupled the decorations that are currently there. The lack of effort was borderline insulting in some cases, and I respectfully said as much in a visit to Guest Relations.


Well-Known Member
Ehhh, in some cases, I wish they hadn't. The Land litterally had three trees scattered about and a lone wreath on a pillar for Christmas decorations. Honestly, give me $100 and 30 minutes at Wal-Mart and I could've quintupled the decorations that are currently there. The lack of effort was borderline insulting in some cases, and I respectfully said as much in a visit to Guest Relations.
Where in The Land? :lookaroun

Where else was it insulting? I have reason to believe it's one of the pavilions in WS...

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Where in The Land? :lookaroun

Where else was it insulting? I have reason to believe it's one of the pavilions in WS...

Well, insulting is a bit strong of a word I suppose, but its the closest description I feel overall. :shrug: The UK, apart from a handful of minor window displays and wreaths, had nothing. France had similar issues. Canada looked rather bare also. Others have touched on the lack of anything festive in other areas such as Morocco, which used to have red and green flags during the holidays. Also extends to the days when wreaths used to drape the lightpoles around WS. Didn't the smaller christmas trees in WS Plaza light up at night? And even the main Christmas tree was disappointing: no presents, no blue uplighting, and ugly branches used to cover the bottom portion of the tree. I just found it all really disappointing. :shrug:
Lame post of the day.... below:

Geesh.... Do you guys go to DW (or Epcot in this case) solely to look at all thems purty lights, or do you go for the attractions..?

If you're just going for the lights, your comments might be justified, (unless you're complaining that 2 feet out of 100 are burned out) otherwise you're just whining for the sake of whining.

... hopefully Santa brings you a hobby this year...

... Merry Christmas! :zipit:

I'm being sarcastic for the sake of being sarcastic, my apologies. I still enjoy being in the parks.


Well-Known Member
Epcot is falling apart if this holiday season is anything to go by. If management can't get the park show ready to the Disney standard, they should be moved on, as they clearly aren't doing their job.

The Florida elements are mostly to blame for these things. Wind and rain can shake things apart, especially when they are electrical. But Epcot isn't the only area it happens. The lights on the giant Mickey wreath on the north side of the Contemporary have been out more nights than they've been on. The tree at DHS has has several sections of lights out constantly. The Osborn Lights have had sections not working from time to time. These things happen and they are fixed on a daily basis. It has nothing to do with poor management.

On another note, I posted a few days ago about Peace on Earth having a lot of pyro cut - same again tonight - pyro cut.

Pyro is cut from many firework shows due to wind or rain elements as well. Since Illuminations is so close to it's guests they often get cut for safety reasons. It's a normal part of operation that the stage manager can pull at anytime to keep people safe. Wishes does the same from time to time and I've been there several times when certain shells are not launched. So again, it's not just Epcot.


The Florida elements are mostly to blame for these things. Wind and rain can shake things apart, especially when they are electrical. But Epcot isn't the only area it happens. The lights on the giant Mickey wreath on the north side of the Contemporary have been out more nights than they've been on. The tree at DHS has has several sections of lights out constantly. The Osborn Lights have had sections not working from time to time. These things happen and they are fixed on a daily basis. It has nothing to do with poor management.

Pyro is cut from many firework shows due to wind or rain elements as well. Since Illuminations is so close to it's guests they often get cut for safety reasons. It's a normal part of operation that the stage manager can pull at anytime to keep people safe. Wishes does the same from time to time and I've been there several times when certain shells are not launched. So again, it's not just Epcot.

Dont blame it all on weather or safety, DISNEY has just gotten CHEAPER & CHEAPER, discount rooms, give away TONS of food, make getting decent food IMPOSSIBLE, & all at the same time put out less decorations or crappy ones that don't work half the time....:fork:


This was posted on the orlando sentinel regarding another issue at wdw, but fits this post as well,

Anyone with eyes and ears that has been to Disney now, and say 2 years, ago, maybe even 2 months ago would have to admit, the place is falling apart. The executives may be happy, but as a guest, I have to say it’s the worst theme park in the USA. WDW used to stand for quality, magical. Now stand for “Sell them more junk” “Charge them to stand in some locations for fireworks”, poor food. Tiny portions of cheap meals. Poor service. Castmembers who seem miserable to be there. Of course, there are exceptions, but the place has gotten too stingy at the guest level for our family to return. Think they’re thriving on Europeans who either don’t notice they’re being skimped on, or don’t care. Either fix WDW, or just shut it down. The slow death is painful.


Well-Known Member
Dont blame it all on weather or safety, DISNEY has just gotten CHEAPER & CHEAPER, discount rooms, give away TONS of food, make getting decent food IMPOSSIBLE, & all at the same time put out less decorations or crappy ones that don't work half the time....:fork:
No, I'm sorry. It's more complicated that that.

This was posted on the orlando sentinel regarding another issue at wdw, but fits this post as well,

I'd love to see that link.

Either fix WDW, or just shut it down.



New Member
We just got back and I was not at all impressed with any of the decorations in ANY of the parks this year, and we also went around to all the resorts and it was just ho hum.

Ill say this tho, last year we stayed in the Animal Kingdom lodge suites for Christmas week and Christmas day we went to Universal....it was BEAUTIFUL....I was VERY impressed.

Anyone with eyes and ears that has been to Disney now, and say 2 years, ago, maybe even 2 months ago would have to admit, the place is falling apart. The executives may be happy, but as a guest, I have to say it’s the worst theme park in the USA. WDW used to stand for quality, magical. Now stand for “Sell them more junk” “Charge them to stand in some locations for fireworks”, poor food. Tiny portions of cheap meals. Poor service. Castmembers who seem miserable to be there. Of course, there are exceptions, but the place has gotten too stingy at the guest level for our family to return. Think they’re thriving on Europeans who either don’t notice they’re being skimped on, or don’t care. Either fix WDW, or just shut it down. The slow death is painful.

With a heavy heart and a sigh I agree with the above statement. *sigh* (except for the WORST theme park statement tho....really, has this guy ever been to 6 flags New Jersey? yikes. LOL)

Castmembers who seem miserable to be there.

I have noticed this more and more over the years....you cant have a tattoo or a certain haircut but you can be nasty to a guest....hmmm OK.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Pyro is cut from many firework shows due to wind or rain elements as well. Since Illuminations is so close to it's guests they often get cut for safety reasons. It's a normal part of operation that the stage manager can pull at anytime to keep people safe. Wishes does the same from time to time and I've been there several times when certain shells are not launched. So again, it's not just Epcot.

Unfortunately Peace on Earth has been cut. It's not related to weather in this case, the pyro isn't in the tubes to begin with.

I did a more detailed post at http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=525603


Well-Known Member
This was posted on the orlando sentinel regarding another issue at wdw, but fits this post as well,

Anyone with eyes and ears that has been to Disney now, and say 2 years, ago, maybe even 2 months ago would have to admit, the place is falling apart. The executives may be happy, but as a guest, I have to say it’s the worst theme park in the USA. WDW used to stand for quality, magical. Now stand for “Sell them more junk” “Charge them to stand in some locations for fireworks”, poor food. Tiny portions of cheap meals. Poor service. Castmembers who seem miserable to be there. Of course, there are exceptions, but the place has gotten too stingy at the guest level for our family to return. Think they’re thriving on Europeans who either don’t notice they’re being skimped on, or don’t care. Either fix WDW, or just shut it down. The slow death is painful.

Wow that is a very bold statement considering that King's Island and Six Flags Theme Parks are in rotten shape( at least the ones here in the midwest are ). While I think WDW has lost some of the luster it once had I still find it to be a wonderful enjoyable experience everytime I am there. As far as angry cast members I guess I just haven't seen it. I have seen a few that seemed uninterested which is bad in itself but angry ones? I guess I have just been lucky. BTW there is no way and I mean NO WAY they shut down WDW at least not in our lifetime.


New Member
This was posted on the orlando sentinel regarding another issue at wdw, but fits this post as well,

Anyone with eyes and ears that has been to Disney now, and say 2 years, ago, maybe even 2 months ago would have to admit, the place is falling apart. The executives may be happy, but as a guest, I have to say it’s the worst theme park in the USA. WDW used to stand for quality, magical. Now stand for “Sell them more junk” “Charge them to stand in some locations for fireworks”, poor food. Tiny portions of cheap meals. Poor service. Castmembers who seem miserable to be there. Of course, there are exceptions, but the place has gotten too stingy at the guest level for our family to return. Think they’re thriving on Europeans who either don’t notice they’re being skimped on, or don’t care. Either fix WDW, or just shut it down. The slow death is painful.

Every time I go to WDW I've never seen one miserable cast member. They're all extremely nice. The park is no where NEAR bad quality! The parks are wonderful and everything there runs smoothly, like clock work. We've never had a problem with service, except for my Feb. Trip of 2009, where our waitress was being yelled at by an angry customer for some reason, and when she came with our food she was nearly in tears. (This was in the Wave in the Contemporary) and we felt really bad for her, so my grandparents left a nice tip. Anyway, the service is good, and the food, it depends on where you eat, if you eat at one of the quick stops that they have throughout the park theres not too wide a variety of food, but once when we went i got half a roasted chicken and it was amazing=-]. There are so many wonderful restaurants in WDW, Especially in the World Showcase in Epcot. Plus the place isn't falling apart.. it's just fine. There are a lot of rundown theme parks, so it's impossible for WDW to be the worst in the USA.


New Member
This was posted on the orlando sentinel regarding another issue at wdw, but fits this post as well,

Anyone with eyes and ears that has been to Disney now, and say 2 years, ago, maybe even 2 months ago would have to admit, the place is falling apart. The executives may be happy, but as a guest, I have to say it’s the worst theme park in the USA. WDW used to stand for quality, magical. Now stand for “Sell them more junk” “Charge them to stand in some locations for fireworks”, poor food. Tiny portions of cheap meals. Poor service. Castmembers who seem miserable to be there. Of course, there are exceptions, but the place has gotten too stingy at the guest level for our family to return. Think they’re thriving on Europeans who either don’t notice they’re being skimped on, or don’t care. Either fix WDW, or just shut it down. The slow death is painful.

Every time I go to WDW I've never seen one miserable cast member. They're all extremely nice. The park is no where NEAR bad quality! The parks are wonderful and everything there runs smoothly, like clock work. We've never had a problem with service, except for my Feb. Trip of 2009, where our waitress was being yelled at by an angry customer for some reason, and when she came with our food she was nearly in tears. (This was in the Wave in the Contemporary) and we felt really bad for her, so my grandparents left a nice tip. Anyway, the service is good, and the food, it depends on where you eat, if you eat at one of the quick stops that they have throughout the park theres not too wide a variety of food, but once when we went i got half a roasted chicken and it was amazing=-]. There are so many wonderful restaurants in WDW, Especially in the World Showcase in Epcot. Plus the place isn't falling apart.. it's just fine. There are a lot of rundown theme parks, so it's impossible for WDW to be the worst in the USA.

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