Epcot Christmas tree failures - it's getting embarassing


Not old, just vintage.
Lame post of the day.... below:

Geesh.... Do you guys go to DW (or Epcot in this case) solely to look at all thems purty lights, or do you go for the attractions..?

If you're just going for the lights, your comments might be justified, (unless you're complaining that 2 feet out of 100 are burned out) otherwise you're just whining for the sake of whining.

... hopefully Santa brings you a hobby this year...

... Merry Christmas! :zipit:

Yes, as a matter of fact I do go to WDW in December for the decorations. I go to Disney several times a year. December is the only time when I can see the decorations that relate to my favorite holiday.

There once was a time when Disney Christmas decorations were an attraction in and of themselves. I am afraid those days may be gone though. To someone who really enjoyed Disney's ability to knock my socks off with the decor, an unlit Christmas tree is a big deal. Those of us whose main attraction in December is the decor (I know I am not he only one out there...) have been dealt a lot of blows this year. Watching what little is left of the decorations fail night after night is only pouring salt in a very fresh wound.

I don't need Santa to bring me a hobby either. I already have one. It's called going to WDW as much as humanly possible. :D

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Yes, as a matter of fact I do go to WDW in December for the decorations. I go to Disney several times a year. December is the only time when I can see the decorations that relate to my favorite holiday.

There once was a time when Disney Christmas decorations were an attraction in and of themselves. I am afraid those days may be gone though. To someone who really enjoyed Disney's ability to knock my socks off with the decor, an unlit Christmas tree is a big deal. Those of us whose main attraction in December is the decor (I know I am not he only one out there...) have been dealt a lot of blows this year. Watching what little is left of the decorations fail night after night is only pouring salt in a very fresh wound.

I don't need Santa to bring me a hobby either. I already have one. It's called going to WDW as much as humanly possible. :D



Well-Known Member
DHS were having issues today as well. The lights could not dance today because of the weather earlier in the day so they were left on static. There were at least six angels not working at all and alot of strands of lights completely off. There were sections of the buildings completely dark, entire Christmas trees off and statues and figures partially lit or off completely.

Quite a shame but still looked beautiful. Maybe some fuses were blown or tripped by the water.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
DHS were having issues today as well. The lights could not dance today because of the weather earlier in the day so they were left on static. There were at least six angels not working at all and alot of strands of lights completely off. There were sections of the buildings completely dark, entire Christmas trees off and statues and figures partially lit or off completely.

Quite a shame but still looked beautiful. Maybe some fuses were blown or tripped by the water.

All I'm sayin' is that they need to be on by Sunday.:fork::lookaroun


Not old, just vintage.
DHS were having issues today as well. The lights could not dance today because of the weather earlier in the day so they were left on static. There were at least six angels not working at all and alot of strands of lights completely off. There were sections of the buildings completely dark, entire Christmas trees off and statues and figures partially lit or off completely.

Quite a shame but still looked beautiful. Maybe some fuses were blown or tripped by the water.

I had a similar experience on a dry day two weeks ago. Parts of statues weren't lit up all over the place. Half dead angels. Parts of buildings not lit. I seriously wonder if what you saw was the same problems I saw back on the 3rd.


Well-Known Member
I hope not, it is pretty poor condition, I remember an entire red canopy was off as well.

Also I couldn't find the happy new year sign this year. I wonder if that hasn't been included?

Has anyone managed to find the black cat yet?


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would throw my hat in the ring here and say that while an occassional bulb isn't really enough to upset me, there really is no excuse for Christmas lights being burned out.

It's not like they don't have 10 months out of the year to check them beforehand.


Yes, as a matter of fact I do go to WDW in December for the decorations. I go to Disney several times a year. December is the only time when I can see the decorations that relate to my favorite holiday.

There once was a time when Disney Christmas decorations were an attraction in and of themselves. I am afraid those days may be gone though. To someone who really enjoyed Disney's ability to knock my socks off with the decor, an unlit Christmas tree is a big deal. Those of us whose main attraction in December is the decor (I know I am not he only one out there...) have been dealt a lot of blows this year. Watching what little is left of the decorations fail night after night is only pouring salt in a very fresh wound.

I don't need Santa to bring me a hobby either. I already have one. It's called going to WDW as much as humanly possible. :D

Don't get all in a heap now... I did say if you're going strictly for the decorations then your comments are justified (or might be justified)... jeesh...

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if Disney's lights are LED's, but my LED's from last season are rusted. Yes, rusted! The contacts inside the flanges are rusted to the point they are garbage. I hope this is not the case here.


Active Member
No kidding? Didn't know most were LED. Explains a bit to me.

I know I've thrown away many a strand of LED's for rust issues. YUP they fail. I never had as many issues in the past with the old "twinkle" lights vs. LEDS not lasting. From ROPE type to cord style...they do fail and rust.

So should we blame WDW for not knowing this? I don't think so. Especially if they worked when tested. Can't predict failure if it works. The insinuations that WDW is purposely putting lights up for failure is ridiculous. Stay home if it bothers you that much...

I remember a few years back when we visited WDW when the castle was covered in the balloon type cake look. During our 12 days on property the top left point of the castle was naked, something had obviously happened and they had to remove it. So yes that part of the castle, quite obvious to anyone not blind, was not matching. All of our pics of my wife and me in front of the castle that year have this blatantly shown. Did we cut our vacation short? Did we hammer on the CM's and anyone who would listen? NO cause things happen. We seldom find things perfect in this world...but to my wife and I WDW is the closest thing. Cut them some slack and while you’re there keep in mind that you are still in the happiest most magical place on this earth.


New Member
Cut them some slack?
Ha !
I think not.
They are professionals who take guests' money to enter the parks.
People come to WDW expecting to see the best, the magical.



I think it's a big deal because so many of us remember a time when Disney made sure that everything worked. Sure you would have the random breakdowns, but they were occasional and would be fixed. Disney touches up paint on the walls overnight (at least they used to) because they didn't want the flaws exposed. Having a malfunctioning tree is a pretty big deal when it's the focal point of your holiday decorations.

yes I do remember that, does ANYONE remember BEFORE low were added, there was an epcot b4 that.... granted they were great decorations, but seemed to be an afterthought from DISNEYLAND PARIS, added after their first christmas season in 92, which was also the year we LOST the 2 christrmas trees that used to be in front of the castle on each side.


Premium Member
Here's the thing, if Epcot had all of their other decorations out from previous years and the tree didn't light up one night, no big deal, bad things happen sometimes...but it looks REALLY bad when it's one of the very few things left at all and it can't even light up.


Well-Known Member
if Epcot had all of their other decorations out from previous years and the tree didn't light up one night, no big deal,

I've heard this comment many times around here this year. I am very upset about the loss of the Lights of Winter this year, however other than LOW and the train in front of the AA I have not noticed any decorations missing this year that have been there the last few years.


Well-Known Member
The Tree Lighting Ceremony went away.
That 'decoration' used to be there.
There was a stage and characters and a ceremony.

Yes, I am well aware of that. However one could argue that was all part of the LOW display and its lighting. I guess what I should have said was that around the park all of the decorations that were there last year are there again this year with the exception of the AA train, and most have been redone or replaced with new LED versions.

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