Epcot Christmas tree failures - it's getting embarassing


Yes I do go to the parks during the holidays purely to see the lights and decor. I'm a local, so I can do attractions at quiter times when there is nothing else going on in the parks.

I feel my comments are perfectly justified. A tree sitting there with large sections out, or in the case of last night, 100% outage all night, is not good enough.

If you aren't interested in hearing about it, don't read the thread.

No problem... If you're going just for the lights, super, complain away...

Complaints about 2 feet of lights burned out, out of a 100 foot strand of lights.... :hurl:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Apparently, TDO has gotten the message on LoW.

EPCOT will be getting more decor for the holidays starting next year and some sort of lighting event/show to replace LoW, but the latter may not happen until 2011.

It's sad that a company that used to be able to put up buildings overnight now needs years to put together Christmas displays (btw, Kevin Yee has a great column about the sparse decor as well as the Christmas Parties on another site).

Disney might take a lesson from Sea World on holiday decor.

Oh, and if you wonder where all the decorations and trees that have disappeared from view have gone, the answer is Property Control where CMs can buy fully decked out trees from the parks and resorts for as little as $75.
So, no LoW, but something new? I'll live with that. EPCOT can be fantastic with lighting, if they want to be.

Hello, SSE...


Active Member
Christmas is Special

Yes we go to look at Christmas trees and other holiday decorations at Christmas time.:sohappy: Rides and attractions are year round. Christmas unfortuntaly for most people is seasonal.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the entire tree wasn't in failiure but that they decided not to light it because of the problems it was having and it would be better show just to keep it off :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the entire tree wasn't in failiure but that they decided not to light it because of the problems it was having and it would be better show just to keep it off :shrug:

Yesterday was the tree's off day... the Mouse our front should have told ya...


Well-Known Member
I kind of think you guys are making a big deal of it =/ Is this really the first time they've had problems with one of the trees being lit? I can't even remember any decorations ever put up in future world in the past, so why is this such a huge issue now that you can't see anything there?

It is very sad to see the tree completely out though. There must be some reason for this!


Well-Known Member
Lame post of the day.... below:

Geesh.... Do you guys go to DW (or Epcot in this case) solely to look at all thems purty lights, or do you go for the attractions..?

If you're just going for the lights, your comments might be justified, (unless you're complaining that 2 feet out of 100 are burned out) otherwise you're just whining for the sake of whining.

... hopefully Santa brings you a hobby this year...

... Merry Christmas! :zipit:
I think the best way to describe a visit to WDW is not for the attractions, not for the decor, but going for the EXPERIENCE. The experience is everything combined into one. Believe it or not, people flock to Disney every year during the holidays to take in the season Disney style. The problem with Epcot is that while they did decorate, it was so sparatic and rushed it defeated the purpose of doing it all. Its actually worse to the human psyche to start and not finish something (or appear to not have) that it is to not do it at all. Lights of Winter was a huge part of the decor there yes, but the response would have been much different if Epcot had been dressed heavier to compensate for the loss.

Walk down mainstreet with the lights, the decorations, the snow, and you really get the spirit of the season. There is that spark, that mood you get into that makes everything else, attractions included, that much more enjoyable. There is nothing like that in Epcot...not anymore at least. Not even the poinsetta topiaries survived the cutback this year.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I kind of think you guys are making a big deal of it =/ Is this really the first time they've had problems with one of the trees being lit? I can't even remember any decorations ever put up in future world in the past, so why is this such a huge issue now that you can't see anything there?

It is very sad to see the tree completely out though. There must be some reason for this!

The thing is, it's night after night, and really misrepresentation of what Disney can really do. On top of that, it's in a park that's missing it's decor this year.


I think it's a big deal because so many of us remember a time when Disney made sure that everything worked. Sure you would have the random breakdowns, but they were occasional and would be fixed. Disney touches up paint on the walls overnight (at least they used to) because they didn't want the flaws exposed. Having a malfunctioning tree is a pretty big deal when it's the focal point of your holiday decorations.
I was there at the beginning of November and they had just put up the DHS tree. It looked awful because the top section (probably the size -- or bigger than -- my normal tree in my house) was all tilted and wonky. It looked as if the whole top was going to fall off. By my last day there (Friday the 13th), they "sort of" straightened it out (but not 100%).

I hope things do get better for next year as that's when we're scheduling our next trip for (some time in December). My daughter specifically requested this time so she could see all the decorations. Hopefully they're there!

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