OK we will try this again. :lol: It was late when I posted.
At least they didn't have to ruin the look. When I first read your post I was a little surprised, because it already seemed obvious (at least to me) that you weren't supposed to go in there with the characters. I couldn't imagine them making it any more obvious and was wondering how they went about making it more difficult. I think the additional landscaping still looks nice and does indeed seem like it might make the would-be scofflaw think twice, if only because it would be more difficult to frame a decent picture.
Regarding the morality/respect subtopic, I agree generally with what others have said, but add the observation that such an ethic is generally enforced by peer pressure, and therefore when one person is seen doing something that most people would otherwise not do, that barrier is lowered just a little bit, and soon you have an orderly line (if your lucky) of people, most of whom wouldn't dream of littering let alone vandalism in their ordinary life.
On top of which, I've seen considerably worse at WDW. Including a family bathing in the fountain at the back of Cinderella Castle at MK.