entrance change to the seas w/nemo



I cringe when I witness children and adults climbing on things and in areas where they shouldn't be. I think it all goes back to the sense of entitlement that has been taught over the years. I am only 33 and I am so glad that my parents taught me respect and discipline. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Nice one, it annoys me seeing this area used as a Playground.

I think this was more indicative of Epcot needing a playground more than anything else. Give the kiddos somewhere they are supposed to climb and that sort of thing. Would take a lot of pressure off of everyone else.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OK we will try this again. :lol: It was late when I posted.



Well-Known Member
This spot (and the climbing issue) reminds me of how different our culture is from the Japanese. When we were over at TDL and TDS, everyone treated everything around them with complete and total respect. Very high detail and theming was literally inches away, and it was never touched. In the que for Splash Mountain there, there's a full animatronic owl right there on the path. Easily within reach. And it's NEVER touched. In the Pooh que, there are gardening and shed tools inches away, and none of them looked like they had ever been bothered. None of them had that smooth "shine" that stuff gets when it is constantly touched by human hands. Paint isn't picked away. There's not gum everywhere you look.

In the states, anything within reach is destroyed. I remember being at DL right when the subs re-opened. In the planters along the que, all the plants looked like underwater type plants. It was amazing. It looked like a coral reef, right there in the planter. The next time I went back, it was all ripped to shreds. You couldn't even tell what it had looked like before. Then on my last trip there a couple months ago, it had all been replaced by common, no frills sort of planting. Depressing.

I love American exceptionalism. :hurl:

I had an experience at nemo last year. It was the only time i got to ride it on that trip and it was the end of the night. Some woman was on the ride snapping photos WITH FLASH the entire ride. Must of been 50+ pictures (and you know the ride isnt that long). My lady (who is normally very quiet and reserved) WENT OFF! That she ruined the ride experience and that likely the photos wouldnt come out anyway (i imagine those projections in the tank wouldnt come out so good with a crappy point and shoot). the woman's response was "oh well". I am generally one of those liberal, live and let live turds, but that really angered me. Who cares about how I am affecting others, I'm gonna be a bull in a china shop? What an attitude! Folks, we got to get our house in order here. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I think this was more indicative of Epcot needing a playground more than anything else. Give the kiddos somewhere they are supposed to climb and that sort of thing. Would take a lot of pressure off of everyone else.

I agree that a play area would be nice, nemo troubles or not. however, the point is that people who insist on sharing their dna with the rest of the world need to be more responsible. if you want to have an orgasm without all the hassles, there are options...


Well-Known Member
I believe this would add entertainment. I'd buy a pretzel & a beer then sit back to watch the hilarity ensue.... Anyone else? :lol:

One of my favorite past times is catching a kid getting a lesson in natural consequences. I generally give the seinfeld response "thats a shame". :D

the problem is in this "civilized society" the herd doesnt really ever get thinned out. in fact, they seem to breed at a much more rapid clip than those who actually have some sense. it doesnt bode well for our species. :dazzle:

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Solution: Keep characters out of Epcot(or at least kid-recognizable ones)

The kids should have a place to climb around, though. You could definitely have play areas themed to the area without characters. Like maybe if they had a Viking ship in Norway that was also like a playground? :rolleyes:

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
wow.. that looks horrible compared to the original setup. ashame what disney has to do :(

I think it looks better but that I think has to do with how trampled the area always looked. The landscaping I believe makes it look sharper. Now what they should have done is raise the characters up a bit and add a small rail around the area. This way you dont obstruct the characters and you keep people out, and you could then redo the sea shell gravel. But this was the least expensive way I suppose.
I cringe when I witness children and adults climbing on things and in areas where they shouldn't be. I think it all goes back to the sense of entitlement that has been taught over the years. I am only 33 and I am so glad that my parents taught me respect and discipline. :brick:

On our trip in November we all got out picture by Nemo & friends. It looked to us like it was meant for that, I don't get what the big deal is.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
While I'm more for '80s Epcot...It would be cool if they changed those Dory/Nemo models for animated talking ones like Mr Potato head in the Toy Story que.


Well-Known Member
Its a shame that people have no respect for others property. We a re glad that WDW did this. I just dont get how people thought it was a play ground and ok to climb up and take pics. Does it look like it was meant for that? Obviously no! Why not just go to Germany pavilion and play with the trains? " stupid is as stupid does" Forest Gump.


It's surprising that it's taken this long for them to fix. I think it became an operations nightmare to ask people to not climb on it so they just stopped. It just became a "monkey see, monkey do" type of act to take pictures climbing up onto the display and so many people did it over time, it just seemed like the thing to do. Personally I hated to see people climbing all over it, but then again, if they really didn't want people on it, they could have made it different or added this plants or something else to block it long ago.


Premium Member
here we see... adults are responsible too

the area has gone through various stages of adding more foliage..



and you saw images earlier in the thread showing even more foilage in there now


Active Member
Do you really think a few plants are going to stop people from getting up there? They are going to be ripped up and stomped on soon enough.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Do you really think a few plants are going to stop people from getting up there? They are going to be ripped up and stomped on soon enough.
Actually I think it might. Humans are a weird bunch. Put something like mulch or stone down around a sculpture and people will walk right up to it. Add some flowers or some bushes and they stay away.


Well-Known Member
While I was there in January an entire Brazillian tour group climbed all over the statues. I would have to say at least 20 or so people were on it when a CM told them to get off the statues and onto the ground...

Gotta be careful - we don't want another board slamming natives of Brazil...

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