Eisner at Epcot on NYE

General Grizz

New Member




Active Member
Richard Simons is by far the weirdest man alive... *in his voice while bringing up knee to stomach for excersise* AND SWEAT! AND SWEAT!! COME ON!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! AND SWEAT AND SWEAT AND SWEAT!!! WOOHOO!! YOU ARE SOO GOOD! AND SWEAT!... etc.

Anyway.... you know, what could Eisner that's that bad that you wan't to throw him on M:S with Simons? :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MartyMouse
People back off Mike for a sec. There wouldn't be a Disney today if not for that man. He may mess up here and there but so did Walt. Give him some time to take in the changes at Disney and see if he comes around before you hang him from the Tree of Life.

He's not a bad man.

Agreed... it’s a business... I know a LOT of us are shareholders on this board... well... at least I hope so.

Look... its a business... Business are run to make profit... would all you bashers THAT HOLD DIS STOCK prefer your shares to be worthless and de-listed and the parks sold off or shuttered forever? :lol: :confused:

Yeah yeah yeah... Roy left, blah blah blah, Magic... Yes, I still believe in those views and visions as well... but what it comes down to is the BOTTOM line.... deep down in your hearts... you must all know that.

Its not all just pixie dust and dreams.... its a company as well…
I am sorry...its not Walt Disney Co. circa 1955.. things change... some for bad... and some good.

This was just the business man in me writing this... so whatever.. take it as a grain of salt... and Flame on!

*edited to correct spelling error*


Account Suspended

Originally posted by DMC-12
Agreed... it’s a business... I know a LOT of us are shareholders on this board... well... at least I hope so.

Look... its a business... Business are run to make profit... would all you bashers THAT HOLD DIS STOCK prefer your shares to be worthless and de-listed and the parks sold off or shuttered forever? :lol: :confused:

Yeah yeah yeah... Roy left, blah blah blah, Magic... Yes, I still believe in those views and visions as well... but what it comes down to is the BOTTOM line.... deep down in your hearts... you must all know that.

Its not all just pixie dust and dreams.... its a company as well…
I am sorry...its not Walt Disney Co. circa 1955.. things change... some for bad... and some good.

This was just the business man in me wrting this... so whatever.. take it as a grain of salt... and Flame on!

well I dont buy this load. First off, if the money was budgeted right the first time around we wouldnt have to be making hour cuts and other cheap corner cost cutting tricks. Also, many, not all, shareholders in any company really don't care about the company but just the cash. Anything to bring that stock up is all they care about. Hey, I have Krispy kreme stock, and you know what...........i really don't care what they do to cut corners as long as the stock stays high..........get my drift? Stockholders are not always the most loyal and faithful and caring bunch within a company....................they care about only the cash in some circumstances. The people you see reading this board and posting are the true Disney fans that should be heard.

We want our hours back, we want our AP privileges back, and we want to see the ENTIRE park open when it's open hours. Im tired of walking through the Magic Kingdom at 2 hours before closing and seeing the back of adventure land's restaraunts and stands CLOSED. Im not bashing. It's just the truth. Also, it's pretty shallow of any shareholder to downplay the fact that Roy is gone. It's insulting. He's Disney blood, just think of it...........HIS LAST NAME IS DISNEY! This guy left his own family's company because of this crap. Im sorry but I'll defend Disney against anyone who comes in to change the dream.

Well wait, yes I am bashing! As a consumer, that's my right! I pay money to Disney with my AP.

I'd like to take Eisner and shave those little sprigs of the last hair left on his head, draw a smiley face on it, turn him upside down and let him walk around all day like that so we can all see what kind of @ss this guy is!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Of COURSE it's a company.

I mean, isn't business more important than quality standards, safety measures, vision, and magic??

OF COUR$E it i$!

Thats not what I said/ment... so dont put words in my mouth. :mad:

General Grizz

New Member

To add to your post, what about SECURITY?

Look at the baggage checks. As much as I hate to say it, they are utterly useless; unless you find their sole purpose benefiting the sense of "false security" the park holds.

Do you know what caused the Disneyland Big Thunder Mountain accident? A "simple mistake" that won't be made again?

No. It's the current system . . . approved by the Disney Company. The standards have sunk SO low that a slew of uncaring Cast Members (and YES, there are more today than ever) whizzed through a test out of utter laziness to fill a completion form. No, Eisner didn't directly cause the accident. But the Cast Members have abanonded "ownership" of the attractions - resulting in injuries, fear, and the death of one innocent visitor in California.

"It's just another job," these Cast Members think. And is it their own fault to think this?

After all, it's "just another business." Right? Wrong.

The Disney Company *is* a business - but it's a different kind. The reason it has stood out for so long - for being closed for CAPACITY the past three days - is because of its forever-known quality standards - friendly Cast Members, quality standards, etc.

Even some of the most popular attractions today - Mickey's PhilharMagic and Mission: Space - have created unpleased visitors based on quality downturn (take a look at the entire queue of PhilharMagic, and the tiny space Space takes up) - Dino Rama, etc. It's future "Soarin over California" will remain with the California theme, so weak and cheap as to not rerecord a film fitting the Land. In essence, no "great classic originals" have been present since 1995 (New Tomorrowland), the time Frank Wells left the company.

And then there's Walt Disney. Sure, there was mass merchandise avaliable. What else? Vault Disney was strangely taken off the air - Walt would be seen no more on television. Walt's Carousel of Progress - the only attraction he told Imagineers to keep - was closed on his birthday. . . before and beyond. Thankfully, based on guest demands, it's been reopened.

These things may seem too simple to be related to Eisner. But if a CEO cared so much, he would make changes - from SAFETY in the parks (ask a few Cast Members about this one) - to vision reflection in attractions and television quality.

Then, more company-wise, Disney's ownership of Viewer's Choice ography, Dimension Films, and more has sent it down into the pothole.

ABC's "Are You Hot?" did no better.

Eisner's layoffs of hundreds of WONDERFUL animators who brought you the successful Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, and Brother Bear - NOT the failing Atlantis and Treasure Planet - have further weakened one of their "pure" departments.

Don't forget the park increase to 52 dollars, with SEVERAL hours chopped off the day - from nightly closings at 9 or 10 to 7 PM WITH seasonal attractions.

And when a CEO interferes with Roy Disney's control over his own department, you know we've got problems.

Sure. This is Disney. Close the parks and open the strip clubs!

What? I thought this was a business. Maybe make some more money.

It's time for some action.


New Member
Oooh! Ooh! Eisner bashing! (jumps into the fray)

Maybe we should just stick Eisner on M:S, and have the video shut off. But don't forget to take out the barf bags first! :fork: :fork:

My family has been Disney shareholders for years, and we ALL hate what Eisner has done to the Company. I know everytime I see him on TV, I start booing loudly and I literally throw things at the TV. :hammer: And the man doesn't know how to dig himself out of a hole for anything. For God's sake, Eisner, when the people hate you, at least have the decency not to try and rub yourself in their faces, it only engenders hate. :P

I agree - TWDC is a business, and businesses are out to make money. However, it has just become a business like any other. There is no "Disney magic" that sets it apart from other companies anymore. That is not what Walt wanted. He flat out said on more than one occasion that money was not his priority. He wanted to make the industry BETTER. To take what was already being done and make it BETTER. Eisner has no such aspirations. TWDC is not what it used to be, and just making money is NOT always a good thing.



Originally posted by grizzlyhall



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't stop laughing! Great one Grizz!

Anyways, Screamscape is saying Mike will be around the Mission: SPACE area near midnight to mingle with guests and talk to them about the parks. Boy, i'd LOVE to be there right now!:D

General Grizz

New Member
Brand New Politicial Cartoons, quotes, and NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS about Eisner at http://www.savedisney.com/ .

"The worst on our list: Walt Disney's Michael Eisner, who averaged $122 million in pay since 1997 while delivering a lame -5% annual return to shareholders." - - Scott DeCarlo ("The Best & Worst Bosses; Which CEOs earned their paychecks last year." Forbes Magazine; May12, 2003)

Brand new article ("Why Eisner Should Leave"): http://www.slate.msn.com/id/2069052/

I posted some highlights off SaveDisney that I found to be the most intriguing:

16) Try a Make-Over: Transform ABC Family into a Disney Classics Channel.
12) Restore: Disneyland for its 50th anniversary. Get those subs open!
1) Start Fresh: Retire! Take that Sabbatical. Backpack across Europe . Join the Peace Corps. Tour the lecture circuit. Write another volume of memoirs. Take a cruise on the Disney Wonder!


Now that's creative.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
ME doesn't have a Disney vision, and never did. He had a good team that, together, they did some great things. And now that he does not have that team... well... we all see the results. And no Disney on the Board!?! What is up with that?

The parks are the one of the few solid moneymakers with TWDC. The problem is the huge siphon that sucks money made from the parks and subsidizes parts of the company not making money. If a business unit can't make money, shut it down. Don't suck the life out of a thriving portion of the business. What is this? Socialism?

Each of the parks can stand on their own. A roll back to safety first, and "castmembers always in the show" would certainly be welcome.

safety+pleasant cast members+cleanliness+quality attractions= full parks and boat loads of cash

What formula are they using now? Because that one was abondoned a while ago.


Account Suspended
If I might interject a point here: Aside from all of the debate about who should get credit for what, i.e. Mr. Eisner, or Walt Disney, one fact is clear. Walt Disney had an uncompromising attitude when it came to guest service/quality of experience in HIS theme parks. A point clearly lost on Mr. Eisner. And it all starts at the top. He's the Captain of the Ship. NO MORE EXCUSES people. And enough already about, it's a business. Umm, I'm pretty sure all of us here know that!!! He doesn't know what he's doing, or we wouldn't be having these conversations.
Get it?!!!

Until there is a wholesale change in attitude from the top down, things aren't going to change!!! We can argue endlessly about who did what, or who did what to whom. But that doesn't matter.

All that really matters is what IS!!!! We know that the parks have suffered by some 7 percent in attendance figures. Maybe okay by other theme parks standards, but this isn't some OTHER theme park. This is the single greatest vacation destination in the world. So it stands to reason that the service/expectation should be the greatest in the industry. Again, I'll make the arguement that full time staff takes more ownership in a company than does part-time. And I'll also state that is based on 14 years of retail experience. Some of which was spent at a Disney Store.

Attention to detail, and an uncompromising attitude toward guest experience and quality of experience for all who come to this happy place.

At least, I think that's what Walt would say.


Well-Known Member
I know it's past Christmas, but I'm going to start posting another version of Christmas Carol,with Eisner as Scrooge along with a cast of characters.
Chapter 1:
Frank Wells was dead. Actually, he was dead for a while now. The Disney Company fell under the control of one Micheal Eisner.
Eisner's heart was as dark as Space Mountain and was cold as Ice Station Cool. He had been leading the company slowly into ruin with micro-management and low budgeting on the parks.
He cared for one thing: money.
Eisner:Who's been using the coal? It costs money to heat up this place.
Mickey(as Cratchit):Sorry sir, but it's really cold in here.And I want the day off tommorow, for Christmas.
Eisner: Christmas? Bah Humbug. Christmas is a time of joy, which makes me absolutely sick.But i'll let you go, but come back 2 hours early the morning after.
Mickey: Thank's(under breath) you old Scrooge.
Well, I'll be off. Merry Christmas.
Eisner: Christmas? Bah Humbug.
(Hitchhiking Ghosts come in as the collectors for the poor.)
Ezra:Would you like to donate some money for the less fortunate?
Eisner: No.
Ezra:But poor spirits and people will be homeless and could freeze.
Eisner: I support the sweatshops, they could go there.
Ezra: But people would rather die then go there.
Eisner: Good, then that will decrease the surplus population.
Bearded Midgit ghost(forgot his name): Man,what a Scrooge.
Ezra: Good day Scrooge..I mean Eisner. May spirits haunt you.
Eisner: Ghosts? Bah Humbug.
Eisner returned to his cold,dank house. It was cheap and poorly light, just the way Eisner liked it.Then,in the doorknob, he saw his old partner, Frank Wells.
Wells: Scrooge.......
Eisner: Lousy Imagineers and their special effects.There's no such things as ghosts, except the animatronic kind.
He went up the stairs to his cold,dark bedroom.Then, an apparition appeared.
Ghost of Frank Wells:Micheal Eisner....
Eisner: Who are you?
Frank Wells: I was in life your partner, Frank Wells.
Eisner: Why don't you have any chains?
Frank Wells: I was a good person overall, of course I have no chains. I am here to warn you, so that your fate won't be as bad as It's going to be if you continue as you have been going. You will be visited by 3 spirits of Christmas. The first one is coming soon at the chime of midnight.Goodbye, you old Scrooge.

To be continued, with the ghost of Christmas Past, who is going to be veeerrry familiar to us all....

General Grizz

New Member
Hahaha good work! I envisioned a version of the Lion King with our favorite CEO as Scar, Roy is forced out, but comes back to fight back the company that is near ruin. . . etc. etc. . . looking up at Walt in the clouds. . . :lookaroun

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