I've read through this entire thread and several like it that totally bash Eisner and I must admit, my knowledge of the history of Walt and Roy and Mike is limited to mainly what I read here but I want to point out my simple view on this whole thing. Maybe many of you are right and having Eisner leave would be a good thing for Disney but here is how I see it.
The way I remember it is when I was a kid, in the 70's, Disney wasn't as popular with the kids as loony tunes and other Sat. morning cartoons because rarely was there an opportunity to see something Disney on TV. There were some cool Disney shows like Daniel Boone but by then, they may have been reruns, I have no idea. I don't really remember any animated movies at the theaters that we would go watch. Maybe it's just me, but Disney wasn't a big part of growing up. We went to Florida every year at least once because we had family there and when we went for a week or two, we usually set aside a day to visit Walt Disney World (MK was the only park there). At the time, 1 day was enough because with only the one park, it was a stretch to go longer than that. Just as a sidenote, we went to Lion Country Safari every year too. (When did that close down, does anyone know?). Anyway, my point is that Disney was a part of my youth but a relatively small part.
Fast-Forward, 2004. I am 37 now and have kids of my own. My kids watch Disney shows all the time, whenever they want and frankly, I encourage them to watch Disney over the other crap on TV like Nickalodean (sp?) because there is a Disney channel which we didn't have as a kid. And we go to the movies several times each year (same as when I was a kid) but whenever we go just about, it is to see a Disney movie. And we vacation at least once a year and the kids get to pick wherever they want and guess what, it's always Walt Disney World and now WDW isn't a day out of the vacation, it is the entire vacation.
My point: Maybe Eisner has made mistakes and maybe he could do things better but let's compare Disney of today with Disney of before Eisner. Which do you prefer? There is no question in my mind. If we must point out Disney's failures recently like Treasure Planet and pin the blame on Eisner, how about pointing out the successes like Pirates of the Caribbean and applauding him for that. (I know, I know, Eisner doesn't get the credit for POTC just credit for the failures like TP)