Hello Eddie,
As one of the guilty parties in feeding speculation at Micechat about the Jean Lafitte mega-theme, I'd like to help put it all back in perspective over there if I can. I know this isn't your favorite topic, but what I'm after is clarification, since various comments from you and from Kevin Yee (both in his book and in various posts at MC) have left some fuzziness around the edges.
It sounds like your original idea did indeed tie together otherwise separated things under a Jean Lafitte theme. The HM and a re-themed TSI would be part of the Lafitte world. It's a little unclear to me whether you affirm or deny that POTC was also to be pulled into this orbit. I would think so, what with the "Lafitte's Landing" sign hanging out there in front of God and everything, but something in the comments cast a cloud over that. So,
was POTC supposed to be part of the Lafitte theme? That's the first question.
The second thing involves the HM movie (2003). It sounds like the speculation about distinctive furnishings in the movie that ended up in both POTC and in HM is just a case of getting all excited about a mundane recycling of props. Is that your view because you didn't have anything remotely like that in your plans, or have your friends at WDI specifically debunked this one? The reason I ask is that it doesn't sound as if you are aware that they made use of your concept in the published background story they put together for the movie. Here's a page:
Ambrose Gracey knew Jean Lafitte, and he had a secret tunnel from a crypt next to his mansion. That's obviously borrowed from your concept. This didn't make it into the finished movie anywhere, but I wondered why the HM movie team was springboarding off your Lafitte idea. Maybe they just thought it added some incidental color to the tale but had no further significance. Did you know anything about this?
The third thing is the Andrew Jackson stuff, which it is pretty clear you think is without any basis. I speculated that it wasn't part of any formal plan that so much of his stuff ended up in the HM attic, and it certainly wasn't aimed at the public under any circumstances, but it was either (1) pure coincidence that AJ is so intimately tied in with the Lafitte story; or (2) not
quite so pure a coincidence. I speculated that some one or other at DL who is familiar with your Lafitte concept, and likes it, chose to recycle a disproportionate amount of AJ's effects to the HM attic just for the jollies. The theory here being that most Imagineers are shameless Disney geeks and may sometimes do little inside jokes just because it gives them a creative buzz or something. Call it a private tribute to your lost idea. Is that pretty far-fetched?
Last, it sounds like much of the debunk is aimed at any notion that there still remains a big, secret plan to unleash mega-Lafitte on an unsuspecting public. When you refer to friends at WDI denying the rumors, is that specifically what you're talking about?
Sorry for the long post. I really do want to get a clearer, sharper picture before I do my
mea culpas over there!