So I was at the park lurking around today for a bit and noticed something most of you probably already knew.
I have been asked many times about the existence of a "megatheme" of Jean Lafitte and Andrew Jackson tying TSI, HM and POTC, even Frontierland together. Well, there is physical evidence that has been speculated on, and I had proposed a TS redo called Lafitte's Island years ago. But to date, I had not seen WDI commit to anything like that in print, just that it was coincidence. So today I pause to actually read the articles on a Newpaper posted at the TSI dock. To my surprise (I'm probably the last fan to see this), it tells of Tom and Huck heading off to "
Jackson Island" and searching for Pirate Treasure. In the article,
Jean Lafitte is brought up as to a likely reason for the treasure being there as he is rumored to have frequented the Island. This is the first time I have actually read anything in print that officially mentions this relationship and places him on a Jackson Island. Then the physical evidence of anchors and POTC docks, etc fall into place. Did you guys already know this tidbit? Did HBG2 already post it someplace?