Eddie Sotto
Premium Member
It often occurs to me, and has been talked about in some books, that this is the way Marc Davis seemed to have thought to me. It seems as though he thought clever sight gags and characters were all you needed to have a good attraction, and had little interest in a guy like Claude Coats's desire to provide depth, theming and immersive backgrounds.
And I know Davis is a legend, and justifiably so, and I feel like a heathen in these parts when I say this, but: I'm not a big fan of that. I feel like Davis was better when his ideas were included as a part of an attraction equally contributed on by others (something I know from his own quotes he didn't like doing as much), like the Haunted Mansion.
I spent some quality time with Marc and you're right, he was a mighty Imagineer. Arguably the most influential of them all and Walt loved his comic sense. Marc could even add a sense of humor to Nature's Wonderland. He had a way with staging of scenes that was unequalled and the same was true of his character design and expressive anatomy. The movement in those Pirate drawings is amazing. He was a great art teacher as well, so he had the draftsmanship down cold. As with the films he worked on, they are collaborative mediums of art. It took a team to pull it off. The characters always played against great layouts and backgrounds. If you look at Pinocchio or Snow White, those richly executed worlds supported the characters and their action. Sleeping Beauty was so stylized that the characters lost some of their emotion to the stiff settings. So there is a balance. Same is true in rides. In Film classes they teach that the sets barely suspend the characters, they don't overpower them. Marc was backed by some of the best production designers from Fox Studios that gave the architecture of the parks and the shows the depth they deserved. There was a classical sense of scale and restraint that is lost on many of today's designers. Those convincing backgrounds "suspend disbelief" along with the actors. So I'd say my favorite shows are the ones where the collaboration of all the talent took us somewhere we could never go. Even if they hated each other!