We do value your input, where have you been?
It has been a tough start to the year. Had a death in the family that actually had me on your coast (and did get me to DL for a day and Trader Sam's for drinks another) ... and since back I seem to get pulled into discussions of a ... um ... less sophisticated nature. ... Yes, I was just posting on the latest never-ending FP thread about refillable mugs. I know I should turn in my Disney Fan Card!
I usually only post on your thread when I can think, which I think is a tribute to the discussion here (or usually!)
Here's a question for ya that I keep getting asked. But the rumor mill said your old pal Tony Baxter was being shoved out the door this month. I heard it from some folks in the company as far back as a year ago ... and noted WDI gadfly Lee MacDonald of the apparently defunct Tales From the Laughing Place fanzine confirmed this online last summer.
Yet, word is Tony is still at WDI. Still working on that new Plaza Gardens makeover. I've even heard he had something in Paris on his plate.
So, do you know anything? Or anything you are free to say?
I sure hope the rumors are true and he is safe for a while. WDI can't keep bleeding the guys that 'get it'.
It's funny but the nepotism thing goes way back. Walt hired his boyhood Friend Walt Pfieffer to look after the Studio vending machines. The efficiency experts kept firing him and Walt would ask where he was and then they'd have to find him and bring him back. When I was 16, I heard you could work in the park for a leasee, Sunkist. It turned out that in the back room it was often a bookmaking operation for the park execs. They were always picking up Oranges at Los Alamitos Race Track! Almost everyone in there was the kid or relation of some Disneyland Exec. Same for the Balloon concession. Imagineer Tom Morris was one of the sellers at a really young age. I was one of the few, if not only kids that got a job at Sunkist Adventureland and had no exec connection. I'd occasionally get asked if my dad worked in the front office.
Oh, that's classic. Not surprising. Neopotism isn't anything new. I've helped people get placed ... even at Disney

shocking, I know, as well as other media companies.
Now, I'm looking to be placed (sorta) as I need a change of scenery. And I somehow don't see Disney looking in my direction.:drevil:
Oh ... I need to think up some good questions/topics for ya.
Here's one that has nothing to do with anything but curiosity, but did you attend the opening of DCA (I know you were already out of Glendale)? Was sharing some memories this week with the anniversary.